Anyone else feel like Pig should get another nerf?

Jokes aside, I played a match as her after months of leaving her to die in the heap of bad killers and DAMN she sucks. Legit only reason I got a 2k on Ironworks was thanks to Terminus.


    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    The only thing she needs is an ambush buff because she doesn't have any stealth potential.

    I'm thinking she should crouch walk faster and make her like GF where there's no locked animation. She simply crouches and uncrouches at free will.

  • Bot_Salvo88
    Bot_Salvo88 Member Posts: 1,230
    edited October 2022

    I think pig is OP and needs a nerf. Remove the undetectable while she's crouched because I get scared by her. While you're at it, remove her ambush attack because I'm bad at countering it by holding forward. One last thing, slow her down at nurse walking speed so that I can have good chases with her.

    (It's a joke)

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Make her taps less deadly and buff her dash would be a good start... Passive game slowdown abilities like Chain Hunt, Pigs Traps, Infection on Wesker and so on should just delay the game but not be the main feature of the killer, but as it is now pigs dash is just a little bit to weak.

  • The_Scarlet_Witch
    The_Scarlet_Witch Member Posts: 209

    bruh pig is one of the weakest killers in the game, her dash is weak, her traps are weak (unless solo q) and her crouch is weak. If anything she needs a slight rework to make her traps activate in a different way. I dont think its a good mechanic to allow survivors to complete gens just so you can get your power and when all gens are done they are useless. If you lose to pig you need to rethink what you did wrong in that match especially if you were in a solo Q. I'm a killer main and i struggle to play pig, half her kit is useless, you rely on perks just to stand a chance in matches, you have to use save the best till last or enduring just to stand a chance.

  • FilthyLegionMain
    FilthyLegionMain Member Posts: 1,168

    Golly! You must be real fun at parties! Anyway yeah, her crouch and ambush are so damn weak it isn't even funny. Especially if people can hold W as soon as you go into it to "counter" it.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    If you dont get 4 downs so you can use all your traps during the match until 5 gens are done there is really something going wrong. But i agree that her crouch should get a buff... either make it so its basically instant like ghostface but with like a 2-3 sec delay on the fading terroradius, or just give her the dash while standing, so she doesn't have to waste time crouching first. And maybe the dash should last a little bit longer or be a fit faster, or both even.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,606

    What's left to nerf on Pig...

    Her stealth is terrible... Crouching like she's 80 years old, moving slower then Survivors.... Maybe the next addon adjustments some of these will be better

    Her Dash Attack is weak... take's to long to charge, has an early warning roar, only effective at "bad loops"... maybe the next addon adjustment some of these will be better

    Her Power is countered easier then other Killers (RBT's)... Having a Trap on a Survivor's head when a Gen pops is luck not skill

    But anyway I can only hope (Pig main)

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    To be concrete about changes... What do you guys think of the following

    • Pigs crouch ms is now 4.2 m/s or 105%, the crouch is instant (like ghostfaces) and as soon as she crouches the terror radius starts to get smaller and fully disappears after 4 seconds
    • Pigs dash attack can be used while standing or while crouched

    I consider these fine, but i would like to change something about the dash itself, but I am just not sure about the numbers... I really like the yellow addon that increases the dash movementspeed so how about that basekit (without the slower charge time, as the dash is pretty weak anyway) and we increase the dash duration by like 25%?

    Like i already mentioned, the numbers are debatable, but i would really love it if the dash was usefull at bigger loops as well, i don't know how much we would need to buff it to accomplish it.

    Also to make her traps less annoying, what if the timer doesn 't decrease while in a certain range to the pig? So we get rid of the crouched pig chasing people while their timer drops, which is pretty much a loose loose situation for the survivor.

    One could argue that might make the survivor just chase the killer, but then again the survivor is not doing anything in that case which is an even better slowdown than if the survivor just runs around going for the trap.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Stealth in general does well against average survivors and worse against survivors in higher MMR brackets with strong observational skills. Pig is no exception, she consistently has above average kill rates in the overall ratings from the devs and on Nightlight but does presumably less well at the high end.

  • AverageAshEnjoyer
    AverageAshEnjoyer Member Posts: 427

    No offense dude but the joke stopped being funny the 3rd time I saw it

  • TotemSeeker91
    TotemSeeker91 Member Posts: 2,358

    She doesn't have the bend in her knees to do that, we don't want her to strain herself, lol

  • TotemSeeker91
    TotemSeeker91 Member Posts: 2,358

    You're obviously new here if you don't get the joke, it's one of the biggest memes here, because BHVR nerfed her hard before

  • HagAdamMain
    HagAdamMain Member Posts: 43

    I played my first match as the Pig yesterday and realized that survivors can escape with the Reverse Bear Trap on their heads, that makes perfect sense. Clearly the Pig is too strong and needs more nerfs.

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    I was gonna say.

    But yeah, Pig is one of the weakest killers in the game and sadly I don't think she'll get buffs any time soon.

  • FilthyLegionMain
    FilthyLegionMain Member Posts: 1,168

    If only, man. If ONLY we knew what was stopping that from happening.

  • ArchAbhor
    ArchAbhor Member Posts: 847

    while your at it buff nurse

  • FentV1rus
    FentV1rus Member Posts: 112

    I played against a pig the other day. She would not let me boop the snoot. She needs to be nerfed into the gound.

  • FilthyLegionMain
    FilthyLegionMain Member Posts: 1,168

    Bruh, I crouched at exit gate so they could boop me.

    They didn't.

  • neb
    neb Member Posts: 790

    scared me for a bit