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These Gen rush squads I Keep Facing Feel Like They’re Hacking

I know this post may sound like I’m over reacting but seriously sometimes I feel like they are hacking. Like sometimes they would still gen rush even without gen rushing perks Prove Thy Self or band new part.

I’m really getting tired of these type of squads. I know they had always been annoying and usually there’s nothing a killer can do sometimes. I don’t mean to come off like I’m ranting but I feel like from my personal experience I keep getting them even I reported them and block them. I know blocking sometimes doesn’t work and I know the hacking issues are being fixed. I know that kind of stuff takes time and I appreciate for what is coming to help people deal with hackers. I apologize for making another us vs them type post. I didn’t mean to come off like that.

But yeah it’s getting really annoying even thought I would bring perks to help me with gens or at endgame and I know sometimes they don’t work, well at least from experience. So yeah I also understand camping, tunneling, and solo are still messy. I also understand sometimes killer has to camp and tunnel even though again sometimes doesn’t work especially against really good survivors and SWF.


  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,963

    You just gotta get used to it and use strategy. Try focusing 1-2 people down, while also pressuring the others as they're on gens in between. And try not to let them split the map.

  • Robotfangirl67
    Robotfangirl67 Member Posts: 640

    Thanks for the tip, I appreciate it. I will try to practice more on slugging and also splitting up the map more.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,963

    No, no! No more slugging, because survivors can now pick themselves up for free, especially with new Unbreakable.

  • RatbasterdJr
    RatbasterdJr Member Posts: 702

    I will say I have been skeptical in some of my games. I main blight with TONS of hours with him. I am able to keep steady and heavy pressure majority of the time. I end chases quickly and use BBQ so I can instantly pressure another survivor. But every now and again I will get a squad that no matter the amount of pressure I put, they FLY through the gens. I mean it’s gen after gen. We’ll get to the post game and I’m expecting full gen builds, and as you said, nothing. Very suspicious.

    There was one instance a couple days ago, gens were absolutely flying. I was already skeptical of a hacker. I downed somebody as the last gen pops, I throw them in basement and camp the stairs to try and secure a kill. Sure enough, the David comes teleporting in for the unhook, and teleports back out and escapes. He said he turned the hacks on because I was a terrible killer who had to resort to tunneling and camping. 😂 So ironic.

  • Robotfangirl67
    Robotfangirl67 Member Posts: 640
    edited October 2022

    Yeah I agree this whole thing is very suspicious. I even had weird experiences with my internet that will act fine most of the time and then out of the blue acts up. Which then causes a survivor to teleport or I'm somehow teleporting. But yeah this whole thing gen rushing and teleporting out of no where is getting really weird for sure. I mean it might be noting and like I said I am be over thinking it the whole situation but it wouldn't surprise me if they were hacking.

    I'm sorry that David player messed with you like that, I mean no one should resort to hacking any multiplayer game in general. People that resort to hacks just cause they are losing or just to troll others and whatnot in those type of games are just not very good in general. But anyway I hope you get better matches here soon.

  • Robotfangirl67
    Robotfangirl67 Member Posts: 640

    I’ll try to keep that in mind, but thank you for the tip. Good luck in your future matches too. :)

  • LylakLavender
    LylakLavender Member Posts: 339

    I was in a match today where I was working on a gen solo and 3 of the other gens popped at the same time with no perks. Not sure if it's hacking but even for me as a survivor it was really quick.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,958

    TBH I definitely believe genrushing is a thing, but not in the connotative sense. Its just doing your objective efficiently, and sometimes prioritizing it over others (like saves, chases, hexes, global killer mechanics like pinhead's box, etc.) The reason why genrushing still exists as a concept despite all of that is because the game is not properly balanced for the wide rate of speed that gens can go at: the killer can get a down 90 seconds after the start of the match and lose up to 3 gens in that time.

    That might not sound too bad without perspective or variables, but it is a tradeoff of 1/12th of the killer's objective for 3/6ths (or half) of the survivor's (being generous in counting the exit gate as a "6th" gen for comparison sake.) The objectives are scaled in a way so that gens start easy and get harder as the game goes, while killer starts hard and gets easier as people die, but the first 2-3 minutes can determine almost the entire match with how lopsided they are.

    Therefore, focusing on maximizing gen pressure on the survivor side is... genrushing. Its not good or bad, its just survivors taking advantage of how their role was designed. The reason it gets so much connotation is because that efficiency cap issue is something that regularly gets ignored, and instead more variables get added on, like gen slowdown perks. Then those slowdown perks need speed up perks to compensate, which then need more slowdown perks, which then need... you get the idea. next thing you know a gen that takes 90 seconds base can skew massively in either direction, has multiple ways it can be put "on hold" for various durations, and none of it was even a balanced value to begin with. Now most people aren't happy with how they have a hard meta to rely on, nor are they willing to put up with how bad things can get.

    I think its definitely a real thing, and I don't think ignoring it is going to solve either sides issues with it until it is addressed. Its exactly like killer LCD's because it is the same side of the coin: They're the most efficient strategy that is limited only by any individuals skill, and they represent the most simple and effective method of securing your advantage as early as possible. Its a tool that gets used when at its peak, and played around when other options are more preferable.

  • fake
    fake Member Posts: 3,250

    Even if it was not possible due to technical problems, I still would ask for a replay feature of that game after the game is over, as situations like those may indeed be hacking.

    If we could switch perspectives for each player, like the spectator mode in Results, we could be certain how well we played or hacked.

  • Nyxsie
    Nyxsie Member Posts: 39

    Otz did a yt video showing the variations in speed for repairing, healing, etc. It's too unpredictable- so as a killer you can't really tell who's cheating unless they are very obvious about it.

    Also.. killers don't know what to expect and I feel that the gen and healing times pressure some killers into tunneling and camping much more/sooner than they would naturally chose to do.

  • Robotfangirl67
    Robotfangirl67 Member Posts: 640

    I know the feeling, I had similar survivor matches where it definitely felt like gens popped in few seconds.

  • Robotfangirl67
    Robotfangirl67 Member Posts: 640

    Oh yeah I forgot about that video.But like you said sometimes you never know what is really going on the match. But yeah I can see why some killers camp and tunnel at 5 gens.

    I don’t want to come to that cause I don’t think that’s fun to do. But sometimes you don’t know what to do. I may have to practice more on the 3 gen strategy more like others suggested. Also see how that how goes while I may have to tunnel and pressure more at towards the end of each match.

  • RatbasterdJr
    RatbasterdJr Member Posts: 702

    I disagree. Saying gen - rushing isn’t a thing is quite literally the same as saying tunneling isn’t a thing. Is tunneling not, “kill survivor rushing”? Lol. Killing the survivor is the killers only objective, much like gens for survivor. If a team bring a kit / loadout or a play style that is solely focused on pushing gens, that is most definitely gen rushing.. because they are actually rushing.. the gens. 😂

    Some teams just seem a LIIILLLLL too fast with it.

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 2,026
    edited October 2022

    Your blue is very pretty.

    As for the OP, gen rushing is a big problem, especially for weaker m1 killers. You pretty much have to run at least 2 gen regression perks, but even sometimes stacking those do the gens fly past. I really wish they'd just make gen regression and repair standardized and not able to be affected by perks to make room for using more fun and interesting perks. Mandatory gen regression just isn't fun for either side.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    I agree remove gen speed up and slowdown entirely and balance the game around that. Then both sides will have more interesting meta's. But take my word with a grain of salt, I am a blight main that runs no gen regression.

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    Fr the worst part about our current cheating problem is you don't know if you're actually losing, or cheats are in play.

    It creates such a bad mind set