Hex No one Escapes Death. A perk any killer can get early in their bloodweb. A perk that was created to give noobs, trolls, and low skill killers the auto 2k. I thought with the update it was finally gonna be nerfed out of use but no. It's still the op cheat perk for a killer who can't get the 4k or even a 1k when the gates are powered to get their token kill. I'm sorry but if a team gets all gens done and the killer needs no end to get any kill that's not skill, that's just useing the easy button. Yes the devs did put a expanding aura on it but it's only if you run right up on it. Now I'm not saying it's gonna be removed but let's nurf no end like Dead Hard, Boon Healing, Spine chill, Self Care etc. Why not remove the exposed and just keep the haste? Oh in know all the killer mains are in a uproar for saying that but it truth. Devs took away the survivor builds cause the killer mains whined them dead perks. So is it just fair to do the same to no end? Just a thought.
NOED reveals itself in a range of 24m 30 seconds after the Exposed is revealed, and that's a pretty big radius. It's a lot easier to cleanse now.
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I can't tell if this is bait. Good work!
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Noed is like....soooo last year
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You just said you hoped the nerf put it out of use what do you mean you don't want it to be useless?
No killer I know ever whined about Spine Chill other than it shouldn't work on stealthed killers because the "undetectable" effect should be undetectable. No one asked for the directional crap the devs added. No one wanted self care to be nerfed again.the devs stated it was because it was used to much.
I assume you also want other perks like Spirits Rancor to also lose the exposed status because it allows the obsession to be instant downed and killed when all the gens complete.
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Oh no. It's endgame and the killer suddenly has an instadown. I wonder if I should check the map for a glowing pink aura, seeing as they can only rarely camp the totem and the hook at the same time, or if I should rage about it on the forums instead.
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You must be very fired up if you have that many spelling mistakes...
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It's a shame they didn't have you on their team, there would be no totems to speak of.
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That's right, I will die to cleanse any totem, you never know when it'll help, also I run inner healing, so y'know, win win, lol
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run hope, wglf, dead hard and for the people. Easy money.
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It's true that it's aura is shown when it props but that means little when you Finnish the last gen and get chased to the door but get downed healthy and then hooked / camped when the teates run out and leave u to die with no hooks in you. Again it's nothing more then a noob perk so the killer can get their token kill.
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It’s a perk just like any perk. I run it, no shame. I don’t need it 98% of the time and the other 2% the teams I face will insta cleanse. So it doesn’t even much matter at this point.
I will say…I have a pretty high killer mmr, but my boyfriend has a much higher one and I went on his account today to see how I would fair out of curiosity…I got stomped and had a sad 1k ..and on those super high level teams, there is no noed. They don’t even give it a chance to activate. So idk, maybe do that.
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Welcome to solo q, sounds more like your team mates being selfish /scared than the perk being too strong,,
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No one said its skillful, as least I haven't. I don't think.
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I was fine with the old NOED and you're seriously complaining whenever the totem lights up bright halfway across the map and basically says "come break me please" lol what has this game come to
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Damn i didn't know it instantly sacrifices 2 random survivor straight of the map. /S
That's what auto 2k means or am I wrong?
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No END, No Head ... people seem to hate this perk so much that they don't want to sully their virtual mouth with its proper name.
Here was a fun game were I played Late-Game-Mikey. Got BMed all game and the survivors got really overconfident, till the game was basically over and then everything flipped :) NOED is fun on late-game-mike because sometimes the survivors don't realize whats going on and might think that you just insta-downed them regularly.
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Just a hint, if the killer is bad it is almost certain they will have NOED so expect it and play accordingly (not saying literally everyone using NOED on a killer is just bad but most of the time they are).