This Event Makes Me Feel Bad For Survivors...

Having to turn things in (which is super easy to disrupt as killer, even unintentionally) plus losing part of it if you get downed...woof.
Trying to play 'nice' right now and let folks turn in when they can, but this is as annoying for survivors as the damn snowmen were for killers.
You lose stacks for getting hit by a pallet and your time is 4 times more valuable than the Survivors despite also having to turn things in.
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You can play safe around pallets, but survivors can't really avoid getting downed. I'm finding it really easy to get the event done on killer, but survivor is a pain right now.
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I haven't got on yet but is this event gonna be like the Twisted Masquerade where the rewards were a lot easier to receive just by playing the killer role?
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The same as ever.
Already met the Nurse who downs all with no mercy.
I as Killer will try to play nice again during the event.
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Basically - you need to earn a resource by doing stuff, then channel that into a randomly spawning 'rift' on the map. If you get downed, you drop some of yours, and if the killer gets stunned, they drop some of theirs.
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The vortex downs you?
Haven't seen that.
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Yeah, and survivor time efficiency is lower than ever on solo queue because people keep wandering around looking for rifts and pumpkins. Switched to killer pretty fast. I've been trying to play nice, though there's been a lot of early DCs and I usually just end up farming because of it.
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It hasn't really been a big deal. Yeah some matches I haven't been able to make much progress but it's better than having to escape for unlocks tbh.
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also killer i faced seem to tryhard for any not obvious reason. had more facecamping and tunneling since the event started as the last 3 weeks combined
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To be fair. Both sides kinda play scummy right now. Like they do in every event. Already seen a couple bully squads that switched to 4 flashlights at the last second.
I think our community is just sweaty.
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Also the bloodwebs for survivor are pretty bad when it comes to event stuff. First 10 levels a bunch have 0 event stuff and then maybe 1 event thing if I'm lucky. Then after level 10 it's only 1 event item, maybe 2 if lucky. I went through 50 levels on one of my survivors and only got 24 event offerings and I was going for those over anything else. On another survivor I didn't get a single even offering until level 15. If you don't see survivors playing offerings there's a good chance it's because they aren't getting any. They should've done what they did for the anniversary and guaranteed one of every event item per blood web. Atleast as killer you just have the offering or the add on.
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I'd say that's worse on killer this time around. Went 12 levels without seeing a single event item, and then it was a Serum...on Hag.
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Also its again like that, you only get the cosmetic if the exit gate is open or you escape...
Killers just need to play.
Dev's dont want fun events.
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it's been such a pain in the ass. I'm just doing my challenges and then throwing myself at the killer atp so i can get these cosmetics and move on.
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I feel like survivors have it just fine it's been a blast for me so far, I don't see why some people see it as toxic it feels like an old event and they brought back my favorite Halloween menu music they used this last like 4-5 years ago or something like that, you're getting free cosmetics and everything looks cool, why would anyone be upset?
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Who exactly is upset?
I'm just saying...I don't think this one was well thought out.
Just tested. How exactly are you getting downed?
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Look, sometimes a 110% lady just wants to go fast
But we really did take a step back with event offerings. They made a fantastic system with level 50 bloodwebs earlier this year, and it's now completely obsolete because you only get level 50 bloodwebs if you're p100. I'm also getting lots of webs where there's no event items, sometimes consecutively.
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Doesn't seem nearly as bad as the holiday one did for killers.
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On the other hand - Serum on Plague is terrifying XD
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wait what you can grief and screw over the killler ?
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Survivors can't do anything to avoid getting downed? Maybe with Bloodlust 3 at a TL.
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I stopped feeling bad for people insulting me in chat after destroying me before I even had the chance to say "GG".
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It’s not that complicated. As a survivor you need to get to 15 twice. Doing half a gen gets you 15. You have to go touch a rift to dump it and be able to get the next 15. Interact with another rift. Done. You don’t have to survive to get the event items. Die or not… once you appear back in your lobby you see the item flash up in the bottom center of your screen.
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Atleast killers only have the add on to compete with offerings. Survivors have 2 add ons, 2 items and the event offering. 😂 They really should fix the bloodwebs though for both sides, event stuff should be all over every blood web not this you might get 1 thing we have now. Like only 24 offerings out of 50 bloodwebs is sad.
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Just played again after not playing for awhile, so still a bit rocky, but overall not to bad, first match back was kinda good, just gonna play more and see how it goes