Why aren’t the devs realizing that no one wants to play against nurse

tell me…why aren’t u guys reworking her already shes been a problem for years every game against nurse people dc or suicide on hook shes ruining the fun that should be a top 5 priority i‘ll gladly have a delayed chapter if it means nurse is getting reworked
Why aren't the devs realizing that no one wants to play against swf?
Nurse has already been reworked and survivors will never be happy with nurse as it's unlikely the devs will change how her power functions. Nurse will always be able to blink and survivors will always complain about it. Same with Legion. Legion will always be the killer who runs around putting survivors into deep wounds and survivors will always complain about it.
People rage quitting is not a valid reason to change a killer as there's no way to guarantee the rage quit was because of the killer.
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It has been proven time and again that Nurse can be beaten. Nurse players shouldn’t be punished because most of the player-base is bad at the game.
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Oh damn the nurse mains were already here…
Anyways. Yeah I’m asking myself the same question every day. She’s super unfun to play against.
👏Rework 👏The 👏Nurse 👏Already
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Remember when Nurse got reworked having to recharge the Blink ability and her play/kill rate dropped massively? That's when everyone said Nurse was fine because you just didn't see her. But since the start of MMR people who are genuinely good at DBD got back into Nurse finding her best recharge add ons, have you played Nurse without the recharge addons against Survivors who hold Shift+W? It's horrendous.
Nurse has counters, it's been proven many many times but the majority of the DBD community play Survivor very very badly so they cry for Killer nerfs whenever they can't bully X Killer. I've gone against many Streamers, dominated them, I rewatch the VOD and the Killer they played against before me which most the time they straight up bullied and that was fine for them, but the moment they can't bully a Killer for content they demand nerfs.
SWF has never been touched and I think a lot of Killer players can agree that going against an efficient, obnoxious group is incredibly annoying and not an enjoyable experience and they do it on purpose because SWF is undeniably the power role of DBD. So personally I feel NO Killers should receive anymore nerfs until SWF is looked into because that right now is the only reason people play Nurse/Blight with strong perks, Camp/Tunnel because they want to win, they don't want to be a plaything for the Survivors enjoyment.
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I like going against Nurse myself.
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I'm not bad against her or as her... and yet I still find her boring to play as and against.
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Not buying that
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Starting to smell the desperation from these survivors.
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I like facing against a good Nurse. It is not easy to learn her and whoever puts in the time and energy to do so has my praise. I find the challenge of facing nurse to be fun and intimidating. Now Blight....THAT one is who I hate going up against. I never have fun when he is the killer. He is just annoying (for me, personally.)
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I like going against nurse as a survivor. Either she's new, submissive and bullyable or she's got an experienced hand that makes me feel so powerless until I'm gasping for breath. One way or the other I'll be queueing in the afterglow before I've realized our seven minutes in heaven is over.
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Why not? I also like going against Nurse.
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Careful what you wish for. She still has one of the lowest kill rates. Despite the fact that so many people disconnect/suicide against her.
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Wow... someone HAS A DIFFERENT OPINION how dare they, they can't do that, BHVR, BAN THIS NURSE LOVER
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Yeah, we all know the story, every person who enjoys Nurse is lying through their teeth, or their opinion doesn't matter. Your opinions are the only thing that matters regarding what killer is fun to go against and what killer is unfun to go against.
You know, if it was left to people like you, I doubt there would be any killers to play, or maybe all the killers would be skins basically with all their "unfun" aspects taken away, because let's be honest, here every killer is complained about at some point it doesn't matter if they bypass game mechanics or not people would instead go up against killers they have an easier time with than killers they can't use the same strategy a million times over.
Maybe one day you will care about others' opinions and stop shoving them down into the muck because of your inability to understand that people can and are allowed to enjoy other things you don't personally enjoy, or I guess we go straight to insulting and ignoring, that works as well I guess lol.
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I enjoy going against nurse. For the most part I don't get the mega veteran nurse players, so it's quite fun dodging and mindgaming, but when I do go against a pro I admit it's not fun.
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Nurse is much bigger problem than swf. Like 0,1% of swf can beat good nurse. Camping and tunneling are also way bigger problems killers use these tactics agains't soloQ...
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You having problems with Nurse doesn't mean other survivors have issues with Nurse. A Nurse who's a better Killer than I am Survivor will usually win and one that's worse will usually lose. In fact, in the games I recorded and posted here last month showed my games from Ash IV to Iri IV had two Nurses; both of which were a 4E. My escape rate for all the games (75 matches) was 45.33% for the matches with both meme builds and serious builds used.
I did that specifically because I wanted to see what my escape rate was and a couple of people claimed that if I liked solo queue I must not play solo queue. So, that way they can look at that and try to figure out what makes my games different.
Besides, I'm not one of the people who makes patently false and ridiculous claims like having a 99% win rate on Killer or 85% escape rate on Survivor and then coincidentally can't provide any video evidence to back up their claims.
Post edited by TheSubstitute on4 -
Nurse will get nerfed the same patch SWF gets nerfed, and not one nanosecond before
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This would be a completely different conversation if Nurse was wickedly easy to learn and nearly every killer main was using her to completely dismantle survivor teams, but that simply isn't the case. I absolutely HATE facing Nurse, but truthfully, I don't see her that often. When I do, I play as well as I can, and I take my lumps without complaints, because Nurse mains EARN those W's. They've put in the time and effort to learn one of the most difficult killers in the game; I can't even imagine how many humiliating defeats a Nurse main must endure at the hands of swfs and bully squads as they try to get better and better. No one can deny that a good Nurse mains are very skilled killers, and there is no justifiable reason to punish them for their ability. So do what I do: play your hardest, take your L, and move on.
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Nurse is probably the only killer i do not want to play against.
Her power is not fun to play against. It breaks one of the core mechanics of the chase. A good nurse is unstoppable.
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Why trapper has traps ?
Why wraith has a bell?
Why hillbilly has a chainsaw ?
Why huntress have hatchets ?
Why myers has a knife ?
Why nemesis has zombies ?
Why wesker has low cooldown of virulent ,low cooldown after vaulting with virulent ,why low cooldown after a grab ,why a hinder when infected ?
Why blight has too many tokens and 2 broken addons ?
Why iron will got nerfed to ground ,just for spirit to tunnel u harder ?
All of this cuz BhRv care about moneyzzz
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It may be a problem for YOU or others, but it is not a problem for me, I love to play against, and many players have no problem playing against.
If you don't like it, you have every right to do so, but don't make your inability to play against it a generalization 😉
Only a coward leaves the game as soon as he understands that the killer is the nurse 😁
The most sensible, intelligent, thoughtful and perfect thing in this topic.
Marry me.
"a good nurse is unstoppable"
A talented nurse can be confronted. It will be much harder than another killer of the same level, and will require much more coordination, but it is of course possible.
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The best part about it is that they are so sure of the fact that nobody wants to play vs swf, they refuse to separate their queue/opt out/any alternative simply because the amount of people who would opt in wouldn't even be remotely sustainable. And they are very well aware of that.
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Same, most fun killer to verse after all these years!
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haha... yeah, like lets delay the for honor chapter please, for as long as possible, like, to the point where we don't release it
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I like going against nurse as survivor lol. It's a true test of my survivor skills tbh. Very unpredictable, need to modify my playstyle based on the playstyle of the nurse. Yeah she's damn hard to go against but that makes it all the more satisfying when I escape. Or on the flip side, I get humbled when I go against a crazy skilled nurse player. I envy all Nurse players - I tried her a good few times and i'm absolutely trash at her lol. So I appreciate the skill and effort that goes into playing her.
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Survivors won't stop complaining about Nurse until she's loopable, plain and simple. Any killer that breaks away from running-in-circles simulator is "too strong" and "unfun"
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True, but Legion sucks. At least you win those games most of the time.
But yeah, the Nurse is what she is. The only thing for it at this point is acceptance or outright removal, and the latter isn't happening.
I used to feel that way, but I have come to the conclusion that both her skill ceiling and floor are high, but all you have to do to be borderline oppressive to the vast majority of teams is hit that floor and be just decent with her.
But yeah, the crazy skilled Nurse players exceedingly unfun to face.
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I want to play against nurse; she is the most intense killer to vs. It's all the entitled survivors that ruin my games; making unsupported claims of the "op" nature while refusing to learn counterplay.
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Confirmed: as a survivor and killer player, Nurse and SWF are both unfun to play against.
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When you know the names… you know the names. 🤣
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Associating names with either side specifically is equal parts their bias being relevant, and you assuming bias. Either way, it makes both parties look like fools. Even people who post in favor of one side more than the other usually have reasons, and dismissing their opinion specifically because of a perceived bias is an even bigger fallacy itself. We all just have to learn to sift through opinions for insight.
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I don't mind playing against Nurse.
I had a Nurse game today. It was very close, duped her several times, all gens done.
It's just tgey sweaty Nurses at max MMR you don't want to play against.
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Some opinions are biased though, that is just a fact. Some people on here provide opinions with their side in mind first, before even attempting to look for a line down the middle.
Nobody is dismissing their opinions as they are still intact. However, I am also allowed to agree with another forum member should they point out something that is obvious. May not be obvious to you or anybody else, but that's the beauty of opinion, you don't have to agree with it.
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I never said opinions aren't biased, just that it is more conductive to understand why their bias is there and try to find common ground. A lot of problems in this game affect both sides even though people's perspective prioritizes one over the other. We can all be breaking a lot more bread and making the game better if we discuss issues with each other instead of at each other.
I absolutely agree that people can be biased, but i can also state that people might only realize that about others but not themselves. And to clarify, I'm not implying that directly at you because of your post or anything, just presenting a small mindfulness that might help you gain insight from people you frequently disagree with due to the contents of said post.
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Nurse is maybe broken, so are SWFs.
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They do realize it but haven't come up with a solution to why players don't like her... without changing her complety
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me going out of my way to 1v1 nurses in custom games for hours straight cause every other killer bores me :D
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I do enjoy her, she forces a different playstyle other than the traditional looping.
My only take against her now is her blinks being basic attacks, that's it.
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people do enjoy going against her. just annoyed by nurse players denying how broken she is/can be
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...That's literally the reason to rework a killer. If players by and large don't find it fun, you change it. Players aren't doing public service here. It's a game. And there's definitely a way to correlate disconnects to the killer in a database. You have a global disconnect rate compared to a disconnect rate vs X killer. I disagree with the majority of the community on Nurse regarding her counterplay, but that's beside the point here.
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nurse is totally broken, period, her only problem is that she got a too big of an advantage against survivors where most survivors wont be able to counter for kore than 10 seconds, she gets to ignore everything with her blink TWICE, or maybe even three times ! so the nurse player blinks once to close distance, and second to hit, yes you can break line of sight but on modt cases you sre screwed, pallets are useless, sprint burst or lithe are almost useless too with her addons for distance,
its easy to fix nurse, make it a 1 blink only, or remove the distance addons and nerf the recharge addons
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I would love to see nurse and blight neutered in accordance with all these survivor main whinings just to see what would happen to the game. XD
But i also felt this way about all of sluzzys change ideas.
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Why is everyone always crying about nurse?! Honestly, how often do you even go against a nurse?? When I play survivor, it’s once in a very great while…I accept the slaughter fest and move on w life.
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As a player of both sides (Legion/Pig main killer side and Claire main unless we get Robin from ST some day) I honestly can see both sides. The main problem I have with Nurse is that every other killer's power counts as a special attack... why doesn't hers? She blinks in, does a basic attack, then goes into fatigue? The attack before the fatigue should be a special attack.
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as a killer main i would gladly agreed for giving nurse a proper rework BUT if this should ever happen then SWF should be relegated ONLY in custom matches... both are the " press the *i win* button" and are annoying to face to say the least...
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They realize it, they just don't care.
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I play Nurse almost daily and don't really have a problem with people giving up in my matches. It's just a loud minority.
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I really really do not get the issue with the nurse. I mean I 'understand' the complaints but I just don't see the severity quite so much as those demanding that she be nerfed...again.
I'm going to preface this by saying I am at most 'average' in a chase, I'm not a 2 gen pop looper, I panic too much and don't always utilize my surroundings in a stressful chase (I'm working on it!). I've been playing against nurse before her major changes, and I simply don't feel the same vehemence for her as the average survivor who seems to want her changed irrevocably to uselessness.
She telegraphs her intentions so much. The sounds when she readies a blink, the way her body points and even the blink trail (i can't think of another way to describe her 'woosh' lines as she blinks lol) are all indicators as to where she is going and that seems to be enough to dodge more effectively. I'm not saying She is powerless or not difficult to go against. I just don't see her as any worse than most killers.
Sure you get your uber nurses that will just turn your team to jam, but after trying to play nurse myself, I know full well that it isn't just pointing, clicking and a survivor appears on the end of your weapon. Sure, she can be a nightmare with the right perks and addons, but so can any killer on the roster. Some games are going to be unfun, like a big ol knockout slug nurse, but so are some of the combinations of various killers, it's part of the game.
If you truly cannot stand the nurse as she is, come up with some fair (for BOTH sides) and balanced ideas instead of demanding she be nerfed into oblivion.
I'm not attacking anyone for their views on nurse, different people view killers in different ways, but it is getting old seeing the forum trend of viewing difficult aspects of the game, as 'unplayable'.
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Speak for yourself, I like going against Nurse and most matches they give up on me and try someone easier. I know how Nurse works so I know how to make chasing me a real pain for them and that makes me enjoy going against Nurse.
The only things I really dislike are tunnelling Nurses, Starstruck Nurse and Nurse with multiple slowdown perks as a good Nurse should not need that and it makes games tedious