General Discussions

General Discussions

I caught some subtle cheaters on video.

Does anyone know how this works? I filed an in-game report, and I also have video.

It looks like the cheaters in question were using auto dead-hard. As soon as I hit the attack button, on one in particular, the dead hard animation would trigger. It looks like they were able to toggle it on and off (either that, or I'm misremembering and they were still on cooldown), meaning it didn't trigger every time it could have, but it never triggered on missed hits, and it triggered as soon as I hit the button when within striking range, even if it's not a situation where one would normally have DH'd or where that would have been exceptionally difficult to pull off.

They were also able to make it so that I couldn't hook them. Like, I could down them and carry them to a hook, but the hooking option never appears onscreen.

I have my suspicions about the others they were playing with (it was an SWF), but I only have solid video evidence for one of them. Steam level zero. Private profile. Online status hidden. Two friends.

Do I use this "Submit a Request" form?:

I have video I can attach. Is there a preferred video format? Should I attach the entire match, just the segments where the players were cheating, or what?


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