I tunnel in more then 80% of my matches

Config Member Posts: 306
edited October 2022 in General Discussions

Hi, I'm a killer main with 2700 hours in the game, i consider myself really good at playing killer, and mediocre at survivor, when I play survivor I fell that being camped is unfun, and tunneld at 4-5 gens to me seems super unfair, but when I'm playing killer it seems unlogical to not tunnel, most of the times when the guy gets unhooked he tries to take a protection hit, and I mean it happens in 90% of my matches, i don't mind chasing the guy who took the hit, his 1 hit down and even if he has DS it's not that impactful. If u are playing survivor and don't want to get tunneld DON'T take a bt hit. It's literally better for the killer to chase u again. In comp people often run even for the people to discourage tunell, i would have someone dead faster by chasing you, it's just not fun (as killer or survivor) to chase or being chased the same survivor twice. Often times it's not because I want to tunnel someone I fell forced. And if there's 3-2 gens left and no one is dead I would definitely tunnel someone out. Either to get pressure by body blocks or to get into a 3v1 with is A LOT better for me.

In my opinion killers should be rewarded for not tunneling, instead of punishing tunneling. If u make so hooking multiple people makes the game slower in some way it would discourage tunelling tremendously. Tunell is often times not malicious it's literally the best option.

My changes: survivor how suffer from the endurance status effect get their collision disabled (this DOES NOT affect dead hard) for the duration of the endurance. Upon vaulting a window/pallet they gain their collision back for 3 seconds (so no one couldn't abuse window tech). If the killer hook a different survivor the killer gain some kind of buff, that could be gens slower, faster cooldowns, anything that could encourage a healthier gameplay.

Post edited by Config on


  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,187

    Sorry to be a stick in the mud but it is spelled "tunneling".

  • Config
    Config Member Posts: 306

    My bad, my main language is not English, I will fix it

  • BFunkP38
    BFunkP38 Member Posts: 14

    When I play as a killer I generally try to play it like a movie would play out. I’m generally a survivor, but I do like to hop on as Trapper or Leatherface every so often, but I know what I don’t find fun playing against and I try to make sure I don’t do those things. I don’t go out of my way to tunnel and I absolutely hate face campers. Spread the slasher love to everyone if possible, because that’s a good time for both sides and if everyone isn’t having fun then what’s the point?

  • Maelstrom808
    Maelstrom808 Member Posts: 685

    It's pretty simple. Don't camp and tunnel if you don't want to. You don't HAVE to win that way. If you can't win without camping and tunneling at the MMR you are at, take your losses until you get to an MMR that you can. It's what I did. I got to an MMR where it was almost impossible to win by spreading hooks at my skill level. I tried camping and tunneling in different forms and had success, but it was boring. So I took my losses until I got to a balance. If you have a very high MMR and are above the soft cap, it may take some time, but you'll find the right place eventually.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 3,141

    I generally play to win which means I would play efficiently as possible when I decide to. And tunneling is just a no brainer option because trying to split pressure as a lot of killers just isn't viable even with 4 slowdown. Then you add medkits or toolboxes onto that and splitting becomes even less viable.

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700
    edited October 2022

    Keep up the good work. Tunneling is the most viable tournament-strat too. Change the game into an 1v3 is the best way to secure the win, especially on M1-4,6m/s killers with no map pressure tool.

    Its not your job to give survivors "fun", they dont care about your fun as well. Thats how the game is designed at the moment, if we like it or not.

    Focus on 1-2 survivors! If u hook randomly, you are not effective and will probably lose against SWFs. 4 Man Solo is different, but I think youll face more SWF than Solo too. Seach for the "Weakling", because even the "Weakling" can hold a button to repair a generator.

    When the first survivor is dead, there should be 2 gens left. Then, u can easily circle around.

    You want rewards for killers when they not "tunnel"? I doubt this will happen.

    Survivor-Mains call staying in the hook-area camping, I call it playing defense and protect the hook.

    Survivor-Mains call chasing the same survivor over and over Tunneling, I call it Rebalancing on most maps. 😏

  • BFunkP38
    BFunkP38 Member Posts: 14

    I’m really new to the forum, didn’t know there was so many players who can’t win without tunneling or face camping. Wanna be a better killer? Learn how to play survivor. Want to be a better survivor? Learn how to play killer. It isn’t hard for everyone in game to have a good time in game and not be sweaty. We all run in to those players who are toxic, doesn’t mean we have to be to. Is it your responsibility to make sure everyone has fun? No, but if you’re playing as Campface McTunneler then you’re kinda adding to that toxic list.

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    Otz has about 9000 hours in DBD and tunnels. It's how you play in a competitive environment that favors the survivor. Blight and Nurse can play every map vs SWF with no problem and every other killer has problems.Most of the killers have issues on about half the maps either due to size or as a function of pallets/main building.

    It's not fun when you lose multiple generators in one chase as killer. It's not fun to be tunneled as a survivor. DBD needs to have a built in way to prevent tunneling gens and survivors.

    Long story short gens are too quick to complete and chases can be too long as a function of game mechanics.

    Toolboxes and medkits offer way too much of an advantage. Generators in theory take 90 seconds but with perks and the right toolbox can be finished in 50 seconds. That should not be a thing. Medkits can make a heal 9 seconds or ~30 seconds. Funny enough Otz made avideo about this problem.

    As much as people like to say DBD is more killer sided than ever - it isn't.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,187

    Sportsmanship? In DBD?

    From my experience one can practice as much sportsmanship as they want and still get their teeth kicked in. There is no quid pro quo for that in this game.

    Therefore there is no incentive for that outside ones own character and moral guidelines.

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    You and most of the Killer player base. Like you said, it doesn’t make sense not to tunnel if you’re playing to win, especially with certain Killers like Wesker whose power makes tunneling even easier. Oh and also patch 6.1 gutting DS and Survivor speed boost only made it stronger. Such exciting gameplay /s

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 2,267

    I get why some people tunnel, particularly if skill is an issue. That being said I can excuse it when say 3 gens have gone and the killer only has 1 or 2 hooks or so. I also understand both camping and tunnelling when all gens are done and it is last hook, as where else do you need to be as killer?

    But personally I have zero respect for people who camp and tunnel off hook at 4-5 gens and I have even less respect for those who do so with killers like Blight, Wesker or Nurse. I know this is a way to win but I just cannot bring myself to play like this, with the only exception being if they are a toxic SWF BMing me with clicky clicky etc. But my main killer was Nurse and survivors tend to not BM you as Nurse lol

    I know how horrible it feels to be tunnelled and camped out of the game and annoyingly I have this hindrance called empathy and I cannot inflict that on others when I know how miserable it makes DBD

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    It's too bad it is the most optimal 'strategy' in order to 'win' as killer.

    If tunneling from the first hook was appropriately rewarded based on how much skill it took a lot of killers would see their boosted mmr's plummet. Even at the top mmr I see lots of killers who only know how to tunnel the first hook because it rewards so much for so little effort or skill.

    Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of boosted survivors, but the people who only play killer on these forums seem to think they should be able to face off against survivor players who are much better than them.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,229

    I try not to tunnel, but it's just the easiest strategy to use.

    But, I know how bad it can feel, so I'd rather we make going for new hooks more beneficial.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,960
    edited October 2022

    The only reason not to tunnel and camp is to play nice. The problem is playing nice doesn't win matches.

    I know, I'm a terrible person, but the survivors teabagging me at the gate and calling me a bad tunneler and camper regardless doesn't exactly motivate me to play nice either.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,700

    "If u are playing survivor and don't want to get tunneld DON'T take a bt hit."

    This is why I wanted baseline DS instead of baseline BT.

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    so you basically say that killers should lose on purpose to let survivors have fun and call this "sportmanship". Yea, next time Bayern Munich faces Pilsen u should say to Pilsen they have to lose on purpose for sportmanship.

  • Hex_iButt
    Hex_iButt Member Posts: 233

    Yeah, I go by this mindset a lot. If they want to use their BT in an attempt to null the 1 for 1 trade on the hook vs escaping, I'm more inclined to tunnel at least to down them again. If whoever unhooks ends up stealthing away, it's unfortunate if I find only the injured guy but I can't pretend they don't exist when I come across them.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,960

    Same issue. Even before the nerf you could power through it if the survivor wasted their DS.

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    Just check this out. Tunneling is the best way to win. Its not the fault of killer-players, its the fault of map-design.

  • Gwinty
    Gwinty Member Posts: 981

    But, what is your problem with this?

    if a survivor bodyblocks with BT then they sign up for another chase. I do not see a problem here. Baseline DS would create more issues: The person would bodyblock, go down and the Killer could not do anything but slug it out. After a BT hit the Killer has at least a decision and you can use the BT hit to get to a safe loop if you want.

    Seems good for me.

    Why is tunneling a problem thou when you have "Off the Record" (+ Sprint Burst)?

    We all know that "Iron Will" was one of the strongest perks in the game prior to its nerf. Off the Record gives the survivor 80 seconds of Endurance status.

    If you have Sprint Burst and Off the Record you basically just enter another regular chase, however now with Iron Will on your side. Once unhooked you can sprint to a different tile, there you can loop the Killer normally, maybe eat another hit. Endurance kicks in and you can use the speed buff to escape once again.

    This plays like a normal chase. You have a lead via Sprint Burst and a second health stat via Off the Record.

    I think Survivors also should get back to using Borrow Time if they hate tunneling: Borrow Time gives you 15 seconds of Endurance and Hast (7%). This is a huge boon to get away from the Killer. If you want changes we could argue to increase the hast to 10% to get away with more ease.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,187

    Same stuff, other name.

    If you want to use your safety card aggressively to deny me potential progress instead of using it to save yourself, just to get use out of it, then don't blame me for the consequences of your decision.

    The killer doesn't have to respect survivor that want to get use out of their safety perks at all costs plus the benefit of protecting others with it.

    You don't get to bake your cake AND eat it. Either use it for your own safety or accept the consequences, no matter which perk it is.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,700

    That's my point: With DS, the survivor puts himself and his team at a greater disadvantage than with BT. A DS bodyblock is super risky and will leave you slugged out, with BT, you just get a chase like normal, putting more pressure on the killer.

    DS, IMO, was always the fairer anti-tunnel perk.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,187

    I am looking at this with the potential basekit UB and suddenly that risk is a lot smaller.

    I am still curious to see if other recovery perks will synergize with in the way i think of.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434

    For me when I play killer it feels cheap, and like I am doing something I don’t like when it is done to me on survivor.

    Yes you win but I don’t like a lot of cheese in my wins so I mostly just refuse to do it unless a survivor puts me in that position.

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 2,267

    Got nothing to do with the survivor rulebook, many survivors have pretty absurd ideas about what constitutes tunnelling and camping.

    But I think most of us know the difference between inadvertently finding the unhooked survivor again and taking that down (this is just bad luck of course) and the difference between survivors blatantly rushing hooks compared to shamelessly camping.

    It is a moral/ethical issue imo and much of that is subjective but I think anyone with a slight bit of empathy knows what tactics are scummy or not.