Is deep wound a health state?

Okay So I feel like this is a weird state but both inner healing and adrenaline will take away deep wound if its on because they heal one health state. However I just played a game as legion. Someone who was injured got stabbed feral slash after they used a syringe. Syringe states that the syringe is cancelled if the survivor changes their health state or is picked up by the killer. So it didn't count being placed into deep wound as changing a health state but did count it for healing a health state because a few seconds letter her deep wound vanished allowing her to dead hard a strike (Only reason I noticed).

Like if I downed her it would have cancelled the syringe so why didn't putting her in deep wound cancel it?

I know this also is the same with remember me. where it doesnt count as losing a health state.

I am not complaining either way it just seems inconsistent.


  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,016
    edited October 2022

    I'm pretty sure the "changing health state" does not work for "special health states"

    aka deep wound witch is more like a status effect.

    Normal states are like Healthy, Injures, Dying

    That's why syringe, second wind, inner strength work for it.

    Also why healing deep wound does not disable ds.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,703

    It counts as a health state for purposes of healing, but it doesn't count as a health state for purposes of taking damage if the survivor was already injured (but does count if they go straight from healthy to deep wound). It's weird.

    So like you said, stuff like Adrenaline/Inner Healing/a syringe would remove deep wound but leave you injured, but going from injured to deep wound doesn't trigger perks like Blood Favor or Remember Me. However, going from healthy straight to deep wound (eg. because of Legion/Deathslinger powers, or having Endurance while also Exposed and being hit by a basic attack) will trigger those perks since ultimately the survivor still went from healthy to injured.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    I did learn the hard way that getting in a locker with Inner Healing just removes the deep wounds effect. Sadge.

  • Sharpefern
    Sharpefern Member Posts: 422

    Like I just wish that they would call them something different or make it consistent. Like Health states vs Injury Levels or something.

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063
    edited October 2022

    Nope, not a health state as much as an extra "condition". Allow me to explain:

    Basic attack = 1 lost health state

    Basic attack against an injured survivor = 1 lost health state resulting in the Dying state

    Basic attack against a Healthy exposed survivor = Dying state

    Basic attack against an injured and Exposed survivor = Dying state

    Deep wound attack on either a Healthy or Injured survivor = DW state that needs to be mended

    DW is paused while Running and Mending

    DW against an Exposed survivor = DW state

    DW Cannot down a survivor unless they're an idiot who lets the DW timer run out, which TBH is VERY hard to do by accident or unintentionally. They even nerfed the Docs Madness mechanic so that DW mending took priority over it, despite the mending taking 15 seconds vs the 10 seconds it takes to "snap out it" for docs t3 madness.

    DW is NOT a health state, it's a health condition that forces survivors to address it first before they can heal or risk downing themselves due to inactivity. But, lets face it, DW isn't as much of a threat as it is either an opportunity for an additional Health state when you normally would've gone down (current Meta anyone?), or a minor annoyance as it make healing take a little longer to do.

    If this health condition is not mended before anything that would normally heal 1 health state, then it is mended instead. The reason for this is obvious: Otherwise Nurses Calling could be used to detect anyone trying to mend, and that would make it just too damn powerful for Legion (At least, that's why they made mending not a healing mechanic back when they readjusted it, so you probably shouldn't question the devs overall masterful skill in logic)!

  • GreyBigfoot
    GreyBigfoot Member Posts: 954

    It kind of is. When you have something that instantly heals you (such as Adrenaline) it will remove the deep wound and you'll just be injured.

    But when taking damage the game will down you because you're still injured just with deep wound as well.