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"Demo is fun to face and extremely balanced yet very strong"

Well stats proving if survivors like to play against a killer that means the killer is very weak, demo among the weakest killers. No wonder I almost never saw it even when was available to buy


  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,108

    Killers who are easy to loop are fun to play against. I've seen this with Wraith, Freddy, Pig, Demogorgon, Artist, Dredge, Wesker. Once you find the counterplay, it's just execution. You don't put yourself in a disadvantageous position, they can hardly use their ability on you.

  • Gwinty
    Gwinty Member Posts: 981

    "Fun to face" and "fun to play" are subjective things.

    As an example I like playing Myers and there are people who enjoy playing Twins. Same for "facing a Killer", I like playing against Cannibal, I hate playing against Huntress. This is a feeling and not something you can objectively put down.

    This all comes down to a very simple statement: People like to win.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Does anyone actually like fighting Freddy? He’s extremely boring for both parties imo

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    Survivors like to play against some killers for plenty of reasons beyond them being "weak". I don't particularly like Demo, but I guess some survivors like it because it's rare, from a popular tv show, it doesn't have any annoying mechanic in his base kit, there is the "demo puppy" meme, and it's not a solo stomper killer that needs extensive coordination to counter like Pinhead or Legion or Plague.

    Plus, some survivors like strong killers. I personally really like going against Nurse (when they don't have Starstruck, I'm not a masochist haha), I think they're fun to try and mindgame. I'd take a Nurse game over a Deathslinger game any day, and he's on the lower end of the kill rates.

    Everyone has different tastes :)

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Demo isn’t weak though. He’s slightly above average from most people’s perspective

    If we are going by stats nurse is average at best and wesker is the best killer in the game

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,762

    Sadako is very fun to face and also apparently absolutely cracked and one of the best killers in the game so may I suggest you not base your entire argument off of stats that don't work for that since they don't show the full picture.

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596

    You write "killers who are easy to loop", but then list multiple killers that have anti-loop in their kit and are countered by shift w instead of looping:

    Pig ambush can outplay loops, and is countered be leaving the loop (shift w)

    Artist can injure / down you insanely fast when you try to loop her, thats why you shift w.

    Dredge can outplay short loops with his remnant, but is countered by shift W

    Wesker and Demo cannot be shift w'ed so easily, since they can catch up fast, but they still have anti loop in their kit.

    The easiest killer to loop is Myers, by far. He has nothing to help him, apart from faster vaulting.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    As easiest killer to loop, may I offer : Legion ? Good luck getting that second hit if the survivor can loop well haha !

    Hag as well, if we're talking exclusively looping and not chasing in general (even though.. we almost could...). People can just leave the loop if you put down a trap, so it rarely helps, and she's extremely slow as well.

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596

    Many legions play iri button, which effectively negates any extensive looping. Even when not, many will just frenzy hit you and run away, even when injured. I know legion shouldn't be hard to loop, but I somehow still struggle against them from time to time :-/.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,108

    I know he's boring for killer, when you can't hit anybody because he has no pre-placed snare potential anymore, and he's just M1. Survivors have a blast playing against him because he's so easy to loop. They think that using a clock or missing a skill check to wake up, then dominating Freddy in chase because he can't use what little anti-loop he has on them, is skillful and is just them being really good at looping.

    I just hate stealth killers like Freddy sneaking up on me. You know you can loop them like nothing; they just get the jump on you for a quick first hit sometimes. Also, teammates completely crumble against weak killers like him. No idea why.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,108

    Right, but have you used those to great effect against survivors who know what they're doing? X to doubt. Pig's ambush, they just run away. Artist, they hold forward (as you said!). Dredge, as you said, but don't forget you can bait his tp to the remnant or destroy it, and his locker tp isn't even true anti-loop. Wesker and Demogorgon can option select, but when the survivor has any kind of lead, the killer has to commit hard or they don't get a hit with their power, which basically gives the survivor the option select instead. Myers' problems are shared by more killers than y'all realize, and they don't even have instadowns, or if they do it's a slow charge up.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,476

    if youre getting looped as Artist or Dredge, youre doing something wrong

    Wraith and Wesker can be looped, but usually dont over commit to chases

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140
    edited October 2022

    Yeah, running from survivor to survivor while in Frenzy is their whole thing to apply pressure everywhere, even if some are already injured, but when it comes to actually downing someone they don't have any help base kit since downing with Frenzy's 5th hit is extremely situational. They otherwise don't get any speed or anti-loop when not in frenzy, which can make actually downing a good looper very infuriating.

    Iri button is good, but you cannot down someone while in frenzy, so if you pop Frenzy to get rid of a pallet then the survivor you're chasing cannot be downed unless you stun yourself canceling frenzy, so any distance you gained breaking the pallet with Iri Button is lost when you're in fatigue. Most Legions who run Iri button also run Spirit Fury-Enduring because they synergies well with the add-on and actually helps downing survivors.

    A lot of Legion players will also put on the Etched Ruler to inflict you with Oblivious from a Feral Slash and then cancel Frenzy to chase you while you're oblivious.

    Otherwise they're a bit dependent on chase perks :)

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    This. He has the most balanced kit. Not because he's in the middle of B tier. But because he does a little of everything besides insta-down.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Honestly looping an m1 killer is way less interesting than someone like huntress or billy since they provide unique counterplay to me

    freddy is basically a vessel to put 4 strong slowdown perks on and that is beyond boring to me

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    Demo needs good tactical awareness and planning to play. You've gotta put portals in good places, which is hard if survivors pressure you from the start. Shred is a great ability, but hard to use, most experienced players can dodge it easily so you've gotta predict well. It's so satisfying when iu charge it round a corner and hit someone trying to vault or camp a pallet.

    Very balanced killer, and unpredictable, especially if they run a stealth build. I love portaling to the opposite side of a survivor and flanking them or shredding out of nowhere onto some poor mook fixing a gen. My favourite killer to play and play against.

    Has some fun builds too. Iridescent add ons are insanely good since you can basically aura read the whole map at will and be super duper stealthy. Lifeguard whistle and upside down resin is also a fun combo. Open lots of portals in good places the punish ppl who try to close them. Add bbq and chilli/discordance to find people and it's a nasty combo.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,108

    So you've never had a survivor correctly guess when you were gonna use your power?

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,108

    He would be more interesting if we reversed his nerfs, because he could have impactful add-ons and use strategy to pre-snare strong loops, but we know that's never gonna happen. I'll especially never understand why the devs gave the clocks additional dream invincibility, basically denying Freddy the use of his already-weak anti-loop.

    How does Freddy specifically benefit from 4 slowdown perks? He can teleport to gens, big deal. With that, he pushes 1 person off and chases them, and another person comes behind to finish the gen or at least stop it from regressing. Then when they're all done he doesn't even get it anymore. People really don't understand how weak his teleport is.

    I once suggested that he not have such a brutal cooldown from accidentally tapping his tp on a gen and then cancelling. The response? "Then he would have free pressure on a gen at any time." Wrong. They forgot to connect the dots and realize that he has to physically hold the tp button down on the gen for a couple seconds to teleport to the gen, making tapping it over and over a meaningless action. You don't let go of the gen unless his appearance time is indicative of him committing to the action.

    Does he benefit from Eruption, Call Of Brine, and/or Overcharge? Yes, as does every single other killer. Same with Pop and Ruin which there's really no point in using anymore. In his current state, using any combination of perks and add-ons, the only players he's "oppressive" against are the bad ones. But that's not gonna stop people from arguing the same old "he's fine."

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    The nerfs were completely uncalled for except with slowdown add ons. Right now freddy is bottom tier imo

    Honestly I!d rather they just cut their losses and rework him again. His current power is uninspired and has zero skill expression for either side

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,108

    I don't like the "uninspired" angle. Never have, never will. We were in awe when his rework first came out. Only later did Freddy suddenly become "a boring killer," which was said by the very same people who thought original Freddy, who was more of a hassle to play and more basic in every conceivable way, was "a fun and unique killer." His current power, if not for the nerfs, was fun and unique. His snares aren't Clown bottles; they can be set like traps or during chase. His teleport isn't a Hag phantasm; he can cancel it and use the same tp locations throughout the match. His dream world/clocks are unique; we should at least be able to agree on that. Another rework is just gonna kill off a killer as we know him, again, it's gonna take too much time and effort, and the devs play too safe with their killer designs so he'd be weak still anyway.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    I don’t know about the devs playing it safe. Blight, Oni and artist are all pretty strong in the right hands

    As for the uninspired angle it comes more so since Freddy is a licensed killer. You really don’t get the feeling of playing Freddy with him. Compare this to Myers, Pinhead and PH who all do a good job of representing their source material

    That to me is more important than a licensed killers strength which seems to be a popular opinion judging by Myers pick rate despite him being very weak

  • NerfedFreddy
    NerfedFreddy Member Posts: 394

    Said no one ever

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,476

    yes i have

    but that's basically saying Nurse is dogshit because sometimes you miss a blink

    majority of the time when you use your power at loops, youre getting a hit

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,804

    Demo being weak according to the stats is the same as saying Nurse doesn't break the game in half by virtue of simply existing according to the stats

    Demo's very good, he can end chases very quick, catch up to survivors, control the map, and gen-lock like nobody else, never underestimate what a good Demogorgon can do to a competent survivor team