Are survivors bored or something?


During the last couple of weeks I encountered very many "troll" squads. Like ppl literary sending me to a very dark map, all 4 playing claudette and never doing any gens, just hiding in corners or lockers all game. These games sometimes drag out for like 20 minutes since without aura reading perks its very hard to find these survivors. I had ppl like this like every 10th game in the last couple of weeks which makes me really wonder, are survivors getting so bored with playing the game normally that they have to think of a way to play that will make the killer dc as new goal or what exactly is the aim in doing stuff like this?


  • LylakLavender
    LylakLavender Member Posts: 339
    edited October 2022

    In my opinion, It seems more like trolling. But I could be wrong.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,351

    Could be. Some groups play funny.

    Maybe "hide near the killer for 60 secs" challenge - The Game or Midwich are good. Midwich is dark...

    Or just play Doctor - very good against hiding.

  • nfochairman
    nfochairman Member Posts: 50

    The fact that they have time to even attempt to troll tells you all you need to know about how easy survivor is compared to Killer. You don't have a second to breathe as a killer. You take 2 seconds to look away and gens are done

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,100

    Sadly killer can't switch anymore AFTER seeing that they lobby is a Claudette hiding squad.

  • steezo_de
    steezo_de Member Posts: 1,097

    There's a point as SWF where winning takes a backseat to having fun, which could mean anything from 2v2v1 matches to going completely stealth if we see Corrupt. Sometimes we'll mess with Pebble and Red Herring. Sometimes we lose. Sometimes we win. Doesn't matter. It's just about fun. The main game loop can get pretty boring if all you do is the main objective.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,351
  • brewingtea
    brewingtea Member Posts: 208

    >tells you all you need to know

    Was this copy/pasted from the wikipedia entry on Confirmation Bias?

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    Run scratched mirror meyers lol.

  • TotemSeeker91
    TotemSeeker91 Member Posts: 2,358

    Literally, there are so many survivors I catch off guard when they are in a locker and an illusion doc stands on top of the locker, staring down at them, and I'm like "hmmmmmm, wonder WHERE the survivor could possibly be hiding" lol

  • Nihlus
    Nihlus Member Posts: 301

    Your reading comprehension isn't very good. At no point did he say they won or even attempted to win. They just trolled the whole game. They hid. Did nothing. Nada. Zero. Zip. Ziltch. You as killer can do this too! Pick up wraith, hide in corner. Lulz. You did the same thing. It's only more effective as survivor squad because the game won't end until the killer actually tracks down and kills all four people hiding. As killer, they can just do gens and leave, eventually, once they get bored enough.

    Also, in Otz' video going over the killer rankings, he flat admitted survivor is less forgiving than killer. One bad teammate making a mistake can kill all 4 survivors. The killer has to make lots of mistakes to get zero kills. From the mouth of a huge killer main. Don't act like you're really under any pressure. The worst the survivors can do to you is hit you with a locker or blind you. You kill them and delete them from the game. It's not like after 10 stuns the killer dies, or instead of escaping, they hit you with a barrel of oil and light you on fire. The only one making playing killer sweaty is you.

  • JennyLove1
    JennyLove1 Member Posts: 6

    i think the answer is a resounding yes.

    the current gamestate is terrible for killers and survivors. if the killer wants to win, they have to tunnel, if the survivor wants to have fun they need to expect to die/a teammate to be tunneled.

    sure, the killer might be enjoying their 4k but a game that is over in 3 hooks is not fun at all for the FOUR survivors vs the ONE killer. there are many reasons the playerbase is decaying, and only spikes for a week at chapter release. and the current gamestate is the biggest one.