Your thoughts on the new Otz's changes for each Killer video?

IMO I didn't saw it whole yet since it is long video but so far from what I saw I think with most things I agree. However there are some things that I don't think are good idea. For example: I wouldn't change Huntress at all or at least I don't much like his suggestions (anti-camping and 4.6 m/s without that ultra rare addon base kit). Also some Killers like Wraith or Shape could get bit more than he talks about (like Wraith give him back his bit longer dash speed, Shape should have more stalk from each Survivor, etc.). Did anyone watch it here? Do you agree with most things or do you disagree / would you add something to some killer(s)?



  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,262
    edited October 2022

    Trapper problems can be summed up in these 3 points

    -The ability for survivor to disable traps far outweigh the time needed for trapper pick up traps and set them. He is bad vs SWF and loses to teamwork. He is ok vs solo because most solo actively pretend his power does not exist which allow you to use his traps in stealth-like manner.

    -The survivor ability to save teammates that have been trapped means the trapper needs to be closer to the target that got trapped than another teammate. this makes traps that are long distance very irrelevant. This creates dynamic that makes trapper lockdown-heavy because he physically needs to be next to his traps when they trigger to get a reward. This has secondary problem of making trappers difficult to relocate his traps once they have been placed because the further the traps are spread out, the longer it takes for trapper to walk to them and relocate them.

    -His traps in the chase is an ineffective chase tool because of how long it takes to setup traps in chase. Survivor can leave loops as he set them up at base-kit. If a trap is not pre-set in a loop, he is m1 machete man.

    Going detail for how to fix these issues would be too long of a post.

    I suggest watching his video in 2x speed. I do not think fully express the problems of each killer in large detail. I would say most of killer fall under yellow or purple. I agree with his red color choices for killer. The only killer I think are green are Nurse and Blight. I thought about making a post in feedback section for killer but in the end, I decided to not write one.

    Post edited by Devil_hit11 on
  • Dr_Emarald
    Dr_Emarald Member Posts: 41

    Half the changes he wants relate to 2 things

    Camping and Maps. Instead of changing the killers, BHVR should focus on changing those systems in the first place if they're that problematic. Otherwise MOST of the other changes are alright.

    Otherwise the only killer I feel warranted to go full fledge "This is what should actually be changed" is huntress due to me maining her. I could respond for every killer, but I think those that main them would have better opinions and thoughts on those changes than me.

    Iridescent head should be changed to "insta-down from 32 meters away" to encourage snipes and getting good at the killer, no penalty for running the addon.

    The camping issue would relate more to camping as a whole, and a global mechanic would be more useful than changing huntress. Although oak haft should probably be nerfed for more variety in addons, or made base (that would make her to strong in my eyes).

    I do not agree with making soldiers puttee basekit, due to that being you messing up 5 times and getting value. A killer should not able to get value after messing up with their power and over-using it.

    I also believe rusty head should be changed/removed, due to begrimed head doing the same thing + extra.

    Weighted head needs to be extended or completely reworked for being her worse addon imo. The value is just non-existent.

    Glowing concoction and soldiers puttee should swap rarities. I don't understand how missing 5 times for value is better than 5 seconds of aura reading (possible 7 with lethal).

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    Okay I just watched the part where he talks about Blight and I strongly disagree on most of his opinions.

    I am all in for nerfing his best addons, but some of them like speed addons they need IMO just number nerfs, you don't need to put downside on every good addon.

    But what I disagree the most is the base kit changes. That would be horrible. Losing tokens for any kinds of stuns, longer cooldown, etc. No. A big no. I like to play Enduring for example on many killers because it feels good and I don't want to respect pallets (wastes time againts good Survivors) but this change would make him horrible for me. No, thanks.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    I don't see it as "getting value" at all.

    It's not a reward.

    It means that if your power turns off (which is what having zero hatchets IS), you lose the 5% movement penalty.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,174

    I would just get rid of the ability to Lightburn Wraith, it's kind of pointless to have a mid-tier killer be weakened and punished for using their power, especially when Wraith gets punished the hardest in comparison to other killers that can get burned; they can maybe even buff flashlights, flashbangs, and firecrackers for compensation, since they are items meant for fun anyways, and I dont think many people will mind it, but Wraith being Lightburned is dumb.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    Definitely both agree and disagree with a lot of his points, but mostly because of his own admissions that center around a disproportionate impact from factors like maps, items, and strategies. It sounds weird to hear that Wraith is in a good spot, until you realize that most of his problems are problem with the game he is in more than his kit itself. Very interesting perspective in a lot of regards, but I definitely feel more nuance is needed for a lot of his anti-camping stances: They're absolutely correct in regards to how bad they can be exploited, but equal consideration is needed on how survivors could exploit disabling powers in ways he presented. I understand that those types of ideas were more darts on a dartboard in nature though, and that his concern is more with the sanity checks involved than anything. Good insight for a lot of killers like usual.

  • TeleportingTurkey
    TeleportingTurkey Member Posts: 589

    Dredge changes really resonate with me.

    Let dredge prioritise unlocked lockers over locker one in clusters.

    I would really enjoy a soft-addon pass on him & half of haddie's calendar basekit too. Primarily, I would love seeing his iri addons reworked because current ones feel more like mediocre purple addons.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited October 2022

    The only part of the Pig changes that seems off to me is being able to break the pallets with the dash because Amanda is teeny tiny. I think it'd make more sense if she could jump the pallet with the dash instead. Beyond that, his Pig changes seem fine to me.

  • AverageKateMain
    AverageKateMain Member Posts: 949

    I haven't seen the vod yet but I will return back once I finish it.

    ARTRA Member Posts: 938

    I hope BHVR take notes for nemesis, agree 100%.

    Better IA.

    Rework addons.

    Zombies could detect easier infected people.

    I would add thar if a zombie hits a survivor, you gain stacks

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,596

    Most suggestions aren't bad in my oppinion. However he forgot to account for something on Hillbilly. All his cooldowns are the same. So reducing the bumping cooldown, while not a bad idea in general, would mean players would be encouraged to bump.

  • Norhc
    Norhc Member Posts: 575
    edited October 2022

    Don't care, didn't watch. Almost every time I hear his opinions I facepalm.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,616

    Massive vindication when his Nurse suggestions were almost verbatim the same as mine, haha.

    Otherwise, I think most of his suggestions are good. There are some I think might be a little questionable, and I'd handle certain killers differently, but overall he's got a pretty decent perspective on how to change each killer. Most of the stuff I disagree with is when he suggests simply disabling powers near hook, I don't think that's the right call to tackle camping- though certain others like Trickster's knife damage not interrupting unhooks would be a good change, that I agree with.

  • AverageAshEnjoyer
    AverageAshEnjoyer Member Posts: 427

    Some of his changes are near-perfect while others are godawful.

  • Whoudini
    Whoudini Member Posts: 309

    Yellow bottles are unintuitive which is why he suggested changes to them since he is correct in that no one really uses them.

  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    I'd argue that the fact that no one uses them is that they're not given a reason to. Currently, it's quicker to just walk to an area and save a bottle opposed to using a bottle as when you take into account reload times (and having to reload more often) you're actually only wasting time. If they were split into separate pools you wouldn't be wasting bottles as you could still save your three tonics for the actual chase while use three antidotes for mobility.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,262

    not true. the cooldown for bumping is different compare to the cooldown for missing. An old billy add-on distinguished between both cooldowns. bumping cooldown add-on encourage bad billy play where you can bump into objects on purpose to follow up m1 on survivors.

  • Biscuits
    Biscuits Member Posts: 1,097

    Surprised he didn't bring up the combo of Never-sleep pills and Mural sketch on legion. On mid to smaller size maps you essentially just 1 hit down people for free all game, with minimal patience. Outside of that they did a very good job on legion in the most recent rework. Being a ghost face fanboy, I was jealous to see the love that legion got.

    So yeah at the very least, I think Never-sleep pills should have a hard cap on how much each hit can boost your movement speed. And have add-ons like Mural sketch basically not work in conjunction with it.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,596

    It's true. I confirmed it here:

    The initial cooldown for the chainsaw is always the same (except with addons). Bumping addons are the same in that regard. But the difference is you still use an addon so it should do something. Looking through the addons you have availabe on Billy, the bumping addons aren't even too bad compared to what else you could bring. Also I never understood why Billy needs to have a second cooldown after failing his chainsaw. You can move normally but anything else is not working for a short time.

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    Some suggestions were interesting like Trappers, Freddys or Sadakos, some of them were terrible like Blights.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,111

    I'm gonna be honest, I tuned out after I heard him say Wraith is fine. Just off of hearing that, I know his changes wouldn't be enough to make killers viable. We're still doing this as a community, operating on an outdated sense of balance. People think that killers are fine now, and so any killer buffs automatically will make the killers OP. In reality, our proposed buffs are something that should have happened years ago, and since they haven't, people have become accustomed to how weak killer is and they're afraid of that changing. It's why any recent killer buff is this huge radical thing. We're pushing for killers to become viable, while also pushing them to be at least playable, but most want to settle for them just being playable even though in their minds, that's viable.

    Let's look at some examples, just so my word salad isn't so confusing. Most people agreed before Trapper got his buffs, he wasn't fine. Same with Clown. But now that they are where they are, people don't want to buff them anymore. They say, "They're fine" knowing full well, I hope, that those killers aren't even a sliver viable, seeing as how nobody plays them in tourney. "Most people don't play at tourney level." Maybe not, but I still think it's relevant that there's such a disparity between the power level of Trapper/Clown and Nurse/Blight that killer players don't even attempt to use them in tourney, because they know there's nowhere near enough potential to win with them.

    Let's look at more, at perks specifically. Original Pop was fine by me. Those claims that you could go on a whole other chase and get down, and then still be able to kick a gen with it 100% of the time, were pure bogus. With 60-second Pop we struggled to kick gens before they were finished or to get there in time off of doing a 20-second chase. Now it's 45 seconds and does sub-20% to a gen. Not good at all, and neither is Corrupt. You get 1 down, you lose your early game slowdown. "But you still get insane value." Clearly we have different definitions of insane. Ruin/Undying wasn't that strong, and it definitely wouldn't have been with Counterforce and boons being introduced, but that got taken away as well.

    The nerfs to killers specifically are the most unforgivable part. Spirit forces the survivors to mindgame and improvise, instead of the other way around? Nerf it! Freddy has 1 good slowdown add-on and a bit of anti-loop? Nerf it! Wraith has almost anti-loop as an M1? Nerf. Deathslinger has good aim? Nerf. Pinhead can actually interrupt getting his power taken away for 60 seconds? Nerf. Pig has 1 niche strat that can get kills? Nerf for like the third time. Hillbilly gets overheat for using his power. Twins has cooldowns and animations on everything. Nemesis takes so many hits with his power to get out of tier 1. It's crazy all the killer nerfs that have happened in just the past 2 years. I can't be the only one who notices it.

    Killers need to be able to something to survivors at loops. If they can just drop the pallet early and not be mindgamed, we need to fix that. Gen speeds being quick as they are, we either need chases to end quicker or gen regression to be significant, but we have neither right now. We need perks and strategies that reward multiple chases and hooks to be incentivized, not punished or taken away. We can't take away things like Bloodlust or god forbid Entity Blocker without overhauling loops and whole maps in a significant way. We need survivors to be downable within reason, not being able to 1v1 any killer for 3+ gens. We need killers to be able to hook survivors. Unless Otz's killer changes addressed all this stuff, I literally don't want to hear it anymore.

    I can back up all of this, also. Can't simply turn most of it into a numbers crunch, but I can tell you how I believe the game is from personal experience and watching others. Name any killer nerf, any survivor buff, any new map, any new perks, and I'll give my thoughts on it. Just don't be surprised when I'm pessimistic about any of it, as I'm someone who's played killer and played it well.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,262
    edited October 2022

    opps, my error. I read your post as reducing cooldown of bump reduces all billy cooldowns. i misread your post. rewarding the killer for failing to use their power makes little sense to me. Otz suggestion for billy is weird.

    The dev will just look at billy kill-rate, see that it is 60% which is right on target. See that no changes need to be made. perfectly balanced killer.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,596

    Ahh, yeah. I see how you came to that conclusion. Bad choice of words on my side. I will still hold out hope for some QoL changes for Billy.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,616

    I'd say you probably shouldn't have tuned out at that point, because Otz goes on to make a good point; namely, that Wraith's problems do not stem from his basekit. When Wraith struggles - which he does, and Otz openly states that he does - it's because of unbalanced map design and other such external factors that would need to be changed anyway even if Wraith specifically got some tools to deal with them. From that angle, Wraith is fine-- or at the very least, the perspective that he is fine is a reasonable one, even if you don't agree with it.

    To tackle some of your other points- I see where you're coming from with viability, but it's a very flawed metric you're using. Trapper and Clown could both be perfectly viable in standard play and you'd still never see them in a tournament, because tournaments are where you only bring the absolute best, not just whatever you have a good chance of winning with. As a brief side note- who's saying they're fine? I've seen multiple threads about buffing Trapper and I don't see many people speaking that favourably of Clown. I'm pretty sure most people do want them buffed.

    As for the perk nerfs, those weren't done because the perks in question were too strong, so it's mostly irrelevant to this topic.

    For the killer nerfs, it's obvious that most of those changes (especially ones like Spirit and Deathslinger) were done for good reason and not just because it made those killers more viable or whatever, but the thing I especially want to highlight is that it's kinda super disingenuous to frame Pig's five-box, trap removal buffs as a nerf simply because it removed the AFK Pig strat. Pig's better now than she was before those changes, she got buffed in that update.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    I watched only Myers as he is my main and the one I play the most. Hard pass on everything except the long distance stalking at least in EW1 and addon tweaking, Tombstone addons should go and the "do this during EW1" addons should get changed into something a bit more useful.

    Also I dont know what he said about Twins but I disagree, the only change they need is being deleted entirely from the game and whoever utters their name after get hardware banned and/or sent to prison.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    My only thought is I like Otz but some of his videos are so long I don’t bother watching them.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,494

    I agree on wraith but myers just needs few buffs and he will be fine. He should be able to tombstone you from locker and should never run out of stalk. He could be 120% in tier 3 too.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,111

    I like how he calls it "changes I'd make to killers" then, even though he totally goes outside of that.

    Viable to me means viable in tournament. I would hope that's not unique to me, because it's weird to talk about viability as a completely separate thing from how good they are in tournament. How could a killer be good in one competitive environment, but not in another? It's as if you're talking about viability vs bad survivors.

    Nobody's asking for killer buffs right now, except maybe for Sadako, but those get shot down real quick because people justify her weakness by talking about that 1 niche build that needs a pink add-on to work. Everybody's saying every killer is fine; what rock are you living under? They just say, "Oh 6.1.0 happened, so now killers have nothing to complain about." Yep, suddenly Freddy and Pig win loads of chases I guess.

    You are right about the perks. They weren't nerfed because they were strong; they were nerfed to appease baby survivors. "What? Killer gets 1/4 of a gen for hooking one person? Pop OP!" Even though there were games where the killer got like 7-8 hooks AND used Pop/Pain Res every time they could have, and still lost, not even playing badly. Ruin destroying itself after a survivors dies, and NOED revealing itself, are absolutely made for casual survivors.

    You're just proving what I'm saying. "Pig's okay now because she's stronger." She used to have a smaller terror radius, quicker going into crouch, and more, and she still wasn't okay. So what big change did she get that made her strong? What did any killer get, besides attack cooldown buffs and kicking speed buffs that were years overdue? All I've seen is nerfs, to the most unviable killers at that, like with Wraith, Deathslinger, Clown, and Pinhead.

  • DY86
    DY86 Member Posts: 570

    I agree tbh. Myers and Trapper are the most outdated killers in game currently. The game has evolved into a state where its not as immersive as it was back in the day.

    then hiding was an actual playstyle, as even the grass was thicker and the maps were darker. Today is more chase oriented. Making trapper clunky af to play with.

    myers is only playable if u use one of his gimmicky builds, otherwise he’s just a weaker Ghostface.

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,028

    I still think trapper should basekit spawn with all his traps, but can only pick up a max of 2 once he has 1 or less.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,616

    ...What? He uses that angle to specifically stay in the lane of making changes to killers, he says that Wraith's changes would be very small because what he needs aren't changes to the killer.

    Regarding viability, I'm not sure why it would be weird to talk about them as completely separate, since they are completely separate competitive environments. Tournaments are not the average game of DBD, and what's viable in one isn't necessarily viable in the other. This isn't unique to DBD, pick any game with a tournament/E-sport scene and it'll be a very different beast to most people's matches.

    People are absolutely asking for killer buffs, I commented on a few posts talking about killers being weak just yesterday. I think you might have some selection bias happening over there, friend.

    The perks were changed to shake up the stale meta, and it happened on both sides. It's not to "appease baby survivors", come on now.

    Finally, where did I say Pig was fine? I didn't say that at all, I said she was buffed. You said she was nerfed, and that is objectively wrong, she was buffed. Is she fine? Eh, not really, she's still on the weaker side and I'd still like to see her get a few buffs, but that's irrelevant because neither I nor you were talking about that- we were talking about whether her most recent change was a nerf, which it wasn't.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,262

    why the max of 2? is there something crazy about holding 8 traps? Perhaps he should not be able to pick them up as after he places them. smiley face.

  • foodie
    foodie Member Posts: 437

    I can only speak for hag and the only things I agree on is removing the flashlight's ability to destroy her traps, increased movement speed and rework of some add-ons mostly because a lot of them are bugged

    Increasing her terror radius is just unnecessary, increasing the distance between traps is also unnecessary, and adding another way, a base kit way to destroy her trap is counterproductive. I would rather flash removing traps stay than putting another base kit way of destroying her trap. That's just a straight up nerf to her and she is in need of a buff not a nerf

    Crouching for 1 second over a trap to destroy it would be more powerful than a flashlight destroying her trap. Big no from me.

    Even as a solo player right now without a flashlight, you can ruin a hag's web by simply stepping on her traps while she is carrying a survivor to a hook or mid-chase with another survivor. It's about timing and using your brain.

  • Okonar_
    Okonar_ Member Posts: 499

    Completely agree with the Trapper, Nurse, Freddy, Deathslinger and Nemesis ones. Didn't watch the whole thing but I'm certain most of the things he said could be implemented in the game.

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,028

    Too good at just locking a single survivor down in some maps and forcing a down. Its why I suggest starting with all of them but cant pick up more than 2. Drastically reduces his RNG and setup time.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    Correct, any base kit changes to blight would be a terrible idea. And I agree that if they nerf the speed add-ons it should just be a number's nerf. I love Otz but he literally has no idea how to play Blight for the most part, he literally said a couple months ago that dpi still affects flicks(insanely wrong). So pretty much anything he says about blight for me will be taken with a big grain of salt. Just like when Lilith says alch ring is balanced, I know he is biased and I know since the slight distance loss of 6.1.0 that add-on is straight broken.

  • Gwinty
    Gwinty Member Posts: 981

    Overall his suggestions where fine but some of the buffs where over the top. Most times however he labeled them as such and their were a separate section to the other changes.

    The trapper changes where quit good (more grass please!), the nerfs to Spirits add-ons or Nurse are also fine and especialy the Blight add-on changes would be very much good.

    The suggestion for add-on changes were pretty sensible as there are problems with add-ons on certain Killers in one way or the other (Tombstone Piece vs Pyramide Heads whole range) with a very glaring issue when add-ons just do nothing because they are bugged.

    I disliked some of his buff suggestions thou as they were a bit too much. However I agree with the statement that Oni, Plague, Wraith and Legion are fine Killers right now and that BHVR is doing a far better job on Killer balance than they did in the past.

    Otz should however make a video about the problem with maps. He refers to this a lot and thus he should make the point and tell us what he means by "bad map design". Not that it does not exists, but the sentence is so vague that everybody has a different opinion on that matter and can mean different things. Many of his takes depend on what fixes to maps he would like to see.

  • SmarulKusia
    SmarulKusia Member Posts: 819

    Ah yes, make it so an iri addon can be COMPLETELY un-counterable.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140
    edited October 2022

    Only watched for Hag, Legion and Ghostface as the killers I play most, and I don't remember everything since I watched it a couple of days ago.

    I remember feeling like Hag deserves a little more love than what he thought for her.

    I didn't like his idea for survivors to all be able to destroy traps. They already have pretty good counterplays (crouching, setting them off when she's far or carrying a survivor, flashlights, following her around to set them off as she's putting them down) and playing against a coordinated team pretty much already reduces her to "3gen or nothing".

    Post edited by HugTheHag on
  • RonMan32
    RonMan32 Member Posts: 413

    Love his Pyramid Head and Wesker changes.

    His Deathslinger changes don't seem like enough and I don't think he belongs in the "mostly fine" category because he is NOT but I agree with the 28 m TR. Auto reload on hook doesn't seem helpful enough to be an add-on and also isn't a big enough problem in the first place to be basekit either. Reloading before pick up or just after hook isn't the end of the world. What I'd do instead is make his movement speed while reloading slightly faster.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,494

    It's proven to be working counter. Myers take lot of time to get to tier 3 with his iri add ons so if your team just minimaze his stalking chanses while looping him all gens should be done easily.

  • SmarulKusia
    SmarulKusia Member Posts: 819

    Of course trying to dodge his LOS will be his counter? The same way it is for Ghostface? or any other killer? Doesn't mean that your suggestion wouldn't be OP.