The toxicity in solo q is disgusting

Survivors: kiLLeRs aRE sO tOxiC
Turns out he was mad, because after completing one of the only two gens done, I unhooked him (in the dredge darkness none the less) and then went and picked up their Rebecca they left slugged for a really long time. He said I was “only there to make saves,” even though I was actually doing a gen challenge.
sick bro
but like killers can be toxic too
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I don't see how one bozo excuses the "toxicity" of all killers.
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Both sides can be equally toxic. Neither is okay.
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*** Toxic players are toxic regardless of what role they play ***
Reread it until it sinks in, please.
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Wow looks like you missed the whole point. *faking surprised*
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If it makes ya feel better, we've been left on hook for less, such as playing Claudette or our steam name
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Solo Q players never know anything. I can't even count how often I just played the game and did gens, did heals, did unhooks, got chases for a long time, maybe won chases but then for some weird reason they decide to do sth like that.
For while I was thinking about yk reporting them with a video proof but I don't do this much effort for 24/48hrs bans. They won't learn or change. If BHVR said they ban you for 30 days I would start to record every single game. Bc it's insane how often people do senseless stuff just bc they felt like you did sth wrong even if you didn't.
Yesterday I had a game on Springfield. I did 2,9 gens, 2 unhooks and won 1 chase and never got in the killers range again. Lately I also started to run Sprint Burst again since DH is just not working at all (thanks for removing dedicated dh, thanks). And when me and Adam finished the last gen I saw through my Kindred that the Killer was going for us and my sprint burst was also ready so I walked. Adam was mad at me bc I played immersive? He sold me out and died for that. The Killer couldn't find me and I decided to heal Adam up and he sold me out again and then we all died.
And this is the perfect examble of how smart he playerbase is in case of "knowing" when someone is actually playing right at dbd's core.
They don't. That's why I stopped playing dbd for a long while now. Same as Among Us. You just can't play the game it's impossible. It's swf only or nothing. The devs could just reveal survivor auras through the whole map and close the gap but they don't. For some silly reasons like "atmosphere". Seriously. Silly.
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If I was the killer and saw this .. she would be in a long tunneling sequence. lol . Many killers I faced though never bothered with any sandbaging.
Except one Legion. I accidentally dropped a pallet on a teammate who was in front of me and went all the way around to end up behind me with the killer close by. He did not like that at all. Went into lock on mode on me. Gave her the hatch at the end , though I explained it was not intentional.
Today I was fixing a gen and a David led the Clown to me , we both ran away but he dropped the pallet in front of me and I was finished (was stage 2 hook) , the rest escaped. Killer saw this but did not care.
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There are some children on this game as proven in your video. Unfortunately as you probably already know, this is just part of the game we have to accept. Every now and then we will have to deal with toxic players whether it's a survivor or a killer.
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thats ridiculous…
I would have been okay if they would have either Unhooked or let me die, but this was so unnecessary
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No, I get it, and 1) in a round-about way I'm kind of agreeing, and 2) it's not necessarily aimed at you but more at one or two of the replies that followed.
I get so sick of "X players are so toxic" or "what about this thing that Y players do?" Toxic people will be toxic. They'll be toxic as killer. They'll be toxic as survivor. They'll be toxic to anyone that seems like a target, as demonstrated by your post. Arguing about who is more toxic is pointless because it's always the player, regardless of what they queued up for and who's side they are supposed to be on.
I think that set a record for the number of times I have used the same adjective in one paragraph.
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Just a heads up: you can share the player’s name on YouTube, but sharing it here breaks the name and shame forum rules (doesn’t it?).
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I can agree with that
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I see way more survivor toxicity than killer and I play both sides.
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Survivor toxicity to killers it's literally them surviving or getting flashlight saves most of the time, my black friend got this today, and I would guarantee this happens on both sides
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trust me not every child is toxic, and not every toxic player is a child. plenty of grown up adults can be extremely toxic
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Didn't mean to offend anyone, I didn't mean children in the literal sense, I meant toxic players act like children, i.e have a tantrum when they don't get their way.
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This is why I don't post pictures often. I do not know how to hide the names especially on my phone.
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I don’t bother…if they wanna act like that, they deserve to have their name posted with their behavior…
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I didn’t know it broke rules..but how does it shame them? They chose to act that way, I posted exactly what they did…if you’re ashamed of what you do, don’t do it…
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I agree, it’s def a lot of work to file a report w the video in the moment..
Solo survivor is rough for sure..I play more killer, I find it more relaxing than having to deal w teammates like this AND a usually tunneling/camping killer 😅
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I hate that..too often I have other survivors intentionally run the killer to me, and it’s just like…whyyyy