RPD needs to be killswitched until the Map is fixed

On Console this Map is super laggy and unplayable as Killer its so Hard to hit anything
How does a laggy Map like this make it to the LiveServer ? Oh wait because Maps doesnt get testet on Console before it goes live since Console doesnt have PTB
Ralf is the only Map where i have this laggy Problems all other Maps are fine
I've never had any problems with RPD (either wing) on console
Which console are you on?
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Problem is the PS4 is very underpowered by modern standards and I don't know how much optimisation they can do to improve that in 2022
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I'm on Xbox One (the first version of the console) and have no issues with RPD. Both versions function just fine for me. The previous version was fine for me as well.
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Or just deleted. Let's do that instead.
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Unfortunately this is your answer and BHVR either can't or won't do the work to fix things up to have them run smoothly on the last gen consoles
There is a BIGASS thread about these issues that has been going strong since 2021
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The thread, you tagged it, I came.
Post edited by Pulsar on10 -
They can do a lot.
There's no excuse for DBD to look how it does and run like it does,
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Oh don't get me wrong, it sure has performance issues and I have had my own complaints about optimisation as I have been having stuttering issues on a very high end PC (launch parameters seem to have helped for now at least).
But with them upgrading graphics and a PS4 falling ever more behind hardware wise... I dunno if they will be able to do much with very obsolete hardware at this point.
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I...I didn't even tag you or even say your name...
What kind of witchcraft is this?!?!?
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Anytime that thread is tagged, I am summoned.
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Red Dead 2 looks better, is bigger and runs better than DBD on Xbox One.
Battlefront II looks LIGHTYEARS better and runs better on Xbox One.
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Neither runs on UE4 though
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Fallen Order, Fortnite and Sea of Thieves then
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Nope that is not at all the case DBD is just optimised like utter shite. I experience more instability and frame hitches on DBD than other game with far far better graphics and can usually get better frames on other games.
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Either way, I have not argued it has doesn't optimisation/performance issues... that does not change the fact that the PS4 is very underpowered now and nobody in any game company is going to invest resources into performance on obsolete hardware. The solution is to either live with it or upgrade... people may not like this choice but it is what it is.
Though if it is only one map the OP is having issues with they may even address that (RPD has always has issues though).
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The game released in 2016, there is no excuse to tell people they need to buy a minimum $500 console because BHVR can't be bothered to fix the game for the platforms that were contemporary with it.
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You touched his box. You summoned him, he came.
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This the only acceptable default response anytime someone brings up such foolishness about Ps4/Xbone unable to support the game's performance.
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I just came here to say that there is no map named Ralf ✌️
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The PS4 should still be well able to handle DBD
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Not really, remember the GPU on the PS4 is a downgraded version of the AMD HD 7870 which came out in 2012. So the fact it can run it at all with acceptable frame rates is pretty impressive tbh
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I have an Xbox1x, the absolute strongest of the prior gen machines, and it was built in 2019. I too have performance issues with RPD, as well as most of the indoor maps plus new Haddonfield and a few others.
It ain't the bloody machines were using, it's the rotini/ziti/campanelli coding and the awful optimization that effects us all, regardless of platform.
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Rolling around laughing furiously? Could describe any map really these days!
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To add to this, we often bash the devs for the way this game has been coded, but now are we saying they've managed to code past the capabilities of the older consoles?
It can't be both.
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PS4, map runs fine for me on both Killer/Survivor. I might get spikes every now and then but it happens on every map and it's not super common. Maybe like once or twice a match if even that and It's normally after a unhook/gen or something like that.
Very much playable for me and I've been playing RPD a lot going for the 20 escape trophy.
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The game plays differently every trial, depending on map/players, even on PC. With the way the game keeps repeating maps several times in a row lately, I've been noticing more oddities each round. Sometimes the map will run only poorly, other times it's a glitchy lagfest. I've tried it across several different PCs with different hardware (all of it with modern tech and current drivers/firmware) and on different ISPs. There's no real reason other than "non-optimized spaghetti code is <insert fart noise>".
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When making a game as a service like DBD, you absolutely have to keep support for the machines it was made on. Part of the agreement in such a model is that people will not suddenly become unable to play the game they have invested literal years into over being left behind, you can raise the upper cap but the lower cap needs to be consistent for as long as possible. DBD leaves people behind constantly because they refuse to put in the effort to optimize their code and the logic ends up eating as much resources as the graphics do.
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If Resident Evil Village can run looking absolutely fantastic at 30fps then there's absolutely zero reason DBD sometimes struggles to hit double digits.
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It's also worth noting the devs have said GPU isn't the issue, at all. It's CPU optimisations that are causing them, and by extension players, so much strife.
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Except they are wrong when they say that, anyone monitoring resource usage can instantly see the game is GPU bound not CPU bound. I don't know why certain people keep saying this as it simply isn't the case. Fire up Afterburner for yourself and check
Again, RE Village is a different engine and even when people give examples of other UE4 games they don't have the same level of graphics since DBD got an upgrade.
But anyway, I am tired of this topic at this point, people can whinge and complain about their sub-par hardware not performing well in certain scenarios but even with my dislike of BHVR I cant reasonably denigrate them for the game not performing well on decade old hardware that was barely mid range back when it came out.
Now the lack of graphics options, still no ultrawide support and inconsistent performance on high end hardware is another thing altogether...
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Dbd has always had extemely bad framerate on consoles. Ever since the game came to console. The Ps5 and Series X can run the game better.
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Of course, it was always pushing the boundaries of what those last gen consoles were capable of and honestly it is pretty impressive what devs can get out of such weak hardware - the benefits of having standardised hardware I guess.
But I can only smh and laugh at people who complain about any game not performing well on decade old hardware that was already a dialled down version of the PC equivalent... a DECADE ago.
I mean ffs, how do you reason with people who expect stellar performance in every game on decade old hardware, even revised versions? Good grief