500 win streak on nurse - balanced character
Why are you giving me hypothetical numbers? That's not what I asked for? All they show is you don't understand how Nurse works.
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what you say makes zero sense, i'm still looking for a trapper 500 win streak with those same conditions, know any ? link it here.
what about bubba, got any ?
blight is tier S too, and the highest streak i could find is 150 win streaks, against 500 of nurse, does this rings any bells ?
there shouldn't even be a 2nd place for killers in DBD, nurse should take all 3 best spots
Number 1 - nurse
Number 2 - nurse
Number 3 - nurse
Number 4 - blight
Bumber 5 - spirit
now remove nurse addons and the streak is over, period.
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there are no blight 500 win streaks out there, if you have any please link it here, blights can be countered, i played against one of the best, if not the best blight player in my country, and i managed to stay alive enough time for 2 gens to be done, and he gave up on me, this would never happens against a nurse of the same level, blights don't have the same reach as nurses, not even close.
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nah, you showed yours long time ago, when no matter what kind of numbers someone shows you, or how many professional players state the same thing, your automatic response is to deny it, you live on a denial reality, just to try and protect your dear OP nurse character, the slightest fear of nerfing the nurse irritates you, makes you go angry.
"Otzdarva is wrong"
"Supaalf is wrong"
"D3ad plays is wrong"
"All people who picks nurse on championship are wrong"
"All survivors who dies to nurse are wrong, they dont know how to counter nurse"
"you are fishing for likes, that is not an indicator people agrees with you"
you deny everything and everyone, just look at what you said above, your posts are only good for laughing at best
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Have you considered there's a possibility that your emotional investment in the issue might be affecting your ability to think logically about this?
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have you considered the possibility of listening to all professional players who clearly stated nurse is broken OP and needs to be nerfed ?
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The outliers? I think I already stated my position about balancing around outliers.
Edit: Also, Otzdarva didn't say Nurse was broken. He suggested changes he thought might enhance the overall player experience with an eye to reducing camping and tunneling as one of his guiding principles in his suggestions.
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every good player is an outlier to you, only streamers are good at nurse, no other players are good at nurse, lol
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No, I'm asking you to provide me evidence that Nurse is OP for the majority of players. The only evidence we do have doesn't show it.
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You're putting words in my mouth. You can be fact free if you want, but everyone can read the transcript.
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Blight has only been in the game for like 2 years... I don't think there are people in the game that have as many hours on blight than best players have on spirit or nurse, so there is probably still sth. to reach on...
Also when we consider her strongest addons spirit is pretty tough as well... Hens made a showcase of a spirit doing that against the best dbd comp team and they just got obliterated... Those top 3 killers are just so insanely powerful when mastered... Yeah Nurse is probably on top, but I still think the other two are not that far off as some of you think...
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(Latin: argumentum ad Ignorantiam) The attempt to argue for or against a proposition or position because there is a lack of evidence against or for it: I argue X because there is no evidence showing not-X.
basically you are asking for something impossible, i am not BHVR, im not a company , i cannot produce factual evidence, i can however play the game, test the killers and survivors, and listen to 10 + extremely professional and experienced game specialists that have a combined 20.000 hours of gameplay and that can describe how some killers are either too strong not strong.
there is no way to show your desired "evidence", BHVR kill rates shows that sadako is top on kill rates, is this true when you consider players with any 500 hours of experience ? nope !
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One part is correct. You cannot provide any factual evidence. That makes your position on Nurse an opinion.
I can provide factual evidence that Nurse is not an issue for the majority of the playerbase which is why my argument is not what you described above.
This is done with the caveat that the Kill rates as released are not the full picture but we are unaware of any factors that would change it.
Your opinion that Nurse is OP and broken is an opinion with no factual basis. My opinion is that Nurse is not OP and broken for the majority of the player base but I do have evidence backing my position. If there's an issue somewhere BHVR will change it eventually but I'd rather BHVR work on something more important and pressing such as solo queue icons.
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you don't have any evidence... as each killer have different learning curves, and new players will drag the nurse numbers down by a lot, the nurse is the worst killer for new players, as it has a very high skill ceiling, while sadako is a hundred times easier in comparison, and got the highest kill rates, so your evidence shows that sadako is the best killer on DBD ? because thats what you are saying.. lol !!!
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Factually wrong. I already mentioned Otzdarva's recent balanced suggestions video where you are clearly misrepresenting him.
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Wow! 290 escapes is really impressive! Thats nearly 60% of SupaAlfs streak!
I wonder what killer ended such an outstanding feat of experience and teamwork though.
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They're doing another run, as I already pointed out. They believe they can go farther. You should also consider it's harder to organize a survivor escape attempt than it is a killer kill streak. Progression will be slower.
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No, I'm saying the evidence shows that Nurse is not an issue for the majority of the playerbase; not which Killer is stronger.
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You just want to punish players who spent an inordinate amount of time to master one killer. 4 man SWFs with map offerings, medkits and comms can escape every game playing efficiently if they want but whenever it's suggested to lower pallet density, increase gen repair times or limit perk duplicates for SWFs it's YoU CaNt PuNiSh PeOpLe FoR PlAyInG WiTh FrIeNdS. As long as sweaty SWF can run roughshod over the entire roster, Nurse doesn't need changes imo
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where is your evidence ? you dont have any, invalid.
i guess you are a bit confused about this thread, this is about nurse not SWF, move on.
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Why do you want to punish players that mastered Nurse when she isn't a problem for the vast majority of players in the pool?
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I do. BHVR recently released Kill Rates. I've referred to it, and so have you, multiple times.
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Hens' winstreak just ended a few weeks/months ago and then he started the new one, so I really don't think you can say "a long time ago" also what do think how long it takes for a winstreak with that amount of games... When did Alf even start his current winstreak?
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You act like anyone can have a 500 win streak on Nurse, like most Nurses are nowhere near the lvl of SuperAlf and will never be at that lvl I mean the guy literally trains beforehand so he is on point lol. Though sure nerf the killer because 1 person got that large of a streak im sure the console nurses like myself and the other decent nurses will appreciate a character being butchered because you think SuperAlf by himself means its okie to nerf a killer to a ground. :)
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ProVengeance has a 100+ winstreak facecamping as Clown. Let's nerf Clown, he's OP!
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That's another thing... do we really want behaviour to touch a killer that maybe only needs a little tweak or addonpass? When we consider what they did to freddy or billy...
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Then again considering how they changed other killers, like freddy or billy we maybe should not even want them to touch nurse...
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The top 5% of MMR isn't invalid (and the Nurses in that MMR aren't new either) and neither is the playing experience of new players. Players in all MMR ranges need to be considered; not individuals.
Also, if we're going to balance Nurse around SupaAlf why can't we balance survivors around Hens? The reason is it wouldn't be fair but you can't say it's okay in this situation since it benefits me but it's not okay in this situation because it would hurt me.
Post edited by Gcarrara on4 -
I still dislike them nerfing billy I used to play a lot of billy before the nerf sadly the overheating ruined the strategies besides instant saw which was the main problem, hurting drift king billy and curve billy like I still think drift billy is one of the most fun addon combos, but it really does not feel good with overheat and poor freddy half his addons do nothing he just feels boring to play as.
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Nurse could get nerfed 3 more times and I am positive someone will be an absolute monster with her
And we will be back here, again, complaining
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the poor nurse is so weak, im sure pig , trapper and freddy or sadako can beat a nurse any day, the nurse nerf will come, and i will save your name just to message you on that day
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Perfectly put, honestly what you said just was perfect I suck with putting such things into words so clearly so I appreciate this a whole lot.
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But then again why does she not take the top spot in top 5% mmr? At this point your argument is invalid as we cannot consider somebody that is top mmr with nurse "a new nurse"?
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Above you said that behaviours takes into account newer players without game knowledge when releasing their stats, but they also released stats for the top 5% mmr which are not new players... And even at that level Nurse isn't the killer with the highest killrate, even though people who are top 5% mmr as Nurse should know how to play her, otherwise how did they get into top 5% mmr...
I hope that was more understandable, as English is only my 3rd language I'm not entirely sure what sounds properly for a natural English speaker...
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send link with source
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Link is from the DBD twitter ^^
Post edited by Gcarrara on0 -
And i guess since you are basically questioning the source of the information I'm referring to you cannot actually say something about the argument I made?
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the nurse literally IS in the top 5% , second picture, with 61%
Post edited by Gcarrara on0 -
Ok buddy since you are getting rude I'm gonna make it extra clear for you... There are like 10 killers in the top 5% of killrates and since the average is even above the 61% killrate nurse has with 61,3% her killrate is basically even below average...
Now you might need to rephrase what you are trying to say? The whole statstic is about how killers perform in the top 5% of mmr... And Nurse basically performs below average by 0,3% with a whole lot of way weaker killers... What is your point even...
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Okay, go ahead and prove that the Kill rates for Nurse are disproportionately out of line at all MMRs.
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Let me try to be nice to you, the "statistics" you sent are nothing more than data collected from 1 (One) single month, whereas nurse Is in the top 5%, this alone is enough to show you are wrong on your initial claims, second the data does not specify how many games were played by each killer, there could be 1 nurse game versus 10 weskers games, next you have wesker being a brand new killer, this gives us two things, everyone is playing wesker, with his new power, and most have never faced wesker or his addons, and that will lead to inflated numbers for a period of time, same thing happens for dredge, and thats how they are high there, as said befire in this thread, nurse isnt played a lot actually, the fact here is that she is broken, mechanics wise, period.
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I mean... In the end it is not that wide of difference in the killrates between all killers: highest ist 65%, lowest is 56%... Assuming those numbers are rounded it is like a range of 10% total... So saying that a killer is in the better half of the killrate just say nothing... Especially when we also consider the average is 61.3% and Nurse is at 61% which means she is not even in the better half, there is a total of 3 killers that perform above average... (I guess it just comes with the high amount of players on wesker and so which weighted in more than the rest of killers... )
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probably because most of them are worse than him and those few who match his skill couldn't make it.
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Anyone who wins a lot is anomaly to you guys huh. So cringe
Because people take comp swf for balance aswell.
Eye for eye.
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Ok buddy, since you're apparently really not reading the information BHVR realeases on their game I'm gonna help you out on this one...
Here you go my dear, on the bottom of that you'll find the pickrate in a nice chart... to make it short...
Pickrate left ... Killrate right
Mastermind 25% 65,82%
Plague 2,4% 63,13%
Dredge 1,99% 62,17 %
Oni 2,62 % 61,54 %
Cenobite 2,9 % 61,41 %
Onryo 2,18 % 61,4 %
Blight 4,95% 61, 34%
Nurse 6,12 % 61,22 %
Spirit 2,81 % 61,09 %
You can read the rest yourself if you are interested... So Nurse might be in the top 5% of killrates but is only 8th percentage wise, so even if we do not refer to the average, which is as I said before kind of broken by wesker with 25% pickrate, Nurse is still not the deadliest killer even when players know what to do with her...
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Let me use league as example. Riot has maintained the largest online game ever for so long because of their bi monthly update. With that said, characters that are extremely abusable in high elo are balanced around and people in lower elo's will naturally play them less and that's fine. Some basic character's can never be good in high elo unless they are so broken in low elo it's a pick or ban champion. Obviously decent amount of champs are played in both, but there is also 160 with varying kits that can fit in both. So in dbd blight and nurse would be balanced around high mmr while pig and bubba are balanced around low mmr. That is completely fine for devs to balance this way. But it's also risky due to the fact that "top 5% mmr" doesn't factor in them going against whatever the game decides to give them. Like does it really matter if baby nurses do even worse? They will either power through and get up her skill floor or they will give up and that's fine they can play a different character. Even as a Blight main you don't allow the top to be so utterly game breaking. You rework nurse as her design has long since lossed a place in this game and you nerf blight's top 2 or 3 add-ons. But on the flip side survivor's would have to get their game breaking stuff nerfed as well.
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At some point everyone gets fed with somebody who talks about stuff without even reading the statistics everyone is refering to... As somebody mentioned before we were talking about the recently released killrates with pickrates and stuff, since you joined the conversation whilst also referring to those we assumed you've also read those since they were posted on the BVHR twitter account not too long ago, and were oftenly reffered to in the forums as many people were confused why sadako is so high... That all given calling somebody out on not reading it properly but still discussing the things you didn't even read seems not too far off in my opinion. Whilst I only refered to that, you for some reason insulted me for skills you cannot even judge... I on the other hand called you out for something you in fact didn't even do, which is read the statistics... But whatever man...
Post edited by Gcarrara on0 -
so first you claims nurse wasnt 5% but now you say it is ? you need to make a decision mate.. again this numbers are good only as a cueiosity, nothing else, they are laughable as they dont bring essential information as how many hours did each player had, in average, or what perks they were using, or even better, what maps were used in this
Post edited by Gcarrara on0 -
Yes, because they're either a god-tier player and not at all representative of the general playerbase, or, y'know, lying.
AFAIK, you still have to prove yourself.
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While I do think nurse should be nerfed what does this mean if we find a swf team who has 4 man escapes in the hundreds? We can look at depip squid and hardcore survivor experiments, and top tier swf content creators and find similar cases