Are killers having trouble pipping?

With the current Devout Bug that doesn't count the kill if they are the last survivor in the match are killers having more trouble pipping. I havent been struggling too much depending on the killer I play. If I play a killer that is already good at pipping, Legion, Freddy, Pinhead basically any killer that is a two hit down I generally can get at least one pip in the match, It's basically the same as every last survivor getting the hatch (which I am going to do now until its fixed because it literally doesnt do anything for me). But on the harder killers to pip because of instadowns or plague puke hurting chaser I have been having some issues. I am wondering if other killers are also having this trouble


  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    Devout is bugged? I was wondering why I kept getting gold all day with 10-11 hooks.

  • Sharpefern
    Sharpefern Member Posts: 422

    Based on the research I have done (Playing games and experimenting) the last survivor does not count for devout nor bloodpoints. It doesnt matter if its a mori or a sacrifice if there is noone else in the trial because A) they are all dead or B) they have left through the exit gates it will not count... at the moment that is. So giving hatch will currently change nothing about your score but will up the survivors emblem.