IDK if this is a Pinhead Bug or just the way it works.

Here we see a healthy Bill in their natural habitat. However he senses danger afoot as the Injured Meg tries to solve a puzzle box. As the Pinhead Strikes with his chain the Bill intercepts and while still being healthy his spirit is Broken.

Like the wiki (which is wrong at times) says that blocking a chain is not a protection hit. I can only assume that he is broken because of Forced Penance but is this the way its supposed to work. Is it because she is injured or because she is solving the box or both?


  • R1ch4rd_N1x0n
    R1ch4rd_N1x0n Member Posts: 1,731
    edited October 2022

    Things can change without mention in patches. I am the one who tested the protection hits and I can guarantee you that chains did not used to trigger them. I just re-tested this however and it seems now they do. I will be updating that wiki page shortly. It does say when it was last tested you know...

  • Sharpefern
    Sharpefern Member Posts: 422

    I apologize if it seems that I criticizing the wiki, I wasnt meaning to, more just recognizing that because its a wiki its not always perfect or 100% up to date, nor do I expect it to be. It is a great wealth of knowledge and I do appreciate it tons. I was more questioning the interaction and if it was as intended or a bug as being broken and healthy seems strange or having a non damaging attack triggering mettle of man just seemed odd and wanted others opinions on it.

  • R1ch4rd_N1x0n
    R1ch4rd_N1x0n Member Posts: 1,731
    edited October 2022

    Next time something on the wiki seems to be outdated or just wrong, you should post a talk page comment on the wiki about it and someone on the wiki will likely look into it. I only saw this thread because the wiki admin, Doc October, saw it and informed me of it, and asked me to re-test it. And that isn't likely to happen every time.