Charm Shop

I wish there was something like a Charm shop, where you can buy old Charms from previous events or Rifts with Shards. If you are a newer player it's kinda ######### that you cant collect like the Doll charms from the old rifts. I really want the Jake Doll charm but theres no way for me to get it anymore.
Like a rotating store? I’d be up for that.
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Yeah, I'd be down for this. I'd like to get the survivor vinyls I've missed, and also the Wraith doll.
I don't think there's really any reason for charms to be rift-exclusive. Most people are ambivalent about charms anyway.
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You can complete the old tomes to attain those charms and other cosmetics.
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I wouldn't even make it rotating, just shove all charms into a category for shards
liscensed one for auric obvs tho
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you can not. that is not how it works. only charms you can get after tome is over is the ones for completing tome levels
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I'd love a charm shop. I'd love to add the ones that I missed to my collection