Winning without camping and tunneling.

WeakestNurseMain Member Posts: 308
edited October 2022 in General Discussions

From my perspective, the only way you can win vs solid SWF's without camping and tunneling is play a killer like Nurse or Blight, they're the only killers that can keep chases short(if you're good at them) and have enough time to 12 hook. But I've seen people here on the forums who think that mid tier and even low tier killers can 12 hook and still 4k vs good survivors if they get good enough with their killers power, there's got to be something I'm missing here because at 3k hours into DBD(with most of it spent of killer) I just can't win without tunneling and camping, I've learned the majority of the killers powers, I know all the general tiles in the game, I know how to chase and loop with most of the killer roster, but I just simply can't win without camping and tunneling if I'm not playing Nurse, Blight, or Spirit.


  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,606

    So does that mean that playing those Killers is good for the game or does that mean no other Killer is on their level (yes I know that it's a stupid question... but I would like to see your answer on this)

    What Build did you use? (if you don't mind answering)... also has it changed over the course of the game's life cycle? (again if you don't mind answering)

  • Sharpefern
    Sharpefern Member Posts: 422

    Not true but kinda true. If you lock down a VERY solid 3 gen and have the perks to support it and are okay with the game taking 30 minutes you can do it. Like we are talking eruption, call of brine, and thrilling tremors and being hella patient focusing on just keeping the gens as low as you can until you can get someone out of position and downed.

  • steamed_hamzzz
    steamed_hamzzz Member Posts: 255

    Maps also have a huge impact on the game and will often determine whether you need to tunnel someone

    I had a game yesterday playing Sadako on Badham vs a solid team who knew how to loop efficiently. It was my first game of the day so I tried to play as nice as possible with a pretty standard build. 4 man escape

    Next game was Midwich with slowdown and I showed no mercy tunnelling someone out of the game as soon as possible. 4 kills

    personally I don’t like to tunnel and in an ideal world we wouldn’t have to. but if I’m sent to an awful map and I’m becoming more and more tilted from repeated losses then I just say “screw it, I need a win”

    Killers are just as entitled to feeling powerful and winning just as much as survivors are, until the devs balance the maps and buff the weakest killers then don’t feel guilty about tunnelling someone.

  • WeakestNurseMain
    WeakestNurseMain Member Posts: 308
    edited October 2022

    I think Blight, Nurse, and SWF are a problem if players aren't supposed to win consistently, but if they are then everyone else needs to be buffed to around Pinhead level, and solo queue needs a hefty buff.

    My builds are typically 2 info perks with a qol perk that also can be used to help my regression perk, so combos like: Agitation and Pain resonance/brutal strength and call of brine, the builds are by no means weak.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,606

    Ok so we can agree with that

    Ok was just wondering... Thanks for that

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    Its been a long time since I saw a true scotsman fallacy.

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    I played a match yesterday where I happened to not camp or tunnel, at all. I’m not against doing it btw but had a 12 hook game against a twitchy. When they died they burst out that “this Oni is trying to play COMP, dude chill out!!!”

    I do not play for others. You do not know if they will honor anything you do. Just enjoy your match the way you want to.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 3,148

    You can play with a lower tier killer and win against good survs without tunneling or camping. But not consistently. Or even often. You're going to have do some repeat hooks and proxy camping/hook defense if you want to compete toward the top of MMR.

    I was recently in a match against a pretty good nurse, one of my team immediately disconnected, and we still got a 3E. Now if we played that same scenario out 99 more times, I feel like there would probably have been 95+ 4Ks. Would I then say "hey, you can win 3v1s against Nurses"? Not with a straight face.

    Just because a thing can be done, doesn't mean it is reasonable or realistic to use it as a baseline example.

    Bottom line is that against really good survs with most killers, a nice evenly distributed 12 hook, no camp (even proxy) match is going to be your outlier, regardless of killer player skill.

  • WeakestNurseMain
    WeakestNurseMain Member Posts: 308

    So if you're only goal going into match is to have fun, does that mean chasing survivors? I never understand when people say that, the game gives you the predetermined goal of kill everyone to win, but you choose to focus on one thing, at that point you might as well go play a game like Quake if you just want action without the strategy.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    I mean, if you have a skill of 5, paired with skill of 5 survivors, not tunnel/camp and you should have 2K average.

    If you tunnel/camp, you definitely 4K survivors who have similar skill to you. But then you play against higher skilled survivor, your kill rate would stay 2K average again, despite you tunnel/camp them.

    I still wonder to this day why so many killer wants to 4k every single match. The game designed to let you get 2K average no matter how hard you try.

    Even crazier when average skilled killer wants to buff so they can play on par against players like Zubat Aayrun.

  • Maelstrom808
    Maelstrom808 Member Posts: 685

    It's not that I don't try to win, I just don't try to win using a strategy that I find boring and uninteresting, but generally yields a higher success rate. I prefer something that takes far more strategy than camping and tunneling and yields more action. If it fails, that's fine. I had more fun in the attempt than I would winning in a less tactically engaging method. More often than not, I do just fine.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,441

    I went through 6 different mains over the course of 6 months when I started this game. And then I found blight and I cannot fathom for the life of me why anyone would ever play a different character. I mean I can they just have completely different ideals in video games than me. With my lol background all I want is to improve and there is no character that allows for significant growth over long periods of time other than blight, huntress and nurse don't even come close and while Billy's curve's are probably more difficult than some of blight's kit you can master it. Blight can never be mastered and every match has to be played differently because his power is directly correlated to the tile's and what surround's the tiles each game. No character has that much depth and no character even compares to him in the highest skill ceiling. And then after that long, semi relevant spiel he is an s tier character that rewards you for playing well. Blight is simply crack in this video game and now that I have played him any other character is boring due to shift+W. Other than c33 and somewhat alch ring, blight is the most rewarding character for survivor's to play against skill-wise. Weaker killer's you can run forever don't really have the capability to out play you, so it was never really an outplay in the first place

    So my long drawn out response is, play blight. I get it if you want to play myers and be immersed but at that point did you ever expect to able to do anything but camp and tunnel? If you want to play that way I can't stop you but bhvr I know I sound biased and I am. But blight fix's all of the issue's this game has on killer side. No shift+w, if you swarm around him like flies you will drop like flies, he really only camps better than half the killer's in this game when he runs iri tag and the only toxic thing about blight is the fact that he can tunnel better every other killer in this game for the most part.

    Quite literally most killer's require the survivor's to misplay to get good value. The only way I can think of for weaker killer's to not tunnel and camp is to 3-gen with all the gen kick perks and wait until the survivor's get bored, but that's really just another misplay.

  • Alex_
    Alex_ Member Posts: 143
    edited October 2022

    Tbh i think camping and tunneling is fine if done tastefully. I mean, obv facecamping is bs, but if a team genrushes you or uses a disgusting map offering then its completely fine to proxy camp. Also you dont have to ignore someone just bc they have been unhooked. If they thinl they can bully you, bc they have been unhooked and if you go for them they are toxic in the end game chat, you can go for them. You just shouldnt tunnel people off hook.

    I recently had a match with a leon who sent me to the meat plant (i was a pinhead), used meta perks and an insane item plus addons. Afterwards he complained about me proxy camping in the endgame, bc i had like 2 hooks.

    I think the biggest problem is not killerd being too weak, but items and maps being too strong. The difference between survs with OP ######### and survs with basic or no items at all is huge.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    Unless someone is playing professionally as killer and clocking in tons of hours, getting 12 hooks or 4k without tunnelling or camping nearly every game is highly improbable.

    However, it's not correct to assume the only way of getting it otherwise is playing against "potatoes" (I really dislike that word). It's just not something to expect consistently. The more practice you get, the better the chances.

    Yet don't let people put you down by complaining about tunnelling or camping. You bought the game, so play it how you like. In some cases it's the best course of action.

  • Kosturko92
    Kosturko92 Member Posts: 136

    Even Nurse/Blight and Spirit don't win without camping or tunneling, it's impossible. They are just best at tunneling, that's why they are S tier

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,030

    tunneling? yeah probs

    camping nah.

  • Whoudini
    Whoudini Member Posts: 309

    You dont need to camp and tunnel per say, but you will need to focus around 2 people. If you 8 hook the lobby with nobody dying then you will most likely lose.

  • Barbarossa2020
    Barbarossa2020 Member Posts: 1,369

    You don't have to.

    But it's fun to.

    Think of it as payback for all the standing around at the exit gate or "repeated crouching"

  • squbax
    squbax Member Posts: 1,526

    As much as in theory it is a scotsman, I see now way a good survivor team can get beaten by a myers, eithout tombstone that is, he is just an m1 killer with hauted grounds sometimes, easy af to loop amd easy af to rudh, how can you lose to that?

  • I_CAME
    I_CAME Member Posts: 1,384

    Except it has been done. A player called Knightlight did it and streamed the entire thing. He 4K'd every game with zero tunneling, camping, or slugging. The only exception being 2Ks on huntress and sadako. Anyone saying "but he's a comp player!" is admitting they just aren't good enough at the game. It is very much doable if you are good enough. "I can't win without camping/tunneling" is copium for people who are bad at the game but have too much ego to admit it.

  • I_CAME
    I_CAME Member Posts: 1,384
    edited October 2022

    That's the issue though. People will flat out claim that it's IMPOSSIBLE to win without camping/tunneling because THEY can't do it. Even though there is evidence of very good killers winning without these tactics. Yes you need to be good but the way people claim it's impossible is ridiculous. It's more accurate for them to say they aren't good enough to win without camping/tunneling. Saying that it's impossible is objectively incorrect.

  • OniWantsUrLocation
    OniWantsUrLocation Member Posts: 506

    I just checked his stats. He has played 28 killer games. He has 4k'd in 22 (~79%) of them. And in only 3 of those games he actually got 12 hooks. I don't know what to do with those stats. Way too messy. When I say you usually can't go for 12 hooks if you play super nice, I also mean against people who really want to play the game. Not people who kill themselves on the hook or dc.

    Personally, I didn't even say it was impossible in the first place. I'm comparing the average killer to the average survivor. The thread creator himself included only the good survivors when he said that you can't get 12 hooks against those types of players. And both statements are correct imo.  

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    True, and it's difficult for people to admit they perhaps are not as good as they claim. Many players will have inflated ideas about their own skills, or blame their performance on other players or unfair tactics, when if they looked objectively at their plays across their trials they may realise there are mistakes which they can learn from, yet refuse not to.

    Rather than see scenarios, as you say, as something that is impossible, it's better to see it as a challenge. There was a video by Coconut which had him seeking to achieve something a survivor did to him that seemed ridiculous, but he saw it as a challenge. That's a much healthier attitude to have.