So Survivors Loose Simple Locker Flashlight Saves

Don't worry You guys will adapt to these changes and move on as you always do.
Don't worry You guys will adapt to these changes and move on as you always do.
Killers can’t relate.
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As allways the US vs them
I got 3 words , deal with it
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It was a stupid bug and needed to be fixed.
If i was able to throw a hatchet through a locker would that be fine?
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I… uhm. I don’t think hatchets should be brought up here with how often they get complained about because of hitboxes and/or lag
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Good! Remove the uncounterable bullshit that was massively exacerbated with the introduction of Dredge and as compensation buff flashlights by making them more forgiving to use with the 0.25s buffer zone. I have zero problems with the changes.
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But hit boxes go both ways, ones that should hit don't because a bush is suddenly a giant square, or that car bonnet i can't actually put my arm over and throw, or that one that did land but lag worked for you. Or pre "fix" dead hard when the hatchet would hit you in the back but dead hard saved you.
So don't complain about hatchet's sometimes you eat sometimes you're eaten.
The image is from this
which was apparently posted by Peanits.
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Basekit BT Killers have adapted too.
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I wasn’t complaining. Just saying that many people/survivor DO complain about hatchets and I wouldn’t use that as an argument here as those won’t agree with you anyways.
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I was just comparing absurdities. People who like to do this type of exploitive behaviour are the reasons why survs can't have nice things.
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I play surv a lot, and it's nbd. Locker saves are/were either:
- Very rare/hard to pull off organically
- Used as a nearly uncounterable harassment tool by coordinated teams
In either case, no great loss. For the vast majority of surv players, the .25 second buffer is going to be much, much more impactful. I've also got well over 1K hours in killer, and I can count on one hand the number of locker blinds I've suffered that weren't part of a coordinated effort just to get locker blinds.
I'd confidently bet that almost all the people who are really bothered by this are players who like to gang up on killers just for fun.
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Wow, you actually carry with you a whole essay in case someone questions huntress ' hatchets hitbox
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I love how this forum post went from "Adapt to new changes" to "Huntress's Hatchet aren't fair and have bus size hit box"
Anyhow, as a person that play both roles, I'll get used to whatever changes BHVR throws at me.
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Locker saves should never have been a thing
0 counterplay (minus our lord and saviour lightborn) and honestly is just unfun to go vs
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Another one of the many things that will get patched and be missed by me. Booo.
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No i just googled it. Because i knows its contentious issue.
"huntress hit box explained" first hit.
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Lmao, Victor pouncing on people that were inside lockers
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Sounds like another band-aid solution to a much larger problem.
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And it was equally stupid, but only abusable by 1 person.
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And what if I don't want to deal with it?
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I mean there's literally nothing else you can do? Like it's a change the devs are doing and nothing you do or say will do anything.
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We can. The difference is we go from the least weak stuff to the next least weak stuff. Survivors go from the most broken stuff to slightly less broken stuff. Take the post-6.1.0 meta shift for example.
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Only double lockers were problematic tbh and let's face it the average survivor can't hit a normal flashlight save let alone locker ones but here we are again
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Praise be the lord 😎
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"Only double locker were problematic"
Haven't all lockers been converted to double lockers after dredge?
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When I think as survivor, I would rather get easier Blinds all the game with the planned buff than locker-saves only.
This Locker-Thing is most of the time a playstyle in competetive SWFs, not in SoloQ.
Its not a SoloQ-Buff, but definetely a SWF-Nerf. Its ok. Lets see how the buff plays out on the PTB next week.
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If that was true survivor games would be easy
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No. There are still plenty of areas with only one locker available. Especially jungle gyms on the three original realms.
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I don't really care about theor removal, but what do those 2 things have to do with each other? It also wasn't a bug.
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*Looks at Deathslinger and Hillbilly*
Yeah they definitely can't relate...
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Then we know who the bigger person is
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I completely forgot dredge addin an absurd amount of lockers to most maps,,yeah i guess removing locker saves all together makes more sense