Bodyblocking Hooks

I have a bit of a conundrum that I want to better understand, so I figure I'll ask here. What are people's thoughts on survivors being able to stand under a hook so that the killer cannot get the hook prompt? Do you think it's fair or balanced by risk? Do you find it unfair? I'd like to know, if you're willing to share your opinions.
All opinions are welcome, I'm looking to understand rather than prove a point.
How else am I going to get Mettle of Man tokens??
I need Protection Hits, I no longer get them from being hit while healing a slug, and I don't get them for chasing an injured survivor and taking a hit for them unless I'm riding on their back because of how strict the range is for it.
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While body blocking may have been an issue in 2017 to maybe 18, anyone who has issue with body blocking are quite honestly fairly entitled.
Body blocking is already kind of tricky even with Voice chat, being able to pull it off in solo Q is very well done and deserves to be rewarded. But the devs realised this was a strategy have given killers many perks to deal with it over the years.
Mad Grit, iron grasp, star stuck. You can combine a whole bunch and make an entire build based off downing survivors while carrying someone.
The real issue is RNG. Some times maps can have 2 hooks side by side one another making body blocking pointless while at the same time having an area with only one possible hook.
Remove the RNG aspect and have hooks placed in specific locations and I think both killers and survivors would benefit. There is nothing wrong with body blocking.
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I think it's a fair risk-reward situation. You might lose one opportunity to hook but now a couple more people are injured, which slows down the game.
Plus some perks on both sides are built around that : STBL, Mad Grit, Mettle of Man come to mind.
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I mean... just hit them? If they don't move, hit em again. And again.
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It's honestly a fairly balanced mechanic at this point. The team needs to take a lot of health state loses to make it viable so even if you aren't hooking that one particular survivor you are carrying, you are grinding down the match to a crawl. Just make it a habit to look down every single time you are approaching a hook even if you don't think anyone is there.
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In my opinion it’s fine and usually is a good way to tell if a player is skilled most of the time those 500iq team plays impress me especially if it’s a full solo queue lobby
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It’s completely fine. It’s risky to do since you’re leaving yourself as an easier target later if you get injured doing it and I think encouraging altruism is a good thing generally speaking, as long as survivors only block hooks when it’ll actually make a difference. There aren’t a lot of things worse than seeing your teammate be downed across the map while the killer is carrying someone and them getting the hook anyway.
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It’s very difficult to pull off successfully. By successfully I mean actually getting value out of it, and not throwing the entire game. Has plenty of counters as killer, both basekit and with perks.
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Body blocking is super frustrating for killer when it's done effectively but it's a risky and incredibly difficult tactic to pull of successfully. As killer I've punished a lot of players trying this tactic and more often than not i usually end up with at least a free hit, of not another free down and still hook the original survivor too.
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Thanks for the responses, everyone. I think I have a better understanding of the situation, now.
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What slow down? Survivors heal in like 5 seconds
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If they do it, at least let me hit them. Oh, they twitched to the left or right, so I swing and miss, and they still body block the hook.
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“5 seconds”