Thank you Devs for Legion!

I really hope a dev sees this, any dev, I'm not picky!
I love Legion!! You have finally given us a 'survivor' killer, and they are extremely satisfying to play. I love being able to sprint and vault, a survivor hunting survivors, finding multiple people and learning how to use this killer right. They don't play like any other killer in the game, and I'm okay with that! Honestly it feels like Mirrors Edge, if Faith had a knife instead of her fists.
I felt I had to create this post since I have been seeing nothing but negative comments online. I love this killer!! They are FUN, they are scary, and it's soooo easy to kill with them once you know what you are doing (Though to be fair I'm playing at rank 5-10 right now since I didn't have much time to grind to higher ranks)
Please don't nerf legion (I'm serious), and I just wanted to say thank you so much for making such a fun and interesting killer! I love this game quite a bit and always look forward to the next big thing ^__^
AndronikJack said:
I really hope a dev sees this, any dev, I'm not picky!
I love Legion!! You have finally given us a 'survivor' killer, and they are extremely satisfying to play. I love being able to sprint and vault, a survivor hunting survivors, finding multiple people and learning how to use this killer right. They don't play like any other killer in the game, and I'm okay with that! Honestly it feels like Mirrors Edge, if Faith had a knife instead of her fists.
I felt I had to create this post since I have been seeing nothing but negative comments online. I love this killer!! They are FUN, they are scary, and it's soooo easy to kill with them once you know what you are doing (Though to be fair I'm playing at rank 5-10 right now since I didn't have much time to grind to higher ranks)
Please don't nerf legion (I'm serious), and I just wanted to say thank you so much for making such a fun and interesting killer! I love this game quite a bit and always look forward to the next big thing ^__^
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Goddamn, Legion is weak as hell, and addon reliant as you get, but I still want to play as legion. What a love hate relationship.
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@Rebel_Raven said:
Goddamn, Legion is weak as hell, and addon reliant as you get, but I still want to play as legion. What a love hate relationship.I don't think Legion is ridiculously weak; people just need to figure out how to play him. I don't it's reasonable for people to think a killer ought to be able to consistently 4-man without any perks or add-ons, which is what I've heard a majority of people say.
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@AndronikJack said:
I really hope a dev sees this, any dev, I'm not picky!I love Legion!! You have finally given us a 'survivor' killer, and they are extremely satisfying to play. I love being able to sprint and vault, a survivor hunting survivors, finding multiple people and learning how to use this killer right. They don't play like any other killer in the game, and I'm okay with that! Honestly it feels like Mirrors Edge, if Faith had a knife instead of her fists.
I felt I had to create this post since I have been seeing nothing but negative comments online. I love this killer!! They are FUN, they are scary, and it's soooo easy to kill with them once you know what you are doing (Though to be fair I'm playing at rank 5-10 right now since I didn't have much time to grind to higher ranks)
Please don't nerf legion (I'm serious), and I just wanted to say thank you so much for making such a fun and interesting killer! I love this game quite a bit and always look forward to the next big thing ^__^
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The legion are fun to play. It's still too early, since people have to experiment various builds / addon combos on them to actually know what brings out the best in them. The legion has been well-thought of and the squad look super cool. If, in their initial form, the legion doesn't match up to their top tier counterparts, doesn't mean it won't be touched upon. The legion can do what other killers cannot, which is vault pallets and be toe to toe with survivors in a chase. Also, we need to understand how hectic the last quarter of the year can be for the developers, since it includes two big events, along with a mid chapter patch and chapter release. Hence, right now it's time to thank the developers and motivate them to keep doing their best. I love their work and how fast they are with the development of the new chapters, like you aren't really over the last one and you get served with a new one already.
So, thank you. Keep up the good work.
Claudette sends stealthy love from the fog.4 -
Thank you devs for giving us an annoying ass mosquito as a killer.
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I've been having a lot of fun playing as The Legion. Running around the map, slapping survivors around. I especially love the matches were I manage to hit 4 people back to back with a single Feral Frenzy. It's rare, but it does happen. It boggles my mind when I hear people say that The Legion is weak. I haven't even been using the supposed strong add-ons (Except once and it was a 4k) and I feel like I'm getting the job done. Either way I love the design and play style. And I almost laugh at the survivors who actually think that they can try and troll me just because "The Legion is the worst killer in the game" talk. They quickly learn that if they don't take it seriously they are dead. I get some sick pleasure out of that feeling of seeing them go from I'ma troll this killer to near panic mode as they realize that The Legion isn't the joke the community tries to pretend he/she is.
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Thank you devs, for giving us the possibility to chase survivors with a rubber spoon.5
Love Legion Long Time0
Legion isn't skill based, playing Legion is just waiting for your power to recharge so you can vault a pallet and hit the survivor. Playing against Legion is just based on luck whether or not you can escape or not. There is no counter play.
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Saint_Ukraine said:
@Rebel_Raven said:
Goddamn, Legion is weak as hell, and addon reliant as you get, but I still want to play as legion. What a love hate relationship.I don't think Legion is ridiculously weak; people just need to figure out how to play him. I don't it's reasonable for people to think a killer ought to be able to consistently 4-man without any perks or add-ons, which is what I've heard a majority of people say.
I'm not 4k crazed. As long as there is a fighting chance for them, sure, but Legion doesn't seem to come close to offering that.
A killer should be useable naked. Playable, and deadly right out of the box. At least in lower ranks when, say, you're just starting out, you don't have 4 perk slots, you don't have perks from other killers to lean on, etc.
They should be able to stand on their own perks (I.E. Iron Maiden needs bonus damage from frenzy since exposed status is useless in that state.) as well.
Legion just has too many weaknesses that survivors who aren't potatos can exploit.1 -
KiLlAr mAiNz (I didn't type "Killer mains" on purpose) getting triggered by other players having fun. What a classic.
Coming from a pretty decent killer main, as I am, Legion looks fun. I didn't play him yet other than 2 games on the PTR, but my gf is having fun.
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@Vancold said:
KiLlAr mAiNz (I didn't type "Killer mains" on purpose) getting triggered by other players having fun. What a classic.Coming from a pretty decent killer main, as I am, Legion looks fun. I didn't play him yet other than 2 games on the PTR, but my gf is having fun.
Well as long as your GF is having fun...
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I dunno if it was my time playing as the Hag before her QoL buffs, but I enjoy playing as the Legion. I will play them a great deal more once the crash fix happens, until then I'm gonna be playing Borderlands 2 and Minecraft. Don't judge me.
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@Tsulan said:
@Vancold said:
KiLlAr mAiNz (I didn't type "Killer mains" on purpose) getting triggered by other players having fun. What a classic.Coming from a pretty decent killer main, as I am, Legion looks fun. I didn't play him yet other than 2 games on the PTR, but my gf is having fun.
Well as long as your GF is having fun...
It kinda highlights the simple fact many KiLlAr mAinZ refuse to grasp: things can be subjective. A killer isn't less viable or less fun just because some random whiner made a single digit upvoted cry thread on the forum.
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Vancold said:
@Tsulan said:
@Vancold said:
KiLlAr mAiNz (I didn't type "Killer mains" on purpose) getting triggered by other players having fun. What a classic.Coming from a pretty decent killer main, as I am, Legion looks fun. I didn't play him yet other than 2 games on the PTR, but my gf is having fun.
Well as long as your GF is having fun...
It kinda highlights the simple fact many KiLlAr mAinZ refuse to grasp: things can be subjective. A killer isn't less viable or less fun just because some random whiner made a single digit upvoted cry thread on the forum.
A Killer isn't viable or less fun just because some random SuRvIVAh MAiN made a single digit upvoted cry thread on the forum.
3 -
Did nobody see the stream? Buffs are coming to the legion......... honestly this killer isnt my cup of tea... do they look cool? Yeah bhvr does an awesome job on all the killers appearance... but the power requires 0 skill... you miss a hatchet with the huntress you're punished and if you miss too many you could lose the game ... spirit if you don't predict and miss too many phase walks you get punished and could cost yourself the match... legion? Nope doesn't matter miss as many hits as you want you still get the hit while in frenzy as long as you have a brain... and once they remove the stun when you end frenzy before the power runs out this killer is going to be disgusting...
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pretty sure they pull another freddy on the mend ability like the mending progress not resetting when interrpted.
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I know how I feel will change if I allow myself to Rank up more, but currently having a lot more fun than anticipated and its been rewarding on improving my gameplay as them, even if end result is less kills (still getting high amounts of Bloodpoints tho).
But there's a lot to like at lower levels currently for me, but since I have other priorities for my Bloodpoints with getting other Killers to lvl40 for Teachable Perks (late to getting into DbD, joined when it was free on PS+ around the BBQ Summer event) my Legion is naked at level 1 using a single Perk xD guess I'm a masochist with that.
That said, higher ranks will more than likely be far more punishing to play Legion without a good Perk build and add-ons. So while I'm still all for/pro Legion on just about everything, from their look, their backstory, their cosmetics, their Perks (fun change up/meme stuff, which I like) and a great ability...mostly... I still feel Legion needs some tweaks and fixes for higher rank/coordinated teams and for the future as a whole.0 -
@Vancold said:
@Tsulan said:
@Vancold said:
KiLlAr mAiNz (I didn't type "Killer mains" on purpose) getting triggered by other players having fun. What a classic.Coming from a pretty decent killer main, as I am, Legion looks fun. I didn't play him yet other than 2 games on the PTR, but my gf is having fun.
Well as long as your GF is having fun...
It kinda highlights the simple fact many KiLlAr mAinZ refuse to grasp: things can be subjective. A killer isn't less viable or less fun just because some random whiner made a single digit upvoted cry thread on the forum.
Yes, fun is subjective. Maybe if you played him too, instead of talking for your GF, you´d notice.
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@Tsulan said:
@Vancold said:
@Tsulan said:
@Vancold said:
KiLlAr mAiNz (I didn't type "Killer mains" on purpose) getting triggered by other players having fun. What a classic.Coming from a pretty decent killer main, as I am, Legion looks fun. I didn't play him yet other than 2 games on the PTR, but my gf is having fun.
Well as long as your GF is having fun...
It kinda highlights the simple fact many KiLlAr mAinZ refuse to grasp: things can be subjective. A killer isn't less viable or less fun just because some random whiner made a single digit upvoted cry thread on the forum.
Yes, fun is subjective. Maybe if you played him too, instead of talking for your GF, you´d notice.
Notice, what, exactly?
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@Vancold said:
@Tsulan said:
@Vancold said:
@Tsulan said:
@Vancold said:
KiLlAr mAiNz (I didn't type "Killer mains" on purpose) getting triggered by other players having fun. What a classic.Coming from a pretty decent killer main, as I am, Legion looks fun. I didn't play him yet other than 2 games on the PTR, but my gf is having fun.
Well as long as your GF is having fun...
It kinda highlights the simple fact many KiLlAr mAinZ refuse to grasp: things can be subjective. A killer isn't less viable or less fun just because some random whiner made a single digit upvoted cry thread on the forum.
Yes, fun is subjective. Maybe if you played him too, instead of talking for your GF, you´d notice.
Notice, what, exactly?
That fun is subjective.
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@Tsulan said:
@Vancold said:
@Tsulan said:
@Vancold said:
@Tsulan said:
@Vancold said:
KiLlAr mAiNz (I didn't type "Killer mains" on purpose) getting triggered by other players having fun. What a classic.Coming from a pretty decent killer main, as I am, Legion looks fun. I didn't play him yet other than 2 games on the PTR, but my gf is having fun.
Well as long as your GF is having fun...
It kinda highlights the simple fact many KiLlAr mAinZ refuse to grasp: things can be subjective. A killer isn't less viable or less fun just because some random whiner made a single digit upvoted cry thread on the forum.
Yes, fun is subjective. Maybe if you played him too, instead of talking for your GF, you´d notice.
Notice, what, exactly?
That fun is subjective.
I sincerely don't know what you're trying to explicate.
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Personally I am having fun playing Legion. I find the style entertaining and I can annoy survivors. I am cool with that.
That said, he is still by far the weakest killer. I do not play him with any intentions of getting more than 2K. I play them to just have some fun. They need some buffs to make the killer viable at higher ranks.
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While the Legion does need a slight buff... he is fun and has a nice touch to him. I'm liking it.
It's different and fun. He's not really meant for top ranks, but not too many killers are.
THey just need to leave his movement speed alone. BUff the brown and yellow add ons a touch or rework them.
ADd something else to the Iridescent Button Ultra add on and slightly buff the power.
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ChesterTheMolester said:Vancold said:
@Tsulan said:
@Vancold said:
KiLlAr mAiNz (I didn't type "Killer mains" on purpose) getting triggered by other players having fun. What a classic.Coming from a pretty decent killer main, as I am, Legion looks fun. I didn't play him yet other than 2 games on the PTR, but my gf is having fun.
Well as long as your GF is having fun...
It kinda highlights the simple fact many KiLlAr mAinZ refuse to grasp: things can be subjective. A killer isn't less viable or less fun just because some random whiner made a single digit upvoted cry thread on the forum.
A Killer isn't viable or less fun just because some random SuRvIVAh MAiN made a single digit upvoted cry thread on the forum.
Hes not fun, hes not cool, just a waste of a perfectly good chapter1 -
ItsYourBoyGuzma said:ChesterTheMolester said:Vancold said:
@Tsulan said:
@Vancold said:
KiLlAr mAiNz (I didn't type "Killer mains" on purpose) getting triggered by other players having fun. What a classic.Coming from a pretty decent killer main, as I am, Legion looks fun. I didn't play him yet other than 2 games on the PTR, but my gf is having fun.
Well as long as your GF is having fun...
It kinda highlights the simple fact many KiLlAr mAinZ refuse to grasp: things can be subjective. A killer isn't less viable or less fun just because some random whiner made a single digit upvoted cry thread on the forum.
A Killer isn't viable or less fun just because some random SuRvIVAh MAiN made a single digit upvoted cry thread on the forum.
Hes not fun, hes not cool, just a waste of a perfectly good chapter2 -
@Vancold said:
@Tsulan said:
@Vancold said:
@Tsulan said:
@Vancold said:
@Tsulan said:
@Vancold said:
KiLlAr mAiNz (I didn't type "Killer mains" on purpose) getting triggered by other players having fun. What a classic.Coming from a pretty decent killer main, as I am, Legion looks fun. I didn't play him yet other than 2 games on the PTR, but my gf is having fun.
Well as long as your GF is having fun...
It kinda highlights the simple fact many KiLlAr mAinZ refuse to grasp: things can be subjective. A killer isn't less viable or less fun just because some random whiner made a single digit upvoted cry thread on the forum.
Yes, fun is subjective. Maybe if you played him too, instead of talking for your GF, you´d notice.
Notice, what, exactly?
That fun is subjective.
I sincerely don't know what you're trying to explicate.
As you already mentioned. Fun is subjective. You defend the fun your GF has with Legion, while you have played him twice. It could be, that he doesn´t appeal to you, like he does to your GF.
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I find him quite boring to play tbh. It's just vaulting in first person. I'll stick to my Trapper, Huntress, and Doc
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I actually stream the game from PS4, and out of 7 games, I only DIDN'T 4k ONCE. (granted I did drop one survivor on the hatch, but i still consider that a 4k because i let him get out)
Legion is a way stronger killer than you'd think. They just require skill and to adapt a different playstyle. If these buffs actually happen I think I'll switch from Mikey main to Legion main, because they will be unstoppable for me
Also I play both sides regularly