Does working on a generator with another survivor not count as a cooperative action?

For the last two matches the strategic alliance challenge in the haunted by daylight tome needs for you to perform a cooperative action for 90 seconds. Over the last two matches I have finished four generators with another survivor, and it hasn't budged pass 70, which is where it was at when I started the first of the two matches. Is it bugged or do I need to be healing other survivors?
It should count, repairing a gen and healing both
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That's what I thought. Honestly I really don't like playing killer because it's a constant sweatfest against swf, so I naturally like playing survivor even though it's rather difficult solo. With it being the last day of the Halloween event I really wanted to knock out this tome, but this challenge is completely bugged for me for some reason. I'm playing on PS5, and despite restarting the game it hasn't done any good.
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Switch to another challenge then select the one you want, works every time for me
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Heals and gens count
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I get the same problem with the co op action archive task. Switching challenges doesn't work for me and the new challenge won't progress either.
If that's you too, the only solution I've found is to close the game and reboot it. It's a fickle challenge and the only one that gives me grief.