Artist is a pain in the ass to face, way too strong for how easy she is.

the free zoning, placing a crow in different directions, get hit, get down repeat if u werent injured, the gameplay is so interactive. maybe she shouldnt be able to injure survivors unless they are with crows in top of them in every scenario that would be fairer....
Git gud
38 -
What are you talking about? Shes kinda weak and easy to counter, you only need to go full W or fake and make her miss.
11 -
sure mate, have u tried agaisnt a decent artist?
14 -
Go play Artist for yourself and see how easy she is to master lol.
35 -
i didnt know putting a crow in front of a pallet, one in the corner of the pallets was so hard, but i gues you are right and im wrong.
5 -
I never see this killer in my games
4 -
may be a region thing i see around 2 per day. The only killer i rarely see are twins and hag.
1 -
The Artist is the type of killer that rely on your skill more than the player behind, she can't do much if you are better than her. Try to play as her or practice in a custom match and see how frustrating she can be against pro survivors, people don't pick her for a reason.
16 -
This is how bad Artist plays tho. Good / Decent Artist will go for range shots to down you faster which is not easy to do unless you play againts predictible Survivors. You think you know her, but you really don't.
14 -
4.5K hs hs i dont need u to explain what i know. you can make dsitance if u have lithe or time a decent DH thats isnt counter thats a perk doing the job for you, a decent artist doesnt hesitate and once the crows are placed you are dead specially if she is playing with a decent pair of headphones and hear you leaving. she is 115 you wont make far.
0 -
thats part of her basekit and you will always see artists placing crows in pallets, windows and corners because thats how you play her when u have a survivor close so dont tell me what i see after facing her hundreds of times, i know her because thats what every artist does. Then ofc they will go for long range shoots with aura reading perks extremely skillfull not gonna lie or just by using them for scout shooting to gens (insane amount of skill required there aswell), the only part where is actually some skill needed is when predicting wich is not really predict when you can initially see where the survivor is going and send 3 birds at the same time and potentially catch it or not...
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For real thought, have you tried playing her? She might seem strong, but she isn't firing Missiles, but first needs to hit you with a marker light and then follow up with the airstrip, while the target moves away.
A strong, well played Artist can be very oppressive, but that player went through the valley of tears and t-bags before they learned all the tricks. Artist is far from the strongest of killers or OP and good skills and hours poured into mastering a killer should be rewarded.
Have you seen what sick hatchet throws Huntress mains with 1000h+ can pull off? That's stuff that only grows with experience.
9 -
Play her and then come back again.
6 -
She's one of the easiest killers to counter.
6 -
You dont really need to master "Place Crow at loop to make the Survivor leave". This is not really something which needs much practice.
Sure, the counter to this is to leave the Loop. However, this is a really boring counter and in the end, the Artist-player is not outplaying anyone, they are catching the Survivor because they are in a Deadzone eventually and the Artist is faster than the Survivor.
7 -
But all the Killers are faster than the Survivors except for Nurse since her base speed is lower than Survivors.....but in regards to what they were saying about go play Artist....All Artists I have faced that did the place at loops etc lost horribly because that's not really her strength. When I faced those who can land those sniper shots then that's another story. Her sniping game is excellent but difficult to master.
4 -
"Her sniping game is excellent but difficult to master."
This is 100% true, but this is also not the point which is complained about when Artist is mentioned.
Also, yeah, all Killers are faster than Survivors (aside from Nurse), but it is just bad counterplay when the only thing you can do is Shift + W. This involves 0 Skill by either party and it is just boring and does not feel rewarding when you "win" the chase (because the Killer leaves) or when you "lose" the Chase (because the Killer is faster) as Survivor. Same for Killer, I dont feel excited if I catch a Survivor because I move faster than them.
2 -
Artist is a deceptively hard killer. You really won't get far with her if all you do is place crows at pallets and windows because those crows are easy to counter.
2 -
While I cant see how you play, I would imagine you arent quite understanding all her counters and how best to play against her.
Most artists play her bad and/or the weakest way to play her as setup. Though I do see alot of people get hit long range or fall for obvious plays which really shouldn't be the case
0 -
Its almost comical how much people complain about her nuances they as survivors have total control over. She is truly a knowledge check killer, and the posturing about hours and whatever other metrics always just comes off as silly.
Seriously, just play as her for a while. Her strength lies in her opponents being clueless to how her power actually works.
3 -
Well have you ever played her? Youβll find out itβs way more in depth than just βplacing a crow.β
0 -
I think people who say "Artist's counterplay is just hold shift+w" need to realize that looping the Artist is contingent upon having ANOTHER tile nearby that you can abandon to. Which is what the shift+w meta refers to. Survivors, at least in my MMR, have always played like this; looping as many resources and tiles into one chase as possible. So the fact that there's a killer who can at least punish that is nice.
1 -
Since the normal responses here will be an echo chamber, I'll throw out things that might help.
If she is tossing a crow down, leave to the next loop. There's a very clear audible signal when shes placing 1. If you get hit at a pallet, that's entirely on you as you can not loop her in the normal way. You have to chain tiles and not be predictable. Zoning only works if you already have crows on you, which can be removed while running, quickly running into a locker, or even a flash bang if in a pinch (though not recommended).
0 -
Artist isn't an easy killer to play effectively. Sure, sending birds at gens is braindead, but she has to think several seconds in advance for everything she does in chase, and that timing varies depending on how many birds she's going to set up (and plans will be changed or negated by the survivor's movements on a dime.) Even setting up a crow at a pallet requires good timing to work... unless the survivor stays at the loop, but if you don't leave the loop after she's started setting up, that's on you.
Her power can usually be countered by just running off in a random direction and making her waste time. Don't be predictable, don't run in straight lines while she's setting up birds, and in a pinch, you can use lockers to get rid of crows.
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I don't think Artist is OP or anything but people acting like she is difficult to master or weak are kidding themselves.
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Playing as her can be hard enough... people have to learn how the power works in the first place... and people have to play against her to gain knowledge in how to play against her
But that's why she has the power she does... to make players play different
It's the same argument against the Nurse, Blight, Huntress, Trickster, Deathslinger, Hag... ETC
So sitting here saying what you have said only makes me smile and laugh (A little bit)
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She's not OP in the slightest. Try to get better at playing against her.
1 -
Killer = EZ Mode.
1 -
She is difficult to master. She has the ability to damage survivor through walls, but in order to do so you have a very very small window to fire 2 crows at a survivor before they repel the swarm. Any Artist who can master her power is extremely threatening because no where is safe against her swarm.
But no one has really done so from what I've seen, because the time and effort you put into master Artist power, you could simply play blight or nurse and spend less time mastering their powers instead.
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She's very difficult to play well. She has among the highest skill ceilings in the game and a decently high skill floor as well.
1 -
Get good she is ez to beat
0 -
Imagine saying that the 3rd killer with the highest skill ceiling (Only behind Hillbilly and Blight) in the game is easy, lol.
3 -
Although I don't enjoy facing the Artist, playing her is certainly not a walk in the park.
Players say that for a lot of killers and they are always wrong.
0 -
She's not easy, I have over 1k hours and I still struggle with her. The only time she's easy to go against is when you're on a map with pallets that are far from each other. Every time someone shift W's from a pallet, they're not only gaining distance from you, but also not wasting a pallet on a loop in the process. In theory if you decide to loop against her, she is OP, but with shift w existing, she's not. Her power is good for info tho.
0 -
Wow, holding M1 on a gen while eating or drinking with the other hand is so hard. Wow, dropping and looping safe pallets while having Discord convos is so hard.. Literally in that context nothing in DBD is hard, lame argument
Artist has one of the highest skill ceilings in the game, you can say she's not the most fun to go against because of having to abandon loops but to say she's easy is laughable. She's not the hardest obviously, but she's clearly not braindead easy like some of you are trying to make it seem
2 -
What OP is describing is pretty low level Artist play, just dropping crow mines in loops, which is frustrating to players who can't process not looping. But really good Artist play is much more than that.
And for the "Artist is EZ to play against" crowd, if holding W works as a counter to her, you're not playing against good Artist players. Really good Artists are borderline oppressive.
0 -
Yeah she is awkward as hell as far as I am concerned. I have been learning her lately and I found getting started on her really difficult and far from easy. She seems easy in theory but actually using her against survivors with brains and functioning eyes is pretty hard to master from what I can tell
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She's also very punishing since swarming a survivor does nothing without follow up and you have to time it perfectly.
3 -
Yeah, I kind of agree with this. Artist has plenty of counters and there is a reason you rarely see her in matches (at least I hardly ever do). Sheβs terrible in the hands of a noob and difficult to master.
1 -
Where is the Artist hate Coming from ?
Wie is cleary 1 of the most balanced Killer in the Game very strong but easy to Counter also Hard to Master
She doesnt needs any nerfs also 4 ppl who Way she is easy just play her against Good Survivors
1 -
She is very boring to face for sure and a very strong killer, but she is not "way too strong".
0 -
i would like to see some of these guys countering SO EASILY a good artist as they claim i literally would pay to see them trying and still going down in seconds because they think holding W wil make them win chases wich just make u die seconds after due simple m1s because she is 115 not 110. the only counter to artist are perks like lithe or sprint so the first time she tries to zone you you make a ######### ton of distance but then u wont do much when she catches u again
0 -
While "easy" counter is abit wrong, you were claiming (or at least heavily implying) that the artist has no interactive play and should receive a nerf. While we see little in the way of....constructive?...arguments, artist is fine as she stands and (gona be a repeater here) go play her till you meet a real team of survivors. She can only meaningfully zone you if you already have crows, if she drops a crow at a loop, leave to the next one as shes placing and repeat (she only has so many crows and for so long so you can just return to the loop later), and before you say anything about going to a deadzone or the like, if your in 1 of those it doesnt matter who the killer is, your gona get hit.
Hopefully no one takes this advice as we like our predictable prey every now and again
0 -
Gonna be the contrarian here and say that no, even when Artist is played in the "skillful" way (ie. going for snipes and what have you), she's still incredibly easy to master. Once you get the first crow on a survivor, which isn't too much of a challenge even if you're not zoning, the aura reading combined with being able to shotgun your crows once they recharge makes getting the second hit braindead easy. The only ranged killer in the game I can think of whose ability is easier to hit is the Nemesis whip.
So you've got a killer who can get ranged snipes through walls fairly easily and who has some of the most oppressive zoning in the game. Artist is pretty stupid, don't know why she released in the state she did.
0 -
Dunno. I mean I like artist, but I have to admit she is not so strong so as to get consistent results with her.
How good she does depends greatly on how the survivors play.
Similar to dredge zoning, she is heavily punished for trying to play a loop and the survivor just leaves for the next tile.
Players accustomed to her know how to enter a tile and when to leave for maximum distance. If you are are put into a position where you get hit whether you play the loop or leave during the early stages of the game, then you have missplayed quite a bit.
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Now you say that and even though I am biased, blight has not been mastered by a single person in this game and is by far the highest skill ceiling killer in the game, if you want to talk skill floor go for it.
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You made mistakes and lost, got salty ok. Artist don't need nerfs just because you lost a game.
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If she's a pain in the ass while you can still face her, then you definitely do something wrong there ππ
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Were you talking about me? ποΈποΈ