Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Why does the 4% self unhook and slowed EGC when Downed/Hooked exist?

The 4% self unhook chance is purely a freebie for no good reason. It kills newbies (and their teams) who don't understand the mechanic and it screws over killers who have no similar freebie. There's no 4% chance that when someone is hooked, they instantly die, so why do survivors get a 4% chance to escape? With a free 10s Endurance and Haste buff to boot. Remove this and leave the self unhooking to Deliverance; at least then they are using a perk slot and earning it with a safe unhook.

When someone is downed or hooked, the EGC slows down, meaning the original 2 min can last as long as 4min, giving survivors even more time to heal and rescue and trade and heal and rescue and trade and get out because you get basekit End + Haste even in end game. Why? Why do survivors get more time when they should be put under more pressure? I'm not saying that this should speed up EGC, but it definitely should not extend it. There's zero good reason other than favoring survivors. It's end game, all bets are off, that's why DS and OtR don't activate, right? Stop giving survivors a 4th and 5th and 6th chance. If you're caught in end game, it shouldn't be a guaranteed death if you're not on death hook, but it shouldn't be made easier for your team to come get you.


  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    The 4% is give or take honestly. It is 4% after all.

    Ad for the egc. I've been saying it should be 2 minutes flat. Maybe some exclusions due to Bloodwarden, but yeah...2 minutes flat.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,063

    I can't really defend the 4%; it's an old mechanic that I've made my peace with and don't mind, but I understand why other people hate it.

    But the EGC works the way it does because as @GoodBoyKaru says, it's not meant to aid the killer as an approaching wall of doom. It stretches out the timer (although doesn't pause it outright) when survivors have a reason to go back into the match and mount rescues, because the game isn't over yet.

  • Lycidas
    Lycidas Member Posts: 1,170

    The "freebie" killers get for the 4% is the big chunk of hook time the survivor loses 96% of the time they try to unhook themselves

    It's such a niche occurrence that I don't know how you could consider it an issue

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,271
    edited November 2022

    ngl. Running slippery+up the ante and maybe even a luck offering is a lot of fun. You also do unhook yourself the vast majority of times. In which case it is absolutely not free. - Calling it a "freebie" for survs also seems odd, considering it usually benefits the killer.

    As for screwing the team: while I wish dbd was a team based game on the survivor side in soloQ ... it simply isn't 99% of the time. The whole idea of a single survivor automatically being obligated to humour the other players and put their gaming experience above their own also doesn't really hold most of the time. By that logic every killer would have to play by the survivor rule book because how dare they put their gaming experience above that of the others?

    Meme builds aside the 4% is an alternative to the DC when you really want to tell the other people in the match that they should go f* themselves. I usually do it when I see auras doing things that make me want to bang my head on the desk. - And if I was forced to watch that for several minutes I'm pretty sure I'd never play soloQ again. -- If the 4% is done away with then the person literally stuck on hook needs a good compensation in some form. Give them altruism points for match progress (to benefit from that aura opening a chest... cleansing a totem... or doing anything but unhooking you), give them survival points per second per survivor that doesn't lose a health state (teamies stealthing edge map for no reason and/or camping killers), give them lightbringer points for gens completed (again in case of camping and/or gens before frens)

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    edited November 2022

    Did you just use "4% chance" and "freebie" in the same sentence? Dude... that's not free lol.

  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 1,977

    OMG I've seen everything

    People complaining about 4%, not even survivor players, killer players!
