Conspiracy theory time: Certain killers are cursed on maps intentionally (sometimes)

Rise432 Member Posts: 162
edited November 2022 in General Discussions

I decided to play Oni my first game, map RNG gave me eyire of crows and the survs I got was below average skill level and got 4k quiet easily.

I jumped over to Blight right after and the map I got was garden of joy, this time the survivors was a bit more above average, I had to play more slow and tactically, manage to 4k in the end due to them making a lot of mistakes back to back however. .

3rd game I played was Blight as well and this time I got gas heaven, however this time I got a stacked SWF running really strong perks, items. and due to some major missplays on my end I ended with a 2k 2 escape, no big deal. They played really well, had some good gen pressure and coordination I still got around 35K BP or so + party streamers so I was happy, but then I also thought, this was my first game of the day I actually got a good map and I would assume someone like Blight would have quiet good stats in terms of kills in a autohaven map compared to garden of joy. So was this a coincidence my first matches I got some below average teams but maps that heavily favored them, and then I finally got a good map I got an actual group of my skill level?

Well after I decided to play a couple games of Huntress: Some default survivors joined the lobby but they were console so couldnt check their hour, here I predicted I would probably get something like lerys, nope.... I got RPD East wing instead, still got a 4k at 2 gens. I decided to play another, same thing happened again, I got another default player who was also on console and the map I got was The Game. At this point I was a bit, or well very frustrated.

Not only did I get players who probably shouldnt play with me in the first place due to the giant skill gap, but I am also getting pretty boring and right down atrocious maps for those killers as well.

Either I am just very unlucky with the maps I gotten for the killers I play as OR those killers I play as are being targeted to have maps where they most likely have a poor average kill% to balance the game out for the lower skill survivors I am facing to "even the odds" .

"but u still get kills in those games and BP so why do you complain?"

I rather have close games with people escaping and play on a even skill level on balanced maps, then 4k against lower skill level on boring and poorly designed maps.

Games are more fun when they are close and balanced, at that point I dont care about the outcome cause I am having fun.

EDIT: Right after I posted this I played 3 more huntress games, I got a P100 Claudette on the first game, no offerings and we got to thompson house. Then after it I got badham and right after that match I got another RPD.

Edit 2: Got gas heaven which was nice, but that hapiness didnt last long cause right after I got eyire of crow again.

TL;DR: Killers are being forced into poorly designed maps when they face lower skilled survivor players to even the odds out which just leads to boring matches

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  • Bot_Salvo88
    Bot_Salvo88 Member Posts: 1,230

    Myers crying in farm maps every time

  • Rise432
    Rise432 Member Posts: 162

    not even joking, all the myers I got recently have every time been on coldwind or garden of joy, feel bad for them

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,162

    I got Dredge on Lerys ... and no lockers at all on one whole third of the map. Not kidding.

  • Carmina_is_cute
    Carmina_is_cute Member Posts: 94

    The last 10 Blight games I played were only one Macmillan and the rest were Lery's, RPD and Sanctum. Incredibly strange.

    Also matchmaking goes wack mode depending on how many killers and survivors are online. It prioritizes getting players together over keeping everyone in their MMR. It's probably just coincidental that your map RNG was unlucky at the same time.