Entitled survivors and people who were salty about the 6.1.0

Are you an entitled survivor? Have to win all the time, no matter what? Find yourself in tears when you get any less than 3E and consistently DC the first time the killer hooks you? Lost your passion to play ever since the game became remotely balanced and you couldn't just press E to instantly correct your every mistake? Worry not, friends! There's a DBD game for mobile, and it just might be for you?
Some of DBD mobile's many "features":
- Miss old Dead Hard and five second Decisive Strike that could net you guaranteed unhooks in the endgame? DBD Mobile has you covered - they never changed. But don't worry, though! Ruin was still nerfed to 100% to ensure you and your friends an easy escape. Killers don't stand a chance!
- Cheat all you want - with no repercussions (apparently)! If there's a report button, I can't find it. Watch in awe as Feng runs around at 125% speed all game and then jumps up to 140% every time you manage to get close to her, only to teleport herself to hatch after you've managed to get her slugged despite her blatant cheating! Will she get banned? Apparently not. There's no way to report anyone as far as I can tell, and with no anticheat and free infinite backup accounts, who's going to stop her?
- Are those mean, awful killers managing to catch up to you in chase despite pressing E to escape and being able to cheat your way to the top? No worries. Every third chase, the killer will miraculously teleport 25m in a random direction. Is it cheaters? Just the game coded that poorly? Or did the game designers just think it would be fun to send players to random locations every once in a while just to shake things up? Who knows? What an exciting mystery! Call Nancy Drew.
- Killers can't hit anything at the best of times with those godawful touchscreen controls, but - get this! - they in no way affect your ability to zip around in circles like a tornado getting assrammed by a hurricane and dodge every near-hit. Escaping has never been so easy!
- Nurse is behind a paywall (and good luck landing those blinks in the first place with the touchscreen controls!), and Blight isn't in the game at all. Whew! You won't have to worry about facing a difficult killer ever again.
- The old ranking system is still in place. Smurf your way all the way down to brown with your narcissistic SWF buddies so you can pat yourselves on the back for bullying a level 1 Trapper with one yellow perks and no addons with a four-man death squad running a loadout of every meta perk in the game. Don't forget to T-bag at the exit gates, and feel free spam "GG" and killer emojis in the endgame chat so rapidly that it's clear you're using a macro for good measure!
- Speaking of perks and addons, don't worry about those. Killers don't have any! Thanks to the innovative system requiring the use of auric cells to get more than two bloodwebs per day (which are shared by all killers a player owns at the same time, which means the more killers you own, the less likely you are to get anything useful), addons are for rich folk only, and the fact that perks (including teachables) can only be unlocked by grinding games with that particular killer over and over again (no, killers can't buy good perks using bloodpoints! hurrah!) ensure that most killers won't have usable perks in most games and guarantees easy games against killers grinding with Trapper and Hillbilly desperately trying to unlock teachables.
I didn't post this in the DBD mobile section because this is explicitly addressed to the people playing the PC/console versions.
DBD Mobile is everything the complainers on this forum think that DBD is. Really, everybody who whines here about the state of the game should be forced to spend a week playing the mobile version so they can come back and appreciate how good PC/console players have it by comparison.
I'll probably keep playing DBD Mobile, anyway, but that's my two cents.
killer good👍:D
survivor bad 👎 >:(
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I dunno. I haven't played any games as survivor on DBD mobile yet, but killer is objectively horrible.
You did completely miss the point of my post, though, which was that killers who complain about regular DBD don't have it nearly as bad as they think they do.
I'm drunk rn
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Okay 💫
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8: You want some really cool, yet amazing skins that the main game dosen't have liek this Halloween Latern or the Marching Band cosmetic for Clown? DbD mobile is for you!
You forgot to add that btw lol. And yes, I played DbD mobile and is not that bad. Playing Clown is hard as ######### on it thou lol.
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i already know "the point" is gonna have as much value as my ass hairs when the post starts off as: "Are you an entitled survivor?"
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Are good players entitled to win most of their games, or are we ok with it cause we believe meritocracy is inherently good?
There's an interesting conversation to be made about entitlement and who's right. Should a Nurse/Blight/whatever killer you think of, have a sure way of winning 99% of their games because they've sank 5k hours into their killer?
What about survivor, should a survivor main be able to singlehandedly win and carry his team after 6k hours of DBD if we follow the same rule, or do other rules apply in such a case because survivor is team-based, so one survivor should not be able to tramp all the others in impact.
I'm sure it must be obvious that we already hold survivors and killers to different standards. No killer would be able to agree that a survivor that has 10k hours can single-handedly cripple them because they are not playing the same role and it's an asymetric game as is usually the argument, so it's ok.
And no killer should expect to be able to stomp after they got 10 4k in a row but then they start getting SWFs, but they still do.
Survivor is hard to get into and win and killer is the opposite and solo survivor is even harder because there is no co-ordination, while co-ordination is required to deal with certain killer strategies and matchmaking can be extremely bad. Camping and tunneling to do as killer and accessible for EVERY killer, of course some are better than others but they can all utilize it without needing a perk slot and on top of that it is intuitive for new killers. There's no mechanical skill involved or knowledge (ok there is some knowledge involved now, knowing about basekit BT), you just do what feels an expected part of the game and if a survivor is unhook you follow their blood and scratch-marks.
When survivors complain about those tactics the answer they usually get is that it's easy, one blocks killer and the other unhooks, or use Reassurance etc. Those things are not as accessible to survivors by default because a) they require co-ordination from the team and b) the counters are hidden behind perks.
If a change came out tomorrow that was like "we want the killer to feel like a real predator who has to rely on his senses after years of honing his craft" and they decided to remove scratchmarks after BL kicks in or allow them only in certain circumstances (like certain powers), then killers would have to re-learn tracking survivors and of course they would also complain. Someone who is not using a headset when playing killer, would now become worse as the ability and skill to track by sound would be more important and his killrate would lower. But killers who were already good because they have mastered the other skills would probably manage to adapt and still do well, maybe not as well as they did before the change.
As for mobile games, they are just annoying in general. I still dunno how DBD mobile functions to this day and who plays it. Not only is the screen small but looking down while playing must be very tiring for your neck. I generally dislike hand-held gaming for this reason, but I hear they do have the benefit of gaining Auric Cells when logging in, now I might consider switching to mobile, thanks.
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I'd recommend some bread.
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too much whining over nothing
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The day we realize posts like this show equal level of entitlement as the people they complain about, the better
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Why do I share my oxygen with certain types of people?
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I honestly lost you when you said "dbd mobile". Idk man when i compare my phone with my desktop (or even TV!) i know what i am about to choose.
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Step one: Take a deep breath.
Step two: Go outside.
Step three: Touch that fluffy green grass.
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Dbd Mobile's controls are so frustrating for Killer I stopped trying it and just stick to PC. They have some pretty cool skins though
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Only one game stays on my phone and that is dragon quest tact