I Get People Hate Nurse but, This is a Little Much

If you're this mad at a video game you need some help. Nurse players get a little too much hate and I understand she's the best killer in the game but, there's no need for this kind of behaviour.
Quick edit real fast had to censor another name.
You didn't censor one of the names in the first image, post might be taken down by a mod.
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oh yeah I didn't whoops gonna fix that
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Same energy as grade school kids getting tilted over a game of tag. 😂
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this is the kinda stuff i get whenever i play doctor.
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"Should be put to the sword"
Damn dude, don't see many feudal lords playing this game.
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"M'lady" *tips Fedora towards Feng*
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"Thou shall fall under the justice of the lord and my sword"
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That's a little much? I've seen way worse, I wouldn't give that a second thought. But just to correct you it's not an ego issue, it's a fair game issue. Also Nurse players by far have the biggest egos. I don't know why but they think playing a broken killer and winning most their matches makes them amazing.
Post edited by th3syst3m on7 -
Entitled suevivors in 3 .. 2 .. oh, they already beat me to it.
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Yeah it's crazy some people feel entitled to a fair match were the outcome actually means something.
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I stopped playing Nurse after 20h as a Nurse in 2022. The average post game chat was "I hope your father dies". I will play this killer when people stop to behave like this because I don't like to think I am playing with such individuals all the time.
Hope to see some cool rework by the developers ^^
If they find it appropriate
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And I am always amazed how people still expect to be treated with regular respect and not being attacked for liking a certain thing. Reread your original comment and maybe pay attention to your tone. You might notice why your comment wasn't so well received, then.
No one says that Nurse has no issues,everyone knows that, but playing a certain killer or survivor shouldn't give you a blanc card to disrespect anyone.
But that might just be my old school two cents. Times are changing, I heared.
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even if i hate this killers with all my might and i will leave on hook more often that i would stay this is not neccesary.
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I was taught respect was earned. You want to play a broken killer go for it, just don't expect people to be happy about it.
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u may not be happy about something and you may say certian things cause u are upset but telling other to kill themselves is unnaceptable and unjustifiable. there are many things u can say and decide to say what u must not say and even less for a game.
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Hmm ... so playing the Nurse makes you persona non grata, no matter what? This is something that I feel is a bit far-fetched.
Yes there are this players who are really good at nurse and its totally uncalled for to kill the first survivor at 5 gens or something. But what if you just happen to like Nurses gameplay, are you then not allowed to play her?
I once versed a survivor who had Nemesis=no skill as his screen name and well, I was playing Nemi. Wasn't I not allowed to have fun that match and destroy palettes, just because that player hated Nemesis and considered him op?
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I mean you are playing nurse. It's like kickin a hornet nest and crying that you got stung. Like you wouldn't expect people to roll over and compliment you if you played basement bubba or blight with slowdown or addons, or slugging twins. That's ridiculous, and nurse is the same way. Plus, you're running double recharge which makes nurse even more OP.
If you don't want to get called out for going on a power fantasy with the most busted toxic killer in the game and ruining 4 other people's games and wasting their time, maybe play someone else.
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Maybe Pizzaduffy played extremely dirty on this game, like camp/tunnel/slug as if his life depended on it.
Which would explain the survivors' words (I did say it EXPLAINS; I never said it EXCUSES!).
Or maybe he just played normally, without forcing it on anyone in particular.
However, what is still deplorable is that even if a nurse plays with perks that are not meta, she will still join the ranks of the undesirable.
A nurse who pops Starstruck, Agitation, Flood of rage, etc. + The Game / Midwich offering, and comes strutting in saying, "Look, the survivors are mean, they weren't happy in the end chat...", I'd totally agree that her build / card choice was completely idiotic.
At worst, go out for some fresh air, go to bars with your friends, because this is bordering on discrimination and unjustified hatred, eh ...
That the nurse doesn't need Starstruck, nor NOED, sure, I agree, for example, but for the rest, you have to calm down, eh Oo
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######### the court
trial by combat
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Why not run starstruck,then she has to blink less.Id do stuff like that but survivors complain every thing I do, so I don't run in perks or add-ons and I don't know what people mean by when they say fun as killer?
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imagine defending toxicy....
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or maybe yall should remind yourself its a game. And between using stuff that is provided ingame or wishing people death threats over it i think any sane person can agree on what is worse.
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people dont need to be "happy about it" but they should not like use death threats or highly toxic insults. Its a GAME. Its not real man!
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i mean im a youngster and i weight respect VERY high. Like i dont even accept regular jokes about me, thats just a no go. Im quite humorous and i have a good reputation around my friends. I just dont like jokes against my persona. And then there is complete strangers, abusing the safety that anonymity provides them and talking like that.. I will never understand it.
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Grotesque how many people support this kind of behaviour for playing a character in a ######### game
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Nurse games are mostly horrible.
So i would not expect people to be polite. And i guess every Nurse players knows this very well.
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What saddens me more than the actual endgame chat is the amount of people on this forum that defend such behaviour.
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so you litteraly justify toxicy over someone playing a certain character in a game?
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I've had many horrible games against nurse. And after the match I either say gg or nothing at all because I'm not an emotionally unstable child.
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Toxicity is a personal thing. You won´t change that.
I am old enough - i can handle even a lot of losses in a row without writing stupid stuff. (even if i don´t like it as well)
But people will always say dumb things, or hate you, or be toxic.
Censoring also doesn´t change that. Today a lot of people are used to everything being censored so that you "think" everything is fine.
But in reality it isn´t. Better learn to deal with this. It is better in the long run.
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Yes, same.
Especially today i already had awful Nurse (and two Legion) matches.
Complete with me slugged to 4k of all cases.
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A literal entitled survivor
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It’s funny how the mods don’t care about the nurse hate and toxicity from survivors. Imaging receiving death threats for playing a character in a video game. Disgusting community.
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oh so because people will do it anyways we should just accept having death threats just because we play something some looser doesnt like. Got u.
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I think u don´t got it.
People writing these things are just idiots. If he doesn´t write it in chat he still thinks the same. Btw this might just be reportable as death threats are of course not ok.
But do u really think he will track him down and use a sword? I don´t think so. Maybe he is 12.
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its about respect, not if its going to happen or not. I dont care nothing what people think as long as they have the self control to shut up about it. Getting threats over a game is ridicilous, would love to see those loud mouths talking to someone like that from eye to eye.
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Yeah normal people don't go this crazy, even against an op killer like Nurse. You have to be some type of braindamaged or just have a huge ego to go this crazy over a match against Nurse.
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They won´t eye to eye.
That is the point of todays internet generation.
We had this discussion already a long time ago.
I played "real" sport in school. You lost and won sometimes. Ok. You had to learn to lose and not freak out - it is called sportsmanship. If somebody freaked out after losing you called him a bad loser and would make fun about him - so you learn that this is not ok.
Nowadays a lot of kids only play online games with a chat. There is no real person, only chat.
You don´t learn to deal with a loss really imo. You may think you r great and some somebody destroys u and makes fun of u on top of that.
And you only can write something to an unknown person, or can´t answer at all.
Can be pretty frustrating. And it adds up until the salt and toxicity gets even bigger - sometimes, not always.
But so are things these days. I have no good solution for this.
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and why should i care if they never learned to "handle loss" ? if they go theyre way to make death threats they are pure trash in my eyes. They have no spine. And its not only "kids" or "todays generation" which im a part of btw. Its grown up adults, bald men with bushy beards who cry like little girls when something doesnt go their way.
I actually hate people like them.
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You should change your name
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Thats ok - you shouldn´t care more than you have to - mainly reading stupid chats. Everybody has an opinion.
And yes, idiots are everywhere and not limited to anything.
Respect is a good thing and should always be. Like a litte empathy. With that a lot of bad things wouldn´t happen.
Always treat others like you want to be treated. Should be obvious but is sadly not.
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i mean trying to excuse things doesnt make it better either
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Because the new chapter isnt live yet.
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Anyone who thinks it's acceptable to write something like this over a video game needs, at the very least, anger management classes if not psychiatric help. From the BP totals of the non-DCing survivors it's obvious they got a chance to play. There's nothing to complain about and no justification to write that.
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Imagine getting mad because someone played a character in a video game.
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They're getting ready for Forged in Fog clearly
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I like to screenshot this kind of salt and treat them as a sort of trophy collection to laugh at later on.
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I do not like playing against Nurses and just because people post awkward end game chat conversations. It is not going to make me change my views on facing Nurses.
Unchallenging to play as. Unfun to play against.
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teh best u can complain against nurse is by leaving on hook, increase her numbrs more, dont dc dont say anything in chat just kill on hook, she wil get nerfed in response, is that simple. She is highly unfun to go against, highly overtuned and needs to be nerfed, if devs cant see it survivors have to act then,