When you already know a map offering is coming...

Okonar_ Member Posts: 499
edited November 2022 in General Discussions

Evaded Eyrie but for my bad luck I got Red Forest. At least it wasn't a good squad or I would still have trouble. I just find crazy how 4 out of 5 of my games today were map offerings, its almost certain one is coming when its a console SWF like that. Thank god Sacrificial Wards exist, its exausting people spamming eyrie offerings every god damn dbd session.


  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,732

    you were not, if you say something take the response. plus, they were a sabo squad so slugging shouldn't be a surprising consequence

  • nora_the_explora
    nora_the_explora Member Posts: 104

    I was clearly jk when I said toxic survivors they must be destroyed ? Do u really think I think survivors must be destroyed? Are u ok?

    plus I don’t care if he slugged them, I was talking about the attitude of posting the screenshots of them slugged to prove he was better than them, that was unnecessary, as I said same vibes as ppl waiting at the exit to t bag.

    plus I watched the vod, they staboed one hook, and died in the attempt of saboing another one, so your point doesn’t even make sense

  • Okonar_
    Okonar_ Member Posts: 499

    Take some accountability for what you say my guy, don't back off saying it was a joke when you're clearly trying to bait a narrative. Maybe come with an original one next time cause I've seem this "joke" in the forums 99999 times already and didn't make me laugh at all.

    I'm stating how predictable it was by how often it happens during the weekends when you find a team stacking 4 med kits or tollboxes. I was expecting a BNP team but it was an failed attemped of a sabo squad.

    Sure you can call it a "flex" if you want, but as I said, it wasn't a good team. A good team won't get 4 man slugged by a Freddy and probably will have at least one UB. For me, a flex would be beating a really good team but whatever, its dbd who gives a F..

  • Nirgendwohin
    Nirgendwohin Member Posts: 1,251

    i see a ttv slugging 4 people and bragging about on the forum. one had urban evasion and one yellow perks. there is nothing to be proud of.

  • Okonar_
    Okonar_ Member Posts: 499

    I capitalized on them grouping up and trying to go for a greedy sabo in my face. Have a nice day.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Oh you can see perks before the match? Please, tell me more!

  • Nirgendwohin
    Nirgendwohin Member Posts: 1,251

    no, you don't. but you clearly do before you post on the forum.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,220
    edited November 2022

    Hyperbole aside, I have to agree that this is just more evidence to me that map offerings aren't all that great of a factor in the grand scheme of things.

    Despite playing a sacrificial ward to cancel it out, the survivors still got their way in terms of ending up on a 'survivor sided' map (Mothers Dwelling is arguably even more survivor sided than Eyrie), which just means two offerings were entirely wasted. Also, despite getting the 'advantage', the survivors still lost.

    So why are map offerings such an issue?

    To me, they're no more a "problem" than hatch offerings, hook offerings, shrouds, or even mist offerings. They're all just ways to shift the RNG in your favour in one particular aspect, and none of them are absolute game determinants, you can still win or lose with or without them.

    The only thing I "get" is when a certain map is popular in the playerbase, and you get a bit fed up of playing on the same map over and over again because of it. So in the sense of trying to preserve a bit of map variety, sure, map offerings can be annoying. Which may be all you were trying to point out TC, but still, the general consensus around here is "map offerings are a travesty and must be removed" and I just don't see it.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Maybe he was just happy, that he beat a SWF squad that wasn´t exactly attempting to play "nice".

    The yellow loadout could mean anything. From having a daily over a challenge to items not being available on the main char. But isn´t nessesary an indication of having few hours in the game.

  • nora_the_explora
    nora_the_explora Member Posts: 104

    go watch the vod, they saboed one hook.. tried to do the same thing at 2 gens left and died, they did nothing crazy a part from doing gens

  • Okonar_
    Okonar_ Member Posts: 499

    I had the old mindset that map offerings should be removed, but we all know the actual problem is the design of some particular maps. But its not realistic to expect all maps to be "balanced" either, so maybe making map offerings a % instead of a guarantee could be an option. Still a band aid fix but better than nothing imo.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    There is only the 11 second offering screen linked. So i didn´t really dig any further. But if they really did nothing then... well i don´t know.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,220
    edited November 2022

    My personal view is that killers should get purple 100% chance map offerings, while survivors get yellow 30% chance offerings, combined they each have a lesser chance but the killers would still carry more weight than the survivors (75/25 assuming one killer and one survivor map offering is played), and both should be made hidden offerings so no one knows what's been played until they're already loaded into the game.

  • nora_the_explora
    nora_the_explora Member Posts: 104

    idk why it doesn't publish my other comment but anyway...

    to the original poster... accountability for what exactly ? i didn't insul anybody , i made a pretty known joke that comes from 0tz that sasys surv are sc.. they must be destroyed and its also in a pretty famous meme song called dance with me, if u guys don't know and wanna be sensitive about it cause u don't have anything else to "attack"

    plus i don't care if u slugged them that was not my point, u can do what u want but flexing it after saying " they were not good" then its a weird flex to me as the same level as surv waiting at the exit to t bag a baby killer and say gg ez in edc.

    your idea of taking accountability is strange and yeah i agree singe is dbd next time take your win and go next without bragging the slug on a swf that was not even mean in their gamplay, on the contrary u was hitting on hook for no reasons at all, but hey ggs

  • Okonar_
    Okonar_ Member Posts: 499

    They weren't toxic during the match or anything, its just exhausting to see SWFs relying on map offerings over and over during a session. IDK why this Nora guy keeps taking this post so srsly but whatever.

  • TDtheDoc
    TDtheDoc Member Posts: 226

    Why should survivors get to choose the map?Killers pay for game too.Bring ward you say,why should I have to waste my offerings on that when I can use bp offerings?My magic glitch always saves me from map offerings.

  • D2night
    D2night Member Posts: 224

    Says the guy who’s running jolt, and pain res+DMS lol. But no, survivors aren’t allowed to have fun and bring their own fun into the game!! lmfao

  • IWantCandys
    IWantCandys Member Posts: 168

    OMG, map offerings. How cruel.

    Well, they can remove map offerings from the game, but then they should also remove some survivor rift challenges at the same time, for example "fall x times from a great height while being chased"

    This is a challenge for which I (as a solo survivor without swf) use map offerings every time because I don't feel like waiting ages for the map RNG to be generous to me. If these challenges don't exist anymore, I don't care.

  • Okonar_
    Okonar_ Member Posts: 499

    Ok play dumb. Yeah you don't care at all, even took your time to search the entire vod and watch a match because of a post that is not even serious 😂 Again, idk why you are implying they were toxic during the match, I've never said that in this post.

  • nora_the_explora
    nora_the_explora Member Posts: 104

    i'm taking the post so seriously cause u don't like what i'm saying or whats the matter here?? you both were telling me to take accountabily for legit nothing, it looks like u were taking the joke seriously to me.... plus explain why u post something if u don't like people to reply... crazy... this mr pebbles guy...

    i went to watch the vod because i wanna know what am i'm talking about before opening my mouth... things most people don't do, and u left your ttv name so people can check your channel.. don't play dumb

    wanna throw some more sarcasm or we good?

    u didn't say they were toxic and i didn't say u said it lmao, i was just talktin about the bragging of the slug, calling them bad and complaining about their builds and offering

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Congratulations, i suppose.

  • nora_the_explora
    nora_the_explora Member Posts: 104

    he can bring whatever he want bro... i didn't say a single thing about his offering or build, everybody is allowed to bring what they like for their own fun. That was not my point

  • Okonar_
    Okonar_ Member Posts: 499
  • nora_the_explora
    nora_the_explora Member Posts: 104
    edited November 2022

    i'm taking the post so seriously cause u don't like what i'm saying or whats the matter here?? you both were telling me to take accountabily for legit nothing, it looks like u were taking the joke seriously to me.... plus explain why u post something if u don't like people to reply

  • nora_the_explora
    nora_the_explora Member Posts: 104

    also thanks for red flagging me so i can't quote you directly

  • Sharpefern
    Sharpefern Member Posts: 422

    Nora I think you may have taken the post out of its original context. I see this post as the same idea of a post a survivor might make saying something "They never expect the power struggle" and showing 60 points in benevolence for saves from killers grasp and showing that they escaped when a strong killer had a strong build.

    He went into the match knowing he was in an uphill battle seeing a full sabo squad or gen rush setup. Was able to counter one of the offerings but still had to deal with the 2 hook separators. Its more that this is something that if you're not prepared to deal with as a killer it can really ruin the experience of the game. He didnt slug them til bleedout it actually looks like he slugged for a very short time based on the timers and I don't think there was any malintent on the post. It was a flex but I think its also a reminder to killers that this type of squad, although annoying, isn't unbeatable.

    Your first post read like an attack on Pebbles for sharing their experience which is why I think several people were harping on you. Even if you didn't mean it that way that is the way it comes off which causes a series of lashbacks between you and them.

  • Okonar_
    Okonar_ Member Posts: 499

    Thank you for understanding. As you noticed, I didn't slug them to death, when I easily could because by the time I downed all four was clear they had no unbreakables. I smacked each one of them on hook just for banter and that was it. They came to my chat and started being passive agressive and I blocked them and moved on to another match.

    Honestly I should've just posted the offering denied. Posting the results makes people come and start drama. If I win, I'm bragging about it. If I lost, I'm baby killah that lost and its crying.

  • Sharpefern
    Sharpefern Member Posts: 422

    And like I said before I don't think sharing the experience is an issue since most killer mains or swappers have been in the same situation where it doesn't go as well and seeing that it doesn't always work out in the survivors favor can be helpful especially for newer killers. I think a lot of killer mains have a huge issue with SWFs (even if they dont stack offerings against them) which are a core part of the game. Although I don't think showing positive killer results against SWFs will fully change these negative feelings, I do think its a nice change to the constant complaining about SWFs.

  • nora_the_explora
    nora_the_explora Member Posts: 104

    i understand all the points you are making, but i think u didn't understand mine, i said god forbid people using what they like, and then a joke, a quote frome otz cause the whole thing is "surv are sc.. they must be destroyed, they are having fun? no? good!" cause the op posted intentionnaly the screenshot of those guys slugged ( didn't say he didn't pick them up cause he did, i've watched the vod) with the intent of bragging the fact that the swf lost against him after they tried to bring him to a map of their choice, all of this mixed oh they were not good. it was a post made to flex the fact that they died, wich i think is a little bit weird. I also said multiple times good for him that he won the game, good for him if his proud of his win, but if the post was made to complain about map offering theres plety of them , very recent aswell, in the first/second pages of the forum, and he wanted to make a personal one this is clearly not the way to have a discussion, if people come out in a certain way they have to expect a little bit of irony i guess... anyway i didn't say anything bad to them, all my discussion was related to the post i didn't think a joke this silly would offend people

  • nora_the_explora
    nora_the_explora Member Posts: 104

    and i also saw them going in their chat and being rude cause people in this game can't take a loss in a video game, but u were also hitting them on hook so expect some salt if u give salt, they would probaby have talk bad anyway because that s what people do bu that didn't help so how about we just chill cause at the end its a video game

  • Okonar_
    Okonar_ Member Posts: 499

    I agree. I don't mind the ######### talk tho tbh, I was kinda expecting for having smacking them on the hook. I didn't take it personnal.

  • Sharpefern
    Sharpefern Member Posts: 422

    I think a big thing was the predicting of the map offering. Not necessarily that Map offerings are OP, but showing that opening screen seeing a SWF with 4 toolboxes, predicting that they were also going to bring offerings that would do the same. I am not denying there was a flex here, but its general discussion posting a personal experience makes sense. Also I think him blurring the names also shows that he wasnt trying to embarrass the survivors.

    And I do understand your point, however I think it might have come out harsher than intended which was what I was trying to point out. It reads as an attack, a discredit to the post. It comes across as mocking as opposed to making the point "I think the survivors were just trying to have fun as a sabo squad." I am more just stating the way that it reads might not be how you intended it.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,732

    that reply was CLEARLY implying that the intention of the post was to say those words, and "jokes" can have underlying meanings as well. maybe think twice how what you are about to type might be interpreted in the future. although yes, the original post can be more than "i predicted a map offering" but it's a ok for me since i find map offerings... i don't want to use the word toxic but it means without a doubt "i don't give a single f about killer and their fun, there is only MY fun"

  • MeanieDeeny
    MeanieDeeny Member Posts: 533

    It feels like everyone kind of missed the point of OP’s post. It seemed light hearted and haha how predictable, took care of that vibes…and somehow everyone got super salty about it..

  • nora_the_explora
    nora_the_explora Member Posts: 104

    u didn't read anything of what i said, and u CLEARLY didn't understand anything, maybe think twice before u type or read twice..... and i don't have to think twice about anything i didn't insult anybody and i made a quote joke from otz. Plus everybody is concerned about their own fun in a video game, u don't go in a game to amuse the opponent, they are not reponsable for the killer fun and the killer is not responsable for the survivors fun, i didn't say anything about his offering or build cause he can bring what he likes. my point was all about bragging about the situation, i'm not gonna explain myself again, u can read the other replies if u are intrested, if not then peace.