We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Nurse need rework

KniQ Member Posts: 45
edited November 2022 in General Discussions

A lot of things need to change in nurse but my opinion nurse need to have michael tier 1 launch and nurse can wait dead hard when she's on blink this is need to be removed aswell and one more thing blink range addons need to be removed and normal blink range should be reduced

Post edited by BoxGhost on


  • Murgleïs
    Murgleïs Member Posts: 1,068

    Nurse is not a popular killer and her winrate is not problematic, even at high MMR.

    If you tryhard with any killer, you can get very good winrates. Otz made a video about that.

  • MikeyBoi
    MikeyBoi Member Posts: 541

    Whether people hate it or not, nurse takes mechanical skill to play, if anyone has gone against good survivors playing nurse it can be quite frustrating especially on some maps. Does nurse take more skill compared to Hillbilly, Blight or Huntress? Hell no

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    So i guess the ideas stated here were a meme except maybe the range addon part? I'd rather go against nurse all day than against Legion or MDR Spirit or some other killers... I mean sure a Nurse that somewhat knows what she is doing is really strong but there is still stuff you can do to loop her... People radically overestimate the amount of god nurses that cannot be looped at all... Most Nurses are just ok and can be juked for quite some time... Some addon changes and her not being able to use exposed perks seems adaquate to me though, but I wouldn't want to touch basekit Nurse as think that part of her is fine.

  • KniQ
    KniQ Member Posts: 45

    lol I bet you are killer main :D Nurse is strongest killer in the game and need to rework you cant loop nurse in T L walls or something like that she dont need to do redlight fake or smthin :D

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    I play both sides equally and ofc you can use a TL to your advantage... block line of sight and take unique pathing? All high tiles are great against nurse, that's why edgemap is so good against her and really terrible aganst basically every other killer... If you're trying to loop her like a M1 Killer ofc she will get you... A spirit using her power will also not rely on a redlight fake or something... she will use her power run right on top of you and hit you... The killers in this game should be played differently and also be played against differently... It would be kind of boring if playing against every killer was the same...

    The ideas you stated above can only be meme ideas because if you were serious you have no understanding of the numbers behind nurses movement dude... T1 Myers lunge is a joke, her base blink range without addons makes it so she travels at something above 4.2 m/s on average... Reducing that blink range will make her way too slow to catch up to survivors without addons. And I even somewhat agreed on the range addon part... Tuning the numbers down, keep only one of them with maybe 5 m instead of 6 m but keep it purple... or maybe keep both but make it 2 and 4 m additionally... instead of 4 and 6.

  • MikeyBoi
    MikeyBoi Member Posts: 541

    I still stand by to what I say, blink range and recharge addons need to be de tuned but nurse base kit is pretty fair for the most part. You need to constantly keep blinking to your survivor which constantly opens up counters play windows for survivors where as billy you can just get bloodlust and m1 survivors, with nurse you can’t do that the majority of chase. You’re crazy if basekit nurse is broken and needs a complete rework, it’s her addons that simply need adjusting as was Billy’s only they added a mechanic on top of his addons being nerfed..

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,440

    You are not seriously using anecdotal arguments and personal opinions with no factual basis or support as an argument... omg

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Agreed buddy.

    I simply don't understand people that reject the data of the highest 5% of mmr... For the other set of data you could argue that those guys don't really know what they're doing on the killer and so on... But for those 5% it reflects how they perform under normal matchmaking conditions on average... So we could assume it would quite meaningfull... Because if the average of a full month of gameplay of the highest mmr players on certain killers in normal matchmaking says nothing then what does?

  • Roaroftime
    Roaroftime Member Posts: 421

    That's because her rounds are extremely unfun and rigged and the stats don't include DC's, if they did her kill rate would be the highest... (Anyways ima leave before all the salty nurse mains come out)

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    You sure they did not include dcs? Because I thought when someone dc's he basically counts as killed... And I didn't find any information that they did or did not account for dcs...

    But if you have a source for the information that they did not count dcs I'd be glad to read it... Otherwise I'd have to negate that argument... I mean just be assuming that dc's are not counted is one thing but on which stats do you base the statement that with dcs counted her killrate would be the highest? People disconnect because of many things... And I don't think it is just nurse...

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,440

    I agree. Just to throw in something else as I see other people are saying this the issues with the 'but if we include DCs her kill rate would be the highest!' argument are:

    (a) It's an apple vs oranges comparison. If we compare any Killer with DCs included to any other Killer without DCs included of course their kill rates would be higher. That means nothing except that a 4v1 game is not balanced for a 3v1. As soon as a person DCs, the balance shifts to the Killer

    (b) Including DCs taints the data. The only way to see how a Killer performs is by seeing how they perform as intended (4v1 game where all survivors stick around). DbD's mechanics make DbD snowball-y which is why 0K and 4K occur more frequently than 2K.

    (c) If we're going to include DCs why not also include Killers giving Hatch? How about farmers? That reduces kill rates

    (d) As the data isn't collected there is no way to factually say that if DCs were counted Nurse would be the highest Kill rate? How about Plague with Thana? Wesker with a full Coulro build? The DCing players DC over tons of trivial reasons and Nurse is not the only reason.

    The entire 'But if we include the DCs!' argument is, once again, just another attempt to pass off personal opinion as a fact when the only data, limited as it is, does not support Nurse being an issue.

    Just for the record, I don't know if Nurse is fine at all levels or not. I do know the only data we have shows that Nurse is not an issue. I can infer that BHVR does have all the data and, since no changes have been mentioned, BHVR considers other issues to be higher priority.

    And, just for anyone who mentioned 'salty Nurse mains', I am salty but I'm not a Nurse main. I mainly play Artist, Huntress and Dredge when I play Killer and I do solo survivor over half the time. I'm just tired of people who give up on Nurse and don't try or, as in some videos I saw on the other end of the spectrum, complain that Nurse is OP while they get a 3E or 4E. Sure the Nurse in the videos I saw showed the Nurse downing survivors super quickly but the survivors won. The win condition in DbD isn't outchasing the Killer; it's getting out the exit gates. If three or four survivors get out the survivors still won even if they had to focus on gens instead of messing around with the Killer for fun.

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    No DCs are not counted as Kills because if I remember correctly the BP received is from a Quiter bonus or something like that and also when a player DCs and I have the Killer survivors by any means it doesn't count the DCs

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    He has been in many of these nurse threads, saying everything he can to try to convince himself that nurse is fine. It has been a spectacle to watch.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,440
    edited November 2022

    If you're referring to me without actually pinging my name then passive aggressiveness is not a good look. I'm still open to you providing any factual data that shows there is an issue. If not, your opinion still remains just that; an opinion.

  • Gamedozer7
    Gamedozer7 Member Posts: 2,657

    The argument that nurse is the strongest killer in game there for needs nerf is very flawed. If you nerd nurse and she is no longer the strongest then blight is now the top killer and you can make the same argument blight is the strongest killer there for needs to be nerded,artist then spirit....ect all the way to Trapper. There is always going to be a strongest killer the idea is to make sure the strongest isn't 20 levels above the second strongest.

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    It has been explained to you many times. I still remember that thread from last month that you ran away from because someone provided a bunch of stats and "evidence" showing just how broken Nurse is.

    Just continue doing what you are doing, claiming nurse is fine when you yourself don't even experience the issue due to your MMR.

    Funny how the people all defending nurse seem to always be self-admitted low-average MMR. Still waiting for an actual skilled player to say nurse is fine. Haven't seen a single one yet.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,440
    edited November 2022

    There weren't any stats or evidence presented and I certainly didn't run away. You also seem to selectively ignore the statements I've made that contradict your narrative. Also, does Otz count as a skilled player when he said Nurse was fine except for a few add-ons? It seems you're in an echo chamber and refuse to even consider other points.

    I have no idea why you're so obsessed with a video game character nor why you can't admit your opinion is nothing but an opinion but it doesn't seem healthy. If you wish to continue a discussion please do so after you have actual facts and statistics or after you've reread my posts and actually comprehend my position.

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081
    edited November 2022

    Just going to lie, then? That's too bad.

    You need to watch that Otz video again if that's what you came away with.

    I don't even think the devs will truly fix nurse. They don’t know how. Tons of evidence to back that up. I just feel it is necessary to inform the other posters who read posts like yours that they are being misled.

    It has been explained to you numerous times by several people why those stats are not to be taken as gospel, and yet you reference them every post, claiming it looks like she is fine because of that.

    At least my opinions have experience to back them up. You don't even understand how strong she is. Maybe understand that before talking on a subject you know nothing of.

  • Rovend
    Rovend Member Posts: 1,064

    The argument of nurse is not about her being the "strongest", it's about her power, her blink.

    How it has very little counterplay and how her addons make that broken power even more abusable.

    In addition that she gets a bonus with her blink attack proc'ing starstruck, sloppy, etc.

  • BoxGhost
    BoxGhost Member, Mod Posts: 1,355

    Okay, I am closing this thread as this is escalating beyond the topic. As per forum rules, be respectful to other members.

This discussion has been closed.