Ranked Patterns

What do you all see more of in the ranks that you've been through? Like more tunneling in this rank, there's longer chases in this rank, this is the tryhard rank, there's lots of campers in this rank, there's standard players at this rank

Yellow Rank-
Green Rank-
Purple Rank-
Red Rank- 


  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    Green rank - camper city/tunnel town

    Purple rank - ok

    Red rank - Tryhard rank. P3 claudettes with meta perks. Massive dull loops every game.
  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614
    edited December 2018
    • Grey ranks: Doomed to never leave due to everyone already being higher up.
    • Yellow ranks: Think they're really something, while wasting pallets as if they regenerate.
    • Green ranks: My personal favorite place.
    • Purple ranks: If you thought many Perks are useless in higher ranks, here you'll be reminded that most indeed are.
    • Red ranks: Avoid at all costs, or your soul will die.
    • All ranks: ...#########...Bloody...Claudettes...
  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Doesn't matter there are idiot survivors and campy/tunnely killers at all ranks.

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    yellow - campers, urbanly evading claudettes on the outskirts of the map looking for the hatch with only 1 gen done, while their teammates are dying on the hook
    green - somewhat better then yellow
    purple - best ranks to be in
    red - been there, no thanks

  • KingB
    KingB Member Posts: 747
    Yellow- Absolute potato survivor teammates, 99% of the games I escape here are from the hatch.
    Green-Amazing because I can actually rely on my teammates somewhat. Escape rate dramatics increases.