Sick of the Killer Bots

I'm seeing more and more Killer bots at the moment using programmed moves in an attempt I assume to gain blood points and shards.
Really wish something can be done about this as it completely ruins the trial for the Survivor. I mean I guess they get to thew gates but theres no fun to it with these.
This should be bannable,if you report them with proof they should 100% get banned for botting.
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It doesn't look like a killer bot. This looks like a killer who lost and is begging you to escape since end game collapse started. Or simply he saw that he was going to lose after the first chase and went afk. A killer bot will immediatly kill all 4 survivors within seconds and it's extremely rare to find (not even sure if they're around anymore).
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Well, I can't say that this is ruin the trial... Since it's a free escape for you.
Ruin the fun - right way to say I think.
"You can't deny the possibility of unfun scenario if this Doctor were actually playing".
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He never moved from that spot during the whole trial. No survivor was chased and his movements were following the exact same repetition. Looked like a bot to me. A killer bot wouldnt necessarily kill all within a few seconds as thats easy to pick up
Not the point. The whole point of the trials is to complete the gens whilst evading the killer and rescuing other survivors.
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At least they do smth so you can farm points and not depip. It's even more unfun if they are completely afk with insidious.
Anyway something can be done about that. Both afk and bots are reportable things.
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What happened to the Terminator bots that were all the rage 7 month ago? Or are they forbidden to talk about?
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honestly i love killer AFK bots XD i have no issiue with playing the game regularly ofc but if its one of those. Almost all challnges become ez done and you can farm totems, farm gens, you can get yourself injured and the bloodpoints just rain upon you. And then upon that also the escape. Win win to me.
The only inconvienience is when you are unlucky enough to have chase challenges and the same moment its an afk bot.
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i think bhvr actually killed those for good. I havent seen them since.
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With a simple auto-click little software, a player can leave his game on for a few hours to lower his MMR considerably.
I had come across one long ago, it was not moving but was kicking in the air at regular intervals 😅
With the other 3 survivors, we took turns taking hits, getting healed, taking hits, getting knocked down, getting up, getting healed, until we had completely filled our objective bars; I think we must have ended up with 20-25k each 😂
Personally, I'd rather deal with this kind of afk killer 100 times than with a Bubba camping in the basement like a madman 🙄
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No it’s a bot , I’ve had those before, they usually swing constantly and walk in a straight line for a couple of seconds, there’s a famous one in uk servers called “free pips” they usually have thousands of hours on the game if u check their profile. They are usually in low mmr lobbies or u get them when u start loosing a lot of games in a row
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To be honest I have no idea why people do this in DBD, doesnt make any sense to me.
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damn that hurts :( great opportunity taken away from you like that.
i do hope there is some compensation with all the mess with the challenges right now.
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Yeah this is ridiculous, people do this to farm ez shards while ruining low Elo games, BHVR doesn't give a f*** about it even though it would be easy to detect.
Everybody knows about these bots, I'm pretty sure there are thousands of them, you check their profile they basically play 24/7, you report them, and then nothing happens.
It started becoming so rampant that even the hardcore survivors series got impacted by it:
In one single day Aaron played against 3 bots
I wouldn't be surprised if the extent of this was such that it would impact the overall killrate stats by 1-2 %.
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You wanted MMR, you got derankers
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When I started playing the game I'd get hose quite often.
I don't think I get them anymore or when I do it's like 1 in 50 or 1 in 100. Idk. But yeah, pretty common. There was a day I think when I'd gotten like 5 AFK killers.
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Much prefer these over insidious lightborn afk wraith, at least against these you can farm points and stuff.
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Not the point. It completely ruins the game for the 4 people playing as survivor.