Should DELIVERANCE work during Stage 2?

Should Deliverance be reworked to let Survivors choose which hook stage they want to use it?
And on that note, I'll give a few other options.
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Should DELIVERANCE work during Stage 2? 42 votes
Deli is completely fine the way it is. Being able to unhook yourself is already an extremely strong effect and is game-changing if used right. It's a strong but balanced perk. Doesn't need a buff.
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I've heard counterarguments for that.
Deliverance is riskier than a hex. Can't be downed first, have to rescue a teammate first (not always a guarantee in solo, and trying to go get the save might actually be hurtful to the team and negatively impact the game overall), and you have to make sure there's no teammate ready to insta farm you and nullify you using the perk at the time you want.
As you said, using it right can be game-changing, but your solo teammates can override your plan.
What's your perspective on these points?
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Deliverance is a great perk already. A coordinated SWF will force killers to slug out of fear of Deliverance. I don't think there is any reason to buff it.
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I do think it should be shown to your teammates that you have it when you’re on the hook, so solo queue players know that they don’t need to save you. That would be a good quality of life change. If your teammate instantly farms you in front of the killer, that’s just poor play regardless.
But the risk of deliverance is that you need to save someone before you get hooked yourself, and that you can’t heal for a bit after you use it. In exchange for that, it can allow you to delete a lot of the killer’s pressure since no one has to come save you and your teammates can just continue doing gens. Strong effect, but it’s fair BECAUSE it is risky.
Or better yet, being camped to second stage? Wait until the last second and then deny the killer the time they spent camping you by unhooking yourself for free. And now that’s even better than it used to be since you get 10s of endurance (yes, it works on self-unhooks) and the killer can’t just down you again immediately. Before 6.1.0, a self-unhook guaranteed that there was no BT; that’s no longer the case.
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Yes built-in BT certainly has been a benefit to situations like that.
That's an interesting idea (showing your teammates you have active Deliverance). I see no harm in having that.
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Deliverance is already an extremely potent and game-changing perk, it absolutely does not need to be buffed.
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I like the idea of it having SOME functionality during stage 2. But it shouldn't let you get yourself off. Maybe slowed hook timer? Easier skill checks? No skill checks? But only if you got a safe unhook after getting hooked the first time.
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I voted for the 2 uses. That would incentivate the team cooperation to unhook people. It would need a slight rework or nerf tho
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i say we should be able to use it in second or first stage because the amount of times i have been hooked first with deliverance?? i know the perk has a risk factor, but. it's extremely frustrating. maybe it should be unhook two survivors safely before being able to use it on second stage, but keep it the same for the first stage. i don't think you should be able to use it twice, that's kind of crazy. many survivors will use it and it'll make it harder for killers to track survivors or keep the game in check. this would likely also cause a lot of problems on the killer's side. like a lot. unhooking other survivors is a distraction from doing gens, if the survivors, especially a swf, don't have to worry about unhooking, they just stick to gens. that'd be frustrating for the killers. point is, it's hard to balance all aspects of the game, but i think being able to use deliverance on first OR second stage with some nuance is a good idea!
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Deliverance is fine. It's already game changing when it works.
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MAYBE let it work on 2nd stage if it removes the basekit endurance but thats it