Idea for new Item - Cassette radio

FeryGEN Member Posts: 627
edited November 2022 in Creations

Cassette Radio

Brown - 30 charges/30 seconds

Yellow - 40 charges/40 seconds

Green - 50 charges/50 seconds

Purple - 60 charges/60 seconds

All regression effects and failed skill checks only reset 80% of progress at the cost of 5 charges

every time. Killers can hear radios 8 meters away

Active Ability: You can see the auras of generators 24 meters away from you.


Strange fee

You can determine the degree of repair of the generator by the intensity of the auras. Increases radio noise by 8 meters. Active Ability: You can see the auras of generators 32 meters away.

Black cassette - an unknown cassette with an inscription in an incomprehensible language

Active: While the radio is active, you gain the "Oblivious" effect

Reduces radio noise by up to 8 meters

Old module

Passive: You see the auras of survivors for 30 seconds who failed the skill check

Otherworld Cassette

Cassette with the screams of the victims

During activation, press the power button to leave the radio on on the ground. The killer will hear a loud sound in the place where you left the radio. The killer can turn off the radio, when this radio loses 20 charges.

Antenna with grounding device - purple addon

Passive: All regression effects and failed skill checks only roll back 50% of progress at the cost of 5 charges every time.

Tangled wires

Active: You see auras of regressing generators all over the map.

Chinese Talisman

Passive: When repairing a generator, any failed skill checks by you or other survivors become great skill checks, expending 8 radio charges.

New antenna

Active: You see the auras of all survivors with radios

Bent antenna

You see the auras of survivors repairing the generator, cleanse the totem, healing the survivor, opening the chest