Has anyone had issues with this kind of player?

althompson0110 Member Posts: 52
edited November 2022 in Polls

I put a report in for a player who body blocked me in a corner when cleansing a noed totem after I unhooked and healed them and ended up dying to egc because of them. I posted in a group on fb warning people about this person and so far already two people said they've had similar issues with to be same person, so I'd like a show of hands if anyone else has so I can submit it for more proof to the person who emailed me back saying they are investigating the report.

Has anyone had issues with this kind of player? 24 votes

ZerLukasbrokedownpalacekisfenkinScary_Punk_Ghostalthompson0110HugTheHagCBT137BOSpectreNicKaylessMyersPiggy 10 votes
BlueberryEmealDonleovPega6vrunkCodeDBNerfDHalreadyByeByeQRaven27tliffWindowsXPLooeDbDhealsoflove718ImaPUNK29 14 votes
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