can someone help to contact with steam community admin

ebi0014 Member Posts: 4
edited November 2022 in General Discussions

Hello, I jokingly replied to someone months ago. The group manager mistakenly confused me with someone else and fired me permanently.

I had not installed the game for a long time. I wanted to upload a screenshot. I saw that the permanent dismissal warning was displayed. Even look at my comment. I did not say anything bad that the dismissal was permanent.

Someone help me to contact the group management. I have 1400 hours of gameplay on Steam and this wrongful dismissal has stopped me..



  • Terion
    Terion Member Posts: 810
    edited November 2022

    is that the official dbd steam community hub or is it some private hub? (Edit: nvm who can read is clearly in power, it says on the top DBD community hub.)

    This is just.. Peak mods on steams community Hub. If you try to attempt they will not even answer you all though they act like "if you have issiues with the ban you can contact us here: blabla bla) they send you to the very site you postet here, ban notifications. You type something there, no answer for weeks.

  • Rizzo
    Rizzo Member, Administrator, Mod Posts: 18,069

    Forum bans are not to be appealed and we do not discuss them publicly.

This discussion has been closed.