Does survivors screaming interrupt and regress their healing progress if killer has Sloppy Butcher?
Just something im curious about
Yeah it does
It does that to all interactions I think, including killer related ones like pig boxes, pinhead box solving etc
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I don't see how. It specifically says that wounds created by basic attack are affected by hemorrhage and mangled status effects. Increases the rate at which healing progression is lost by 25%. Both status effects are removed once the survivor is fully healed.
Screams are generally caused by special attacks, like the doctors static, or via add ons.
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Sloppy Butcher Perk Info
Basic Attack Definition
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screams are caused by a lot of things such as powers, add-ons and perks. the doctor's static isn't a special attack beacuse it doesn't decrease health states. what they're asking is if an injured survivor inflicted with hemorrhage will lose healing progress when they scream, which they will.
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The doctor's static/shock is a special attack according to the wiki. I can't find anywhere in the wiki where it states that screaming further regresses the health state, outside of regression that is already happening due to Sloppy Butcher.
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OP is asking if a survivor being forced to scream would trigger Sloppy's hemmorage effect (Healing regressing when not healing)
When survivors are forced to scream, whatever action they are occupied with at that time will stop thus triggering hemmorage if that action happens to be healing
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Yes. Has happened me while killer ran that plague perk which makes you scream when someone is downed. I ended up losing all my healing proggress because I didn't had enough charges in med kit to completely heal after that.