What just happened? Did I miss an update? Is this a bug?

Huntress slugged me at end game. I fully recovered and then started crawling for the opened gate. Huntress let me crawl until I got close to the gate and then picked me up. Without any action on my part, she instantly got stunned and I was able to run to the gate and escape. What happened????
It's potentially a bug yes - it depends if you had wiggle progress previously when she slugged you, e.g. if you were at about 70% wiggle and she dropped you, you'd now be at 95% due to dropping giving wiggle progress. Since wiggle progress doesn't decay when slugged, you'd still be at 95% when picked up and you'd be able to break free almost immediately.
If that, however, was not the case, then yes - it seems to be a bug.
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If the wiggle meter is close to max (75-80%) and the Killer tries to drop you, you will escape them.
Other than that, must have been a bug.
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Did someone else wiggle off the killer's shoulder right before she picked you up?
If this happens, and then the killer immediately picks up another survivor, the second survivor wiggles out instantly. It's a bug.
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No, that didn't happen. But I wasn't aware of that bug so thank you for letting me know. Wow. I hope that gets patched soon.
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It’s been in the game since months ago. I haven’t actually tried it on this update.