When matchmaking system fails, too often

it's not uncommon for the matchmaking to fail in this game, much less so when playing solo queue survivor.

An example of a match just now, I ran bond and we go to killers map offering of meat plant vs a huntress with 5k hour something decent addons and streamer so i suppose he took the match very serious, as it was meat plant i could mostly see my entire team with bond, and right away i could see that my teammates were terrified.

No one was doing gens and they were mostly hiding, with 3.7k hours in this game my thought process at this moment was simple, no one is going to escape, and no one was gona get alot of bloodpoints either.

i do some scratch marks to inititate a chase but the huntress was already on her way to me so i started the chase injured into a dead zone and downed, i see 2 of our globe teammates on the floor above my hook and a pc player Ace on a gen.

With seeing this and mentioned above the matchmaking system had clearly failed so i tried to suicide on hook but one of the globe players unhooked me, the huntress came back after a few seconds to down me but left me to bleed out so i could observe the rest of the clownfiesta.

I did not guess the matchmaking failed this badly, but everyone died with 0 gens being completed and bp for ace 11k and the others bellow, now i don't take this game deadly serious like many others so i could care less in that term, i just wanted to play another match where the matchmaking system didn't fail this badly.

But here in the endgame chat the Ace seemed to be very upset and take this game deadly serious, i can't know what another human is thinking, but i simply said in the endgame chat that the matchmaking clearly failed.

Hell breaks loose & Ace then starts to hurl insults at me and saying everything was my fault, i said i could see everyone because i had bond and would rather play a new match. But no everything was my fault. I asked am i the whole team? surely you can complete even 1 gen? silence followed up with more insults.

The huntress was a bit upset aswell but when i said i was right that no one would escape, i asked would anyone escape even if i played? huntress replied with no because of map offering etc (strange answer but that was what the huntress said) maybe didn't wanted to acknowledge that i was right, who knows.

I read somewhere that bhvr was gona try to improve on the matchmaking system, better late than never i suppose, it's whatever for me but it would be nice if it could produce more even matches to avoid matches such as these.

With some context in place and the Ace player did not want to engage in a discussion rather than hurl insults, i turn to the community, what is your opinion when matches like this happends, was i right in what i did? do you guys suicide on hook when the matchmaking system fails in hope to get another match where everyone can have fun? no one doing gens? people dc vs nurse? 3 players downed under the same hook etc?


  • Ink_Eyes
    Ink_Eyes Member Posts: 561

    This game matchmaking basically doesnt exist, the game failed me at both survivor and killer, when I was new the game sometimes would match me as survivor (I had about 200 hours) againsty 3k, and even 1 time it put me against a 5k hour experienced killer. I play 99% of my games as survivor and the very few times I played killer it matched me against 4k survivors (with me still havinmg very little experience, maybe I have played killer like a total of 20 hours at most)

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,454

    I don't suicide on hook with games like this. Even if the game is a guaranteed 4k I still pull my weight and give it a red hot go. Matchmaking is always hit or miss so if I gave up every time I felt I was matched with players I shouldn't be, then I'd never get to play.

  • I_CAME
    I_CAME Member Posts: 1,238

    Last night my casual friend and I got put into a game with a prestige 78 comp huntress. A few days before that we got put into a game with a prestige 100 nurse who had a full meta build. We get matches like this frequently regardless of how many games we lose. It just doesn't seem to matter. There's no a way functional MMR system would put us in games like this. On killer I get matched with weak survivors regardless of how many games I win. Not to brag but my win rate is quite high as killer. Logically I should be getting matched with the sweatiest SWFs in the game. It just doesn't happen consistently and ends up with me destroying the survivors far more often than not. The matchmaking almost feels like you are flipping a coin.

  • HarlockTaliesin
    HarlockTaliesin Member Posts: 763

    Matches like that are pointless all around. Neither side is going to get any real BPs, no challenge on the killer side, no learning opportunity on the survivor side, no fun all around.

    Yeah, I usually bail on matches like that. There really is no point to them other than a waste of time on your end or a weak farm on the killer end. Total waste of time.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233
    edited November 2022

    You lost on giddeon? Against 110?

    That's on you or your team, that maps massively broken.

    But yeah the matchmaking does suck, it's almost like kills/escapes dont mean skill. Who would of known lol

  • Bot_Salvo88
    Bot_Salvo88 Member Posts: 1,230

    I'll always say that matchmaking is based on 2 things:


    -a monkey throwing darts 🐒

  • PB_TORCHer
    PB_TORCHer Member Posts: 317

    Giving up early is a bad way to play. I ruins the game.

    I run bond and Kindred also and know exactly what you see. Everyone hides, everyone rush’s unhooks and no one does gens. I’m usually the 1st to get caught because I’m actually doing actions to get out. I tell myself “we’ll at least I don’t have to worry about another player DCing because they’re 1st”……2 minutes later we get a dc or a temper tantrum on a hook cause someone else can’t handle being caught smh

    ‘Self preservation is the games biggest disappointment w/ SoloQ survivor’s

    Giving up is NOT ok imo, though I want to when I see everyone is useless . So I play until my second hook and if the game is still a hopeless mess I might stop struggling

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,952

    Just checking, you DO know matchmaking does not count in playtime?

    Like if your combined matchmaking has reached such Spirits, congratz?

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,221
    edited November 2022
    1. Matchmaking doesn't factor in playtime. A 5000 hour Nurse could have 'smurfed' their way to a low MMR, and/or not played in months or even since MMR was introduced. Meanwhile a 100 hour Blendette could have had ample time to get carried to a higher MMR via SWF.
    2. Backfilling bypasses matchmaking. Was there any backfilling involved here? Nobody ever says if they or someone in their lobby was backfilled when they complain about matchmaking. This would completely invalidate any complaints.
    3. How long did you wait and at what time of day? Matchmaking basically 'tries' for about 3 minutes, then it 'gives up' and expands the MMR range considerably, in order to prevent players waiting for ages.
  • Rovend
    Rovend Member Posts: 1,063

    But how could our combined matchmaking reaches the spirit 's own if not by some serious problem with MMR.

    And Even if you could say that playtime does not reflect the killers' actual skill, that is to some extent. Two of my teammates were 200h-300h each and they were put against a 5700h killer. Also the killer was prestige 100 so it is not like she was "testing" spirit.

    That is not how match making should work.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,221


    I had a game on Haddonfield against Freddy a few days ago. I was caught first (though not instantly, I was halfway through a gen), and proceeded to run Freddy for nearly 2 minutes. When I was eventually hooked, not a single gen was done and the other survivors were all in different corners of the map crouching.

    I didn't give up instantly, but I was tempted to take my chances. I was eventually rescued, and then made it to endgame and opened the gates as the final survivor after the hatch was closed. So I guess it all worked out as it should have?

  • PB_TORCHer
    PB_TORCHer Member Posts: 317

    It’s best not to give up instantly. I also have been the first caught and ONLY to escape many times. Ggs to you \m/

    Gotta love seeing players crouching everywhere ..lol