Anybody else feel 'gen tapping' is unfair?

I mentioned this in a different discussion about gen-rushing but thought it'd be interesting to open a discussion for this topic which I don't see being talked about often.
I have an issue with gen-tapping for multiple reasons:
- A killer has to commit to a 2-second (1.8 if you're being precise) animation to damage a gen that survivors can counter in a fraction of a second. I know it's a very short time frame, but it's enough to disrupt a chase and for a survivor to gain some distance.
- As a result of this, survivors can sometimes benefit from gens being damaged as long as they tap it before its regressed a lot as it can waste the killers time. Again, it's not a long animation but it adds up throughout the duration of a match.
- If BHVR are still wanting to add really strong gen perks for survivors (see the most recent chapter), at least change the basekit some more so that killers don't have to constantly rely on gen regression/slow down builds.
My solution is very, very simple: a new, short animation is added where survivors 'fix' the generator from the 'regressing' status, during this 1.8 seconds the generator simply stops regressing but doesn't gain any progress. This would stop players from 'tapping' gens right under your nose during a chase, and equally, it would incentivize gen-kicking much more as it would be more punishing for survivors.
What are everyone's thoughts?
yea it should prolly take a few seconds of repairing to fix but it's honestly a good teacher to not waste time kicking gens when you know other survivors are near by.
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You shave off 2.5% of a generator every time you kick it. That's like 0.45 seconds more than the animation takes. If people are constantly tapping gens then it's a net gain for you.
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I don’t think it’s a problem anymore with the 2.5% instant regression. It was unfair before that was implemented though.
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I wouldn't mind if you had to repair a gen for a second or two to actually stop the regression. It won't stop you from making progress, but if you let go before then, it'll just start regressing again.
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No I don't feel gen-tapping is unfair. For one thing having a gen regression stop over time would not reduce gen regression perk usage, it would remain the same, just like adding 50 seconds of gen repair did nothing but stack on top of 2-3 gen regression perks each game.
With eruption/Nowhere to Hide genkicking is at an all time high, not a low. If a survivor is able to constantly tap a gen you just started regressing then the survivor needs to be stopped, not the gen.
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Killers do have a perk to use against this but it’s very picky and has a long cooldown. Was was it called? Dragons something?
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Dragon’s Grip.
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Thank you. I don’t use Blight often so his perks allude me.
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With the default 2.5% instant regression on kick, I think tapping the gen to halt further regression is fine and fair.
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they should simply make it so survivors have to repair the gen for at least 2-5s for it to stop regressing
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As a killer myself I wouldn't want that to happen. Sometimes there are two people working on a gen, I'll pretendto chase one and the other will immediately come back to the gen thinking I'm chasing the other guy, and I'll come back and down him. It's good to bait the gen. I wouldn't kick gens knowing other survivors are near by.
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Just to add, if a small animation is added, the survivors will not come back to the gen until they are sure I am no longer near it.
Animations make games suck, do not add more animations!
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Yeah gen tapping is kinda dumb imo. Survivors should have to work on the gen for at least 1-2 seconds before it stops regressing.
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While I've always thought gen-tapping was kinda dumb and it (along with gate tapping at 99%) should require the survivor to lock in the action for 1.5s similar to the killer, it's now much less dumb due to the fact that kicking a gen comes with 2.5% instant regression.
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Its still not perfect but its definitely better than before 6.1, there's still bigger fish to fry on both sides
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My take on gen tapping is hold overs from the old hex ruins mechanic, to avoid the hard skill check. When I see survivors doing it now I just assume they lack confidence in hitting sill checks in stressful situations. I really feel like individual odd behaviors (like gen tapping) is more of personal hang ups with survivors and less of people trying to circumvent any mechanics.
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4 survivors, still a net loss for you but yes spending ~5 seconds to win 0.45 seconds from 1 survivor does count as a net gain
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It is as important as the perspective of impartiality. Should we seek reality or not?
By touching a generator with your pinky for 0.1 second while being chased by a killer, you can repair a generator that had just sparked and malfunctioned to an unbroken state.
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I think the issue is not gen tapping but gen kicking.
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2.5% should not exist, what it needs is making every survivors' actions have 2sec startup animation. Gen / Heal / Gate / Chest.. to start progressing.
2.5% doesnt fix the Gen tapping. Either Killer kicks Gen and you make distance, or chase you with Gen stop regressing.
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I think you misunderstood the kind of gen tapping that is the focus of this discussion.
Not the "progress the gen by only tapping it" from old ruin days to avoid skill checks but the "stopping gen regression by tapping it a fraction of a second vs the killer needing multiple seconds to kick it" kind.
And the latter got better after the built-in 2.5% instant gen regression was a thing but it still is a joke when survivor can stop gens from regressing mid chase without detriment.
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But that's not the point argued here?
It's about the ability of a.survivor to stop a gen from regressing mid chase in a few frames compared to the killer needing a multiple second animation, losing the chase in the process, if they decide to kick again.
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The killer should just not be forced into a multiple second dedicated animation but simply need to hit a gen for the regression to start. That would reduce the time loss to the attack cool down and not lock the killer into an animation losing Los during a chase for example.
But the would also need to tweak kicking perks and the 2.5% instant regression.
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I've had the same thought for awhile now and to the best of my knowledge, the only reason gen tapping is a thing is because the devs found it funny. To be fair about it though, if the killer has to do a channel time to apply regression, then yes, the survivor ought to have to do a channel time too to regain active progression.
Remember when the gens first changed to the new appearance and they had that super annoying new sound (a starter constantly trying to turn over)? Play that sound when the gen is being fixed and once it is, have it instantly gain 1.5%
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Not if the survivors know how to play. The others are pushing other gens while you can the 1 are trading gen taps.
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That simple, huh?