Whoa, new skins for survivors looks so awesome!

Tbh, I can't wait to chase these survivors with such cool looking skins, every single one of them!
I'm really "picky" when it comes to skins, I'm paying attension to every little detail, but these ones is just... Awesome.
Every single small detail looks awesome, perfectly rigged and In sync with animations.
Dear Developers, A HUGE thumbs up for such detailed skins, really great job!
Usually I'm not creating a "Thank you" posts about skins, but this one I think is a must.
They kinda look like the stuff NetEase comes up with. Not sure if I'm into it, it's a bit much imo. Kate especially.
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Honestly I only like Mikeala's and Yun-jins. Kate looks way too gaudy for me, and Meg well she's meg.
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Yun-Jin is great!
the rest.. too much for my taste
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Yun Jin looks great. She got a perfect outfit.
Megs head looks out of place with the dress. Dress doesn't look great either.
The makeup on Mikaela I don't like at all. The dress looks good.
I don't like anything about the Kate head. Dress is OK.
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The fact that they made unlinked dress cosmetics proves that many of the unlicensed linked cosmetics could easily be unlinked
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The fact that they're unlinked is surprising and very appreciated.
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We already had a few unlinked dresses before they even introduced set cosmetics so… that proof has always been there??
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True, so why they do it is beyond me
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some of these skins: EWWW
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WTH kind of a mess is this? LOL
And do people really find these beautiful:?
I really have no sense of fashion, so the question is genuine.
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Love the Yun-Jin one. Kate's...Meg's is cute!, and Mikaela is alright but I just never been a fan of Mikaela.
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All outfits are great, as usual, and designers work is 10 out of 10. But, among hundreds of Meg's clothes, can we have at least one where she is without her Resting B Face?
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Kate's base look is nice but there is too much. Whats going on with the stripe going across her eyes. She could also do without the arm band, pink hair (should have done platinum blonde with pink tips) and a sleek gemstone necklace.
Sad there is nothing for Claudette. I really wish they'd come up with some cosmetics that would work as a mix and match with other cosmetics.
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still hate the fact that this set has won over the other. Meg and Adam looked good there, Yun-Jin was in it and the only really good cosmetic from this set (Dredge) could have still been made! 😢
Really? I thought it was pretty simple: there are styles you just can’t do with the Limitation that the dress has to be able to be cut at some specific line. The main issue with the existing set cosmetics are the separate pieces that would still work great alone and the other 2 are the ones defining it to be a set eg several survivor head cosmetics or killer weapons.
also they did say they want to review them and possibly unlock some - would be cool if there was some word if that’s still planned
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I can't thank them enough for creating the Yun-Jin outfit!
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Oh for sure some sets make sense like Ghostface's blighted skin. And I also remember them saying that they were looking into unlinking some sets, just sad they haven't gotten around to it.
Also same, I voted for set B as well and still wish it won personally
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I agree the other set's outfits looked way better. Had the other set won I would be getting multiple outfits when they became available for shards, now I'll just be getting Yun Jin's because it's the only one that looks good.
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Where is the Dredge skin?
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Pretty sure it was even stated during the poll that Dredge as well as David’s will be part of the event tome
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Yun Jin is slaying omg
The rest are ugly sorry
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I love them all except for Meg's outfit and Kate's hair.
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I see you're a man of culture as well
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I am done buying skins until they fix the game
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Those do actually seem okay.
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I'll be grabbing Mikaela and Yun-Jins for sure. I really like those two.
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Not my style personally but glad yun Jin still got her skin
No sweater billy is a disappointment though