The DC problem is getting worse and worse. I played 5 games tonight and all had atleast one dc which makes the match void when its at the beginning of the match. This problem will be the death of your game as DC=0 fun for everyone. Something has to be done to punish these players!!!!
What area are you playing from? Here in US West, I don't really have any major problem with premature DCs.
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Playing from EU and there's a DC in about 50% of my games.
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i feel no sympathy for these weak minded players who dc cause the game not going their way. Couldn't give the slightest $hit that u "just wanna go next". The team shouldn't be burden with these weaklings!! I shouldn't have to eat L because of that.....
Killing yourself at the start and DC at the start need to be punish severely. Get these players the f**k out of my matches PLEASE!!
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I agree DCing is a problem, but relax man lol
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I've been getting manually DCd/kicked for days now. It is entirely possible that is what is happening in your games. And yes, it's also happened after a Killer interaction (like getting downed), so it appears like it's a rage quit when it's not. So even if it seems someone is intentionally rage-quitting, I'm now suspicious that they just got kicked.
(I have made a bug report about this).
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They could balance the game ? Maybe that would help
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We actually got matched into an EU server for some reason today.
200 ms ping was not fun.
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Yeah same. I'm in Australia and don't really get any DCs