Backwater Swamp Rework, When?

They have been reworking maps, but what about the swamp map? Did they forget about it?
I think they've kinda stopped that realm beyond thing. As far as I can tell they can either do a map rework in the midchapter or do a new map in the chapter after, but they can't do both. I guess they're prioritising adding maps with chapters now, so we'll probably have to wait until the next paragraph or licensed chapter without a map.
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I agree those swamp maps feel really dated.
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Swamp maps are fine.
If you want to rework some maps, you can go back to new maps since most of the are pretty unbalanced for Killers.
And rework again Game and Bahdam.
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While not my favourite maps I don't really mind them either and I doubt they are on their radar for reworks but then again who knows...
I would rather see patently unfair maps like Meat Plant be looked at first tbh
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The Map Team just finished Shattered Square and there seems to have been QUITE ALOT of things they needed to work on after it too, many map bugs that needed to be straightened out. Plus they also had to rework RPD, so when did you expect them to have time to squeeze in Swamp?
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Its trash and i hope they delete those ugly UGLY grey hard to see maps already