Wanting out of a match


To start, this isn't going to be grammatically correct, just more of a perspective.

I was watching SpookyLoopz and there was a match where the killer curbstomped, like 4 gens left and two people left. The two survivors were on death hook and the killer decided it was time to farm. After being denied to be hooked like three times, a survivor just DC'd.

I've had two matches where it has been everyone has had two hooks and like 2 gens left. I started fooling around, (breaking dropped pallets, doors, injuring healthy survivors) and had a Leon follow me and point to a hook. I reluctantly hooked him and he died. I played another match where I had a Jill kept pointing to a hook after hooking twice and refused to do gens and as soon as I said no, she DC'd.

What I'm getting at is, if you are on two hooks and there's 2 gens left and it's obvious the killer is letting you go, why give up or dc? I can understand not holding M1 for 90 seconds on 4 gens, but if it's 2 gens, just do it and leave? You get BP and a bump in MMR.

Is it just the fact that the "danger" is gone so the match isn't fun anymore? Like, from a survivor perspective, I love those kind of killers, we play serious and then everyone get's like 20k points and goes home. Just an honest question.


  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,092

    I personally never want to farm. It's rarely a quick "do gens and leave" thing when the killer is trying to farm. One or two teammates will try to go along with it, which leaves me as the only one on gens. Then they'll come find me and down me and force me to farm on hook. I'm basically trapped in that game for a year. I don't care about the BP. I just want out.

  • Kirarozu
    Kirarozu Member Posts: 240

    I never want to farm. I want to play the game as intended. There is nothing more infuriating than when a killer wants to farm and the other survivors farm with him and then they do everything they can to help him find me to farm too. I don't want to. Survivors helping killers should be a 30 day ban or something to discourage it.