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name me a game where you can lay down a 100+ win streak

please tell me a game that only has a working matchmaking and people do win streaks, especially in the high mmr-elo, do a 10 win streak with your mates in csgo in Global Elit (you will notice it is very difficult) and if you are after a for a long time you did it at some point do a 100th win streak ehm impossible? right that's how it should be, but do the same in league too, why isn't it possible? right because they have proper matchmaking, forget the discussion about whether dbd is a comp game or not, this is about a working matchmaking what dbd needs so that a nurse doesn't do 500+ win streak and a swf troop 300+ win streak, in each In another game, a 10 win streak in high mmr is very difficult because you are matched with people on your level

meanwhile dbd mm:


  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    I think you have a point, but the answers who disagree with you will be a lot more interesting than me.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,034

    We aren't entirely clear on the point your trying to make. Is this just a really long way to say mmr sucks?

  • Blizwise
    Blizwise Member Posts: 69

    Well you can’t compare those type of games to this so that is a bad start..

    take predator hunting hunts, it’s more similar. People do put down 100 game win streaks..

    Evolve went it was out people were getting 100 win streaks. (But by far the best and most balanced 1v4 game type, which I worked on)

    Friday the 13th people playing as Jason are getting 100 win kill streaks…

    do you see the pattern with games of this type?

    they are always favoured towards the side with one person vs the side with 4, the only time the 4 seems to do better is when it’s 4 great players working together.

    take pro teams in Bbd for example. They don’t go on win streaks and it’s a pretty fair game for both sides.

    now take random teammates at any MMR and it’s highly killer sided with large win streaks, but those killers tend to abuse combo perks to do it.

    But yah you can’t compare the games you mentioned to this type of game as they are two totally different types

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    I admittedly don't know much about how other pvp games generally work, and even less about competitive games.

    However, I do think that it's mind boggling that some people go for 100 (or more) win streaks, just like that. That it's even possible, in a game that is supposed to make sure you win and lose roughly half the time, feels weird to me.

    That's why I think that people who go for win streaks don't really get to complain about their opponents being all kinds of sweaty. I'm thinking of a friend of mine who went on a 100 winstreak on Nurse, I'm also thinking of Otzdarva, but if you're breaking through the game's balance it's normal that it throws at you everything powerful the other side has to offer.

    And consequently, if someone goes on a very high winstreak, then they don't really get to complain about their opponents being sweaty when the dust settles and they decide to be casual again. The game doesn't know. Last it knew, the player was blowing through comp players. Of course there will be an inertia.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 1,838

    I also think you have a point, but other games you reference are not asymmetrical. 4 man SWF and expert nurses are outliers the game isn't built around. In other games everyone has access to the same things, if there is a balance issue (ie an overpowered ability) everyone can access it equally.

    I do think the massive win streaks are a problem, but I don't think the matchmaking is the primary culprit. While DBD is a popular game, there are only so many players available to match (consider that the majority of the time you are in DBD you are probably in a match). Add in lobby dodgers and it becomes an even bigger issue.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,720

    Any fighting game

  • zarr
    zarr Member Posts: 1,015

    Ridiculous winstreaks like that are completely unheard of in any even remotely competitively balanced game. One of the reasons why they are possible in DbD is completely busted stuff that is at a player's/a group's disposal without the opponent necessarily bringing comparable stuff. Imagine if for instance in Counter-Strike it would be possible for people to just decide "I will start this match with an AWP", while the opponents are starting with the regular pistols. That is an inherent imbalance to the game in its design of being able to use different killers, perks, add-ons and offerings without the opposing side knowing what you are using, and how they can be completely skewed toward one side or the other in any given game. Some of the busted killer stuff simply has to be rebalanced, and for survivors SWF loadout restrictions would go the longest way to solve the issue, because what's really busted on the survivor side is not any singular perk or item, let alone in a group of a bunch of solos, it's the ability to bring up to 4 of each of them and coordinate their usage.

    And yes, the matchmaking is also at fault for the ridiculous win% of players. Mostly it's the MMR cap, which catches a huge pool of players the skill/experience/tryhard disparity between which can be humongous. 400-hour amateurs that barely last 20 seconds in a chase facing 4000-hour tournament players that usually 4k at 3-4 gens is completely commonplace.