Most META GhostFace Build

ShroudedGhostFace Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 135

I have created what I believe is the best Ghostface build for the current meta of DBD. It's the ultimate anti gen-rushing, anti-altruism build.


  • Save The Best For Last
  • Corrupt Intervention
  • Deadlock
  • Jolt


  • Outdoor Security Camera
  • Olsen's Wallet

This build revolves around aggressively tunneling out a survivor early in the match and punishing survivors that try to hook rush, body block, or do anything overly altruistic and risky to protect the targeted survivor. The gen slowdown perks make it easier to pull off this strategy and secure a win. Stalking multiple survivors to 99% and ambushing is also extremely important and necessary to make this strategy work.

Ghosty mains know that he's a high risk, high reward stealth killer, and he needs consistency (and skill) to be effective. This build is very consistent and pretty easy to use.

I think it goes without saying though that if you're not used to playing as Ghostface, then it doesn't matter how good or consistent the build you use is because you're still learning the killer.

To give you an idea of my level of experience, I've played nothing but Ghostface every day for the last 4 weeks straight and I typically played for him around 6 to 8 hours per day. I have over 200 hours of total play time as Ghostface alone. (I've decided I'm going to start cutting back on my playtime though.) I tried A LOT of different builds and strategies and this seems to be what works the best for me and hopefully for others who play as Ghostface or want to try him.

I'd love to get some feedback and opinions on this build.


  • AverageAshEnjoyer
    AverageAshEnjoyer Member Posts: 427

    STBFL - no point cuz you're (ideally) using your power to instadown

    Corrupt - okay but lethal would be better

    Deadlock - alright

    Jolt - good

    Outdoor security camera - the only time i would personally run this is when i have it with the ghostface caught on tape addon. not saying its bad but i think hes got better addons (10% haste, exhaustion..)

    Olsens wallet - can be clutch in certain situations but typically you only get real value out of it once per game. walleyes is far more consistent

    i play ghostface pretty much every day but i cant imagine this strategy working out in a real game. tunneling is generally not something you want to do as ghostface if you want use out of your power

  • ShroudedGhostFace
    ShroudedGhostFace Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 135

    STBFL - Because it's unrealistic to assume that you will always have all four survivors 99% stalked all the time and STBFL provides constant value especially if you're defending against hook-rushing or body-blocking. I totally understand what you mean though.

    Corrupt - Corrupt forces them to come to you, and if there is a main building on the map, then you can stalk them from above while they try to find gens. I agree though, this could be swapped out for Lethal Pursuer depending on someone's preferences.

    Outdoor Security Camera - This could be swapped out for another add-on, but having this eliminates the need to use aura perks entirely. As you said, you should be marking and insta-downing survivors.

    Olsens Wallet - Yeah this is extremely clutch, especially since most maps have no shortage of pallets. Wall Eyes Matchbook is great, but you're only saving 6 seconds....

    You'd be surprised how effective tunneling is if you're keeping track of where survivors are going to be and ambushing the survivor you're tunneling. You can even go for the chase right off the hook with STBFL. Going for chases that will obviously make you lose multiple gens always a bad idea though, I try to read the situation carefully before over committing.

    I love the feedback :D

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,602

    Swap out STBFL for Bamboozle and it's a good build. I actually like Corrupt+Lethal for an aggro early game. But whatever works for you.

    My GF build is Corrupt/Lethal/Bamboozle/Pain Res.

    A bit less slowdown for more chase utility and early game.

  • ShroudedGhostFace
    ShroudedGhostFace Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 135

    I'll definitely have to give Bamboozle a try on this build, but I still think STBFL is still very underrated on Ghostface.

    Yeah your GF build seems amazing for early game aggression. I don't like the hook RNG of Pain Resonance though, it's a great perk but I think it's very unreliable in my opinion.