Does anyone know how the DC penalty works? Mods are especially welcome

Lonnnnnnnng story short, I keep getting auto DC'd from DBD. My DC penalty is now 6 hours.

Does the DC penalty ever reset? Does it just keep building and building? What's the longest amount of time you can be blocked from matchmaking?


  • GenJockeyNance
    GenJockeyNance Member Posts: 687

    That's a long penalty....

    It does reset as far as I'm aware. The highest I think is 48 hours. Someone can correct me on it but I think that's the maximum. One minute for the first two (?) offenses and then five, then so on.

  • mischiefmanaged
    mischiefmanaged Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 374

    There are certain levels and it goes down one level every 24 hours. If you're at 6 hours, wait 24 hours, then DC again it'll go back to 6 hours.

    It should clear itself within a week.

  • AshInTheTallGrass
    AshInTheTallGrass Member Posts: 1,679

    Yep. I don't DC, so I've never had to deal with this before. And unfortunately, troubleshooting why I'm getting automatically kicked with BHVR hasn't been any help :(

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,503

    The exact mechanic is kept a company secret, as not to let people exploit it, but right now we have an actually very lenient system. The first two DCs are just a 1min ban, the next two 5min, and then it escapates to 15min, 30min, 1h, and I guess 6h comes next? But I have never seen it myself. AFAIK every day that you don't DC you drop one tier, till you are back in the clear, and the longest is either 48h or 72h.

    Moral of the story: if you are up against REALLY obnoxious opponents who just want to be jerks, you can effort a DC, but you shouldn't ever DC just because things are not running your way, as you will rack up a sizable penalty really quickly. And belive me, once you got your two 30mins DCs that are bearable full, you will 100% get a legit DC :)

  • AshInTheTallGrass
    AshInTheTallGrass Member Posts: 1,679

    For the people who genuinely want to DC, but want to work around this penalty, I could easily see them just going AFK instead. Sucks because this system can't detect an auto DC versus an intentional DC. So I'm getting screwed even though I genuinely want to play and am not DCing, and the people who rage quit have a workaround. :/