Perk Battle: Streetwise VS. Built to Last, Which is better?

Doing a perk battle thing in where 2 similar perks are discussed by the community on which is the better option in general.
Today is Streetwise VS. Built to Last, perks that in their own ways extends the life of items you bring into a trial.
Obviously with perks having different types of usage depending on circumstances and playstyles, you can add that to your discussion that as well. Stuff like usage in Solo Queues vs SWF and so on.
Perk Descriptions:
Increase the Efficiency of your Items by 15/20/25%.
Streetwise extends its effect to all other Survivors within 8 meters of your location
Hiding inside a Locker for 14/13/12 seconds while carrying a depleted Item will replenish its Charges to 99 %.
Each use of Built to Last reduces this percentage by -33 %.
if in coordination with others streetwise; it's shared and doesn't require additional time.
if in soloQ BTL probably, especially purple stuff with charges add-ons.
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In general Streetwise is better. BTL requires you to sit in a locker for a fixed amount of time. The only situations where BTL can be better is if you're running a green toolbox with strong add-ons. And you'd only use BTL once, otherwise just sitting on the generator saves more time.
I'd say Streetwise is better again here, sitting in a locker is not working on generators. BUT late game BTL can be clutch with a medkit with enough charges. If you need to get to the exit gate, but can't find a teammate for a heal, BTL can save you. However, this situation isn't super common and perks like Renewal, Adrenaline, or Bond can help you out more frequently.
I've got to go Streetwise again, sitting in lockers is not saving a teammate, not working on a generator. Flashlights usually come with enough charges for a clutch save, unless you're just meme'ing.
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I prefer Streetwise if I am playing in a SWF where I would rather Built to Last in a soloqueue build. I would love to hear if anyone does the opposite!
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I'd say Streetwise... it provides more benefit to the team then Built To Last
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built to last gives you your ENTIRE item back where as streetwise only saves 25%. go figure
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Built to Last. Easily. One of my go to perks. I can get 7/8 heals out of my med-kits.