Bug, subtle hacks, or am I losing my mind?

Had a match as killer on Eyrie of Crows (hate that map anyway). Every single time I'd get in a chase, the survivors (played like a 4man) would run to the window by breakable wall in main building (normal). The weird part is every single time they vaulted it, it would break chase no matter how close I was. Made that loop actually infinite. Has anyone else had this problem?
Yeah it's because you lose LoS. Chase drops without Line of Sight
Break the wall.
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The wall was broken. That's the first thing I do on that map. Had LOS the whole time, other than a fraction of a second walkin through the door. Nowhere near long enough to drop chase and lose all bloodlust.
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The wall was broken. It's the first thing I do on that map. Had LoS the whole time, other than a fraction of a second walking through door while looking at survivor. Nowhere near long enough to drop chase and lose any bloodlust.
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if there was no connecting loop (that spawns very rarely) it was most likely a cheater.
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They had a gen out there with a half wall and some rocks on the backside. They just kept loopin main building.
I gotta wonder. It's kinda messin with my head cuz I've never had anything like that happen before. Don't really keep up on all the latest hacks, so figured I'd see if anybody's heard of this type of thing before.