I cant take tunneling claims seriosuly.
Of course stuff like this is anecdotal and 90% of this forum disagrees but im very confident in my position.
For example I was playing a match just now on dead dawg saloon(as doctor) with distressing, huntress lullaby, unnerving presence, and overcharge so a very oppressive skill check based build particularly on smaller maps. I figured this would be a very solid game as I can pull this off real well on larger maps usually by being able to slow the game down immensely by the time you hit 2 gens left.
SO i spawn by saloon and do my normal routine on this map by immediately taking down the troublesome doors on saloon and shack as those are guaranteed loop spots for later.
I then head for a gen and find Mikaela by the 2 story building on the side of the map(not the saloon) i chase her around the building 2x with her running up the stairs and off the ledge before i decide this is loop is too strong too waste time on. I switch off to a feng nearby. I have a pretty easy chase and down, getting her within 20-30 seconds. i hook her. the 4th gen pops on the first hook. Extremely surprised as I(no exaggeration) had been in this match for 3 MAYBE 4 minutes and have had far worse starts than this. of course i get frustrated right away but decided id just see if i can pull of some major underdog win(i consider 2k and above a win for myself)
immediately after the hook i spot a david running 20 feet away and i run to hit him then double back for hook as i spotted a Mikaela in the area as well and knew david was taking me away from hook so they could get save. as im going back to hook(from like 50 feet away) 5th gen pops and unhook happens. I now have 1 hook in 4 mins of gameplay and all gens are done. clearly if i want to get anything done i have one obvious target, the injured feng right in front of me, i eat her dead hard, down her and hook her for hook number 2 for the 4 minutes match. exit gate has now been opened. So now im just like whatever and let them save and exit the game.
So at MOST 5 minutes elapsed.
Then post game chat feng blames me for "tunneling" and saying thats why i lost the game.
Ok No, absolutely not. 4 gens were done by hook 1 and by the time you were unhooked all 5 were done. I didnt "ignore everyone else to get you out the game as quickly as possible" and you consisted a mere 50% of the hits in the game that lasted 5 minutes. What do you have expected me to do at that point? not gone for the only play I had?
And while this is just ONE game, its similar to how survivors act in so many other matches and what ive seen in videos of other matches. you were last one hooked, 30 seconds later run into the path of the killer and then get mad that he doesnt ignore you to go find some other person.
It does not make sense these asinine expectations that are placed upon people and then get shamed for things that dont even happen.
I play in NA servers so me experience is only for matches in NA so perhaps demographics are different elsewhere but from my experience of many, many matches as survivors, camping and tunneling are NEARLY nonexistent. they happen so rarely its a non issue. and from having experience playing both roles i can tell when im being "tunneled or camped" or if its because I or my team mate played in such a way that provided a rational opportunity to arise in which you take out the survivor in front of you. Especially when you risk a match being over before you even have a chance to actually PLAY the match.
Now i will concede that most of my matches arent that ridiculously short so is a bit on the extreme side and i am not one who thinks gen slowdown builds are required(i dont use more than 1-2 in builds if any) but survs, check your entitlement and stop complaining about things that dont happen. thanks.
You may now proceed to shame me for not believing your complaints.
The amount of times I've been accused of tunneling when I haven't and even when I went out of my way to not tunnel is staggering.
When I am playing killer I am a wolf and I care not for the opinions of sheep. If the game was toxic, I just drop a swift "gg" and leave the lobby immediately.
Sometimes I do tunnel because I just don't care anymore.
Call me jaded, because it's true.
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Yep. Survivors get tunnel vision, and if they get chased twice, they seem to be completely oblivious to anything else you may have done in between.
I've even been hit with the "you tunnelled me and my friend at the same time," as well as being accused of tunnelling when the freshly unhooked survivor baited the BT, and then proceeded to body block the hook (while injured in deep wound) of the now downed hook trader who rescued him.
In my experience, accusations of tunnelling are almost never actual tunnelling, and by contrast, killers who actually tunnel have no problem admitting it.
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Tunneling occurs in almost all of my games. Not all, but almost all.
It's easy, effective and difficult to counter for the majority of players.
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you seem to be a fairly respected member of the community here otherwise i would doubt you knew what tunneling was. you must live in a different world than me.
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The amount of times someone is falsely accused of tunnelling is significantly smaller than the times a survivor is actually tunnelled, these days. Hell, I have more matches with hard tunnellers and campers than I have without.
I’m in the EU-West region, if that matters.
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I've been playing Solo Survivor all day today, and I've witnessed tunnelling in about... 2 out of 12 or so games?
A fair deal of camping mind you, at least two instances of facecamping before the gates were powered, but not much actual tunnelling.
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Yesterday I got accused of "camping" while playing myers.
I was a camper because I was watching people do gens. God bless, some of you need help.
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There are two ways to know if tunneling is actually occurring:
- You're the killer and you're intentionally tunneling
- You are being tunneled/camped so hard you've never lost line of sight with the killer, and can see they haven't gone after anyone else.
Outside of that, it's down to perception, which is usually flawed, biased, and/or incomplete.
I would say the overwhelming majority of tunneling claims are BS, and with so much of that noise out there, it'd be easy to justify doing it because you'll be accused of it regardless.
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Yeah I admit to tunneling sometimes and I'll happily admit it in endgame chat if I get accused of it, or camping for that matter. I wont admit to it if it never actually happened however, and I'll be pretty annoyed if I get called out for it when the recently unhooked survivor uses BT or OTR to bodyblock, then complains when I keep going after them.
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I agree completely.
One of my favorites that happened to me a while back was, i got my first hook (Meg) as 2 gens popped, also on dead dawg (survivor offering, I am Demogorgon, Jolt, STBFL, Mad grit, Lethal pursuer, add ons were shred hit cooldown, and increased portal detection radius), the windmill corner and the across the street from saloon corner popped and my down was at the back corner gen behind gallows with remaining gens being Saloon, Gallows, back corner, beside 2 story house at shack, and mid map across street from shack in between the 2 completed gens. I have active portal behind wall by saloon gen, and in side room at top of stairs.
I hook on street by Gallows, and check back corner kick gen about 50% and pallet and set a portal, start moving to 2 story and see no progress set portal around corner from gen, and bang unhook happens, I get just around the gallows to see steve healing Meg under the hook. I can see both saloon and gallows have 0 progress, so I know that the other 2 are gonna finish the Mid back gen soon, leaving me with a nice tidy 4 gen
Steve waves at me and runs for saloon, I had only broken the one wall at the window on the backside upstairs, so still a very strong area, and Meg runs back into the corner gen that I kicked so I set portal under gallows and the 3rd gen pops. I portal to the back corner and I down meg again go back and kick the gen again then steve is back trying to heal meg, so I give steve a smack, and hook meg on the same hook again.
Gallows still had no progress, back corner still regressing, saloon little to no progress and no one on gen, steve by saloon again, I fake going to pressure the gen by the house and steve takes a dead hard hit at the hook pops reassurance and takes off straight to saloon again. Based on his play I assumed (and was correct) he was running flip flop/boil over, and just managed to shred him before he got there, I go to hook Steve at Main street and broadway and both Nancy (Obsession) and claudette are body blocking the hook which with mad grit I love. So I take my not quite free hit on Nancy and she takes off toward Meg for the unhook, and then I take my free hit on claudette and she runs to saloon, hook Steve and then start walking to gallows hook charging shred and get killer instinct on nancy and meg healing in back corner and claudette just inside saloon under my portal, i keep going as claudette comes out and just as she is going for the unhook spin and hit her with my shred downing her.
At this point I am feeling good about the match so instead of slugging her I pick her up and hook her on the hook by gallows, Meg and Nancy are both healed up, so I check my killer instinct and my back corner gen portal is being cleansed, So I go over there and who do I find but Meg cleansing my portal while Nancy goes for the unhooks, long story short Nancy unhooks steve, I down and hook Meg in between back corner and house killing her, sacrifice the saloon gen and kill claudette at gallows and Nancy at main street betweeen saloon and shack , slam hatch by shack (another offering), and get the 4k on steve trying to open the door.
After the match I check the several angry messages I received from Meg calling me a dirty tunneller and a bunch of other things I wont repeat. I gave them a calm response explaining why they got tunnelled off first hook which I admit I kinda did but probably wouldnt have if they had gone any other direction on the map and explained their error to them and defended that I certainly didnt tunnel them off second hook, to which I was told a number of terrible things including to unalive myself. So I blocked and reported them to Microsoft and went on with my day.
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Nah. I get accused of tunneling, even if I go out of my way to not tunnel. Or camp. Or slug.
6+ years into DBD, and I still get Survivors unhooking 3 seconds after I hook someone, then screaming I tunneled or camped. Some people just believe the Killer is supposed to play nice because 'something, something, what about my fun?'
If I hit the same person more than once a match; someone is going to scream that I tunneled. If I go back to an unhook alert and see only one person? You can bet your bloodpoints I'm 'tunneling' if I don't walk away.
If I hook someone and don't walk across the map; I camped.
If I down someone and see their friend hiding nearby? Or if I just look around before picking them up? I slugged.
People, as a whole, seem unable to reflect on their own actions in a non-biased way. And this ratchets up in a competitive game. As in: You compete against your opponent(s) to win.
'I lost' turns into 'They must have cheated' or 'They must have used <insert 'unfair' tactic here>'.
FPS Example: 'They only won because they used a sniper. Dirty, cheap snipers'. Or, for DBD 'They only won because <insert any perk/killer/tactic you don't like for either side here>. So crutch.'
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Somethings I would like clarified in this. You said you chased a Mik for about 2 loops and then a Feng. Then you said 4 gens were done by the time you hooked the feng. Somehow this doesn't make sense. Few scenarios that I can think of that may be possible.
1) Cheaters.
2) All survivors carrying Gen perks + toolbox + bnp.
3) Two survivors coop on gens with toolboxes + bnp
Your description of the events aren't detailed enough. If you were toggled chase between 2 survivors, how did 4 gens pop at the same time? There are only 4 survivors in a match. You disrupted 1 survivor to chase so 3 gens, then gave up and went for another survivor so 2 1/2 gens. So, in 2 loops and 30s later, 4 gens are done? I would have to think that each survivor spawned separately and were working on their own gens while you were door bashing, all with gen perks and 4 toolboxes + bnp. I don't know. Maybe someone that is better with numbers can explain how this situation can unfold.
Your 2nd scenario is a little more sketch. You said immediately after you hook, you spot a David, you hit one time, go back to hook and 5th gen pops. That means 1 person did the last gen in seconds. With their toolbox already used up. The only thing that can explain this is cheats.
I know this is a thread about "tunneling" but your story is all sorts of weird.
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Well, some survivor players call ANYTHING tunneling, and there were aways people like that in the game. I guess they must look for something to be angry about every time. In the game, once I've been called a tunneler in a game I had gotten 8 hooks before killing anyone. On DbD Steam Discussions (never go there, it's a serpent's nest. Chernobyl is less toxic than that), I've seen a player call another one a tunneler when he described how 2 gens had popped while he chased a survivor for just 30 seconds.
But honestly, my position regarding that remains the same after all these years: many "tunneling" claims are false, but if you did tunnel for real, that's absolutely nothing wrong with that. You can blame the game for making so tunneling may give you an advantage so cheaply, but you can't blame a player for choosing a tactic in a game.
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there was a spare part in play and regular toolboxes. 2 or 3 prove thyselves but i didnt really look hard at the perk loadouts. and im not saying anyone cheated, i have no evidence for that but was the fastest match i have ever had. 4 didnt pop at once.1 popped while i was dealing with Mikaela originally. 2 (same time)popped as i was switching to feng and chasing. mikaela finished the original gen she was on as i was carrying feng to hook. That as accurate as my memory is for 20 match ago game.
where i left Mikaela by the loop she was running, there is a gen right there so it wouldn't have taken her more than a second to get back on it when i dropped chase on her.
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The reality is, survivors often make camping and tunneling a viable strategy, and then complain when the killer does it, even though it is the most optimal play right there.
For example, i had a scenario that happened recently to me on one of the autohaven maps with the "fun bus" . I go to a gen that is nearly at 50% in a corner, kick it, spot a survivor who is injured, and hook them nearby that gen and pretty dead zone.
I start walking away from the gen, and i see a guy in the distance a bit. I start running toward him, He immediate starts running over to the fun bus. Now this fun bus, has the god window, i know the pallet is still up, and it is connected to a jungle gym, on top of that, it is in a corner of the map where the survivors already completed the generator. As i see him do this, before the hooked guy is even out of my terror radius, he gets unhooked.
Now let me ask you, what is the smart play here? Should i turn around and go after the guy who was just unhooked? At that point, i know 1 is injured, recently hooked, and a 2nd survivor must be there. It is also near a gen that was 50% complete, so they could easily double team that gen with a prove thyself in about 40 seconds. On top of that, it was inside a pretty big dead zone where i already kicked a few pallets. Or should i chase the fully healed guy who is at the strongest setup on the entire map?
Obviously, the correct play there for me, is to ignore the guy going to the strongest setup on the map with no gen nearby, to go after the 2 players which are in a weaker position and where one is injured and they are near a gen that is half done.
But, at the end of that game i was a "camping tunnler noob"
The reality is, they enabled me to do it. If they wanted me to not do it, they should have waited for me to get a bit further before they unhooked, and the guy who ran to the fun bus, should have instead run to the left where there was an LT wall, making him much more appetizing to go after instead of him leading me on long chase on the strongest setup available to them while still being fully healed.
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Ok but my post really wasn’t that deep. Likewise, I also avoid tunnelling period, and camp only in the endgame. I have not been falsely accused of either in months. And even when I was, it was invariably the unhooker that made the claim, and not the freshly unhooked. Ie., stupidity. You will also not find me accusing anyone of either unless I saw it happen myself, consistently.
All I’m saying is that I was taken by surprise when it was the 2 nurses I faced this weekend that did not tunnel or camp. Especially after 2 insidious camping bubba’s, a hard-tunnelling & camping doc, a facecamping huntress, another tunnelling bubba, and even a tunnelling scratched mirror Myers.
You’ll find that I do not care for winning that much. I just want to play the damn game. That is all.
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It all depends on gameplay....
Bodyblocking- It isn't Tunneling but taking what Survivors do
Hiding- If the unhooked Survivor is the only one seen then it's not Tunneling
Quick Saves- If that happens then it depends on positioning
Getting BT out of the way is just a little bit more pressure on that specific Survivor... even downing that Survivor is just more pressure and punishment on one of those situations
It would be different if none of those things happen
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I am definitely not convinced it happens as much as people say. Maybe my survivor mmr is too low, I doubt I hit the soft cap with a 50% escape rate over 100 games. But in all those games I got hard tunneled once. I got proxy camped way more than anything else 90% of them being huntress shocker and then like one demo.
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Could be.
Camping, tunneling and the gen kick combo is running absolutely rampant in my games.
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There is nothing wrong with tunneling but yes, it is wrong for the killer to use any strat: Camp, tunnel, 3 gen strat, slug, hit and run (there are survs that complain about it), etc etc, killers shouldnt have strats otherwise they are boring and unfun AND need a nerf.
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It is so much fun to be first, second, and third hook and out of the game in under 3 mins. Yes, many killers do tunnel and it works very well for them. I managed 10 games in a hour. 1-2 minute queue, 1 min load (looking at you potatos out there), 3 mins including chase time and I've been hooked 3 times, no others hooked yet or sometimes even injured. It makes this game so very fun. And yes, I am actually trying, but this mmr system works so awesome. Gives me a nice 90% loss rate.
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I play both survivor and killer, and I'd say that I get tunneled in a majority of my survivor matches as I'm very often the first and only person that has been hooked. I'd say that's a fair definition of being tunneled if any is.
Now, as a killer I try to not do that, but if the generators are popping quickly, then sometimes you need to, but even then I'll only do it if there is literally nobody else in the area.
The way I look at it is that every survivor main should play killer for a few games. Do some Tome challenges. Learn to see things from the killer side. It will make you a better survivor. Every killer main should play survivor for awhile Do some Tome challenges. Learn to see things from the survivor side. It will make you a better killer.
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If you're often the first and only survivor hooked, you might want to look at why that is. Statistically it should only happen 25% of the time. What is making you such an appealing target? Improve on your stealth.
And yes, everyone should play both roles. Don't limit it to just a few tome challenges. Complete every challenge in the tome. It doesn't take long. A page usually takes me about 2-3 days worth of playing, which is probably about 4-6 hours.
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I've said a number of times that while I know everyone's game experience is different, I rarely cop camping and tunnelling in my games. I've been keeping track and tunnelling killers I average about 1 in every 12 games. And thats not just games where i get tunnelled, its games where anyone gets tunnelled. Camping killers are similar. Again, it could be different depending on things like region and MMR, or perhaps my definition of camping and tunnelling is different to others? Likewise, I don't believe some killers get gen-rushing 4man swfs as often as many claim to. I think there can be a lot of exaggeration on both sides.
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if in the majority of your games you are the first one to die then you arent being tunneled, you are just a weak survivor.
the better you are at survivor the longer you will last, the worse you are the less you will last.
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Thats actually the best one, ie the unhooked survivor bodyblocks and then gets hooked again. You bring this up as a defense and they lash out with "no, thats a normal tactic, but tunneling is scummy af". Sometimes you just can't win
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Running from them. That's it. I am totally of the "if you have time to do a conspicious action, you are not being tunneled" school, and so no I am talking being chased right after hook, through the basekit Borrowed Time.