You guys are unkind
I will never understand why people load up into a game with the sole purpose to make others suffer. I have been working on an achievement since it came out. I have to open an exit gate and escape on RPD 20 times. I put it my steam bio, I gave fair warning to everyone in the queue, I turned off crossplay so that people can red my bio, I changed my steam name to Read My Bio, and the killers are just unkind. Now, you dont have to let me do anything, but to sit there and camp me and tunnel me out, to sit there and deliberately come after me, knowing full well that I am working on an achievement, that is a new kind of low and I hope both sides of your pillow are warm tonight. What happened to the days when killers could meme around and have fun and goof off. Oh wait, MMR killed them all.
I didn't do nothin 😭
As to the topic, while it would be nice for them to let you get your achievement, no one is under any obligation to throw the game because you want to get an achievement done.
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yea just because your name says read my bio doesnt mean anyones going to actually read you bio. In lobby i dont sit there and looka t the gamer tag of the lobby, much less open the profiles of survivors to read whatever they put there.
Its also not anyones obligation to do what your expectation is. Playing the game normally will eventually lead to you escaping 20 times naturally. a killer or survivor has zero obligation to cater to your achievement procurements.
Post edited by EQWashu on18 -
And I never said they had to. Never did I say that. But to sit there and deliberately be an ######### knowing full well I am trying for something is the problem. and I know they read my bio because they said they did.
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I never said they had to. I said to deliberately tunnel and camp me out is the problem. I dont care if they want to help me or not, I do not appreciate you reading my bio and knowing what I am trying to do and to sit there and intentionally go out of your way to make sure I dont get it is what I am upset about
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for. Would bet most of the time they don't bother reading your bio.
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Well just to be that guy we gotta say having people read your bio is asking for trouble on a game like this.
As for the topic, people will play how they want. Some want to MAKE people angry and from the look of it it worked. Some killers still do meme around but if you're expecting it you're setting yourself for disappointment.
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yea, they arent jerks for letting you escape just because you claim in your bio you want them to play a certain way. You arent a toddler so lay off the entitlement.
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I think they are actually reading his bio and they are tunneling him because of it, thats the complain, he isnt asking Killers to let him escape or go easy, he is just stating people are very petty in this game (which is true and its one of the main problems with the comunity on both sides).
OP you should delete your bio and go on crossplay again, if you burn a RPD offering the Killer wont know who did it and may tunnel someone else, you are singling yourself and making people focus you out of spite.
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No not both sides of my pillow being warm!
You are a cruel, cruel person OP.
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I don't know if what you asking are rhetorical questions, or you just ranting?
- many weak and pathetic players' sole purpose is to make you suffer, just for raising their self-esteem (in their understanding)
- you can put anything in your bio, but a) hardly anyone read it, and b) if pathetic player read it, he will focus on you to ruin your day with twice effort.
- "Outbreak breakout" is the most trash achievement and I hope author don't sleep well at night.
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I advise you to use the bio and gamertag you want for yourself permanently, and just let the achievement happen naturally. Play the game to have fun, and it will eventually pop.
It sounds like you’re having the adverse effect by going this route, so instead of it happening quicker- it’s taking longer than anticipated.
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Should we also give myers moris in case they are going for ach and we cant bother to read their "bio"?
Also you are bringing your teammates to rpd and would probably left them to die so you can escape, and you complain about being killed?
I love this community man. Theres like 0 self reflection its just me me me me me me.
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Yeah, that's one of the reasons why I think Outbreak Breakout is the most awful, annoying, unfun and insanity-inducing challenge of DbD. The best way of getting progress on it is doing some stuff other players hate when you do, like bringing an RPD offering and opening the exit gate right away to make sure no one does it before you. If a killer reads on someone else's bio he is the one bringing RPD offerings, there's a chance he will be angry at that player and make sure he is dead.
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Well, it might take years for his achievement to Pop. This one RARELY progresses if you play normally. Right now there are 40 maps in the game, which means there is only a 5% chance you will get one of the two RPD maps if no one brings a map offering. To make things worse, map offerings are the strongest offerings in the game and they are used quite often, and rarely to take you to RPD because most players HATE its maps, killer and survivor alike. So without bringing the RPD offering, the frequency you will play on RPD probably won't even be once every 20 matches.
Even if you play on that map, the challenge doesn't progress if you die. It also doesn't if you escape through the hatch or if someone opens both exit gates before you do. There's also the fact A LOT of people DC on that map. If the killer DC's, you won't be getting any progress. If a survivor DC's, your chances of escaping through the exit gates decrease severely.
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And so Im just not suppossed to have feelings about it? Im just not supposed to be frustrated? I know that people do it to make people angry, doesnt mean I gotta be happy about it.
Never once did I say they had to play a certain way. And never once did I do anything to make me entitled. I am simply expressing my frustration that I have given them a heads up of what I am trying to achieve, and the fact that they have seen it, decided to deliberately be a jerk and that makes me entitled? Show me where in the post I said the words "they have to play the way I want them to" Never did I say that. It is the fact that they are deliberately going out of their way to be a jerk to me. Thats some entitlement.
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Same kind of vibes when some people try to get the evil incarnate achievement. They mori 3/4 people and hear a person across the map spamming notifs and when they get there they just sit in a locker and don't even try to run anywhere.
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That is exactly what I am saying thank you. And I tried doing that. I only changed my name after trying to get it with crossplay. And I burn an offering every match to go to RPD. I have had some nice killers, but its just frustrating that they have the chance to be in the know and decide to be a jerk
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Ok your arguement is invalid. If I was aware that a Myers needed a mori for an achievement I would gladly give him one because I know how much of a pain they are to get. And I will have you know, I do not leave me team to die. I try my hardest to help them get out, but by the end of the match I am the only one dead and my team mates are the ones who escape. I put the bio there for everyone to read, if they read it and decide they dont want to go to RPD, they have ways around that. They can leave the lobby, the put in a Sacrificial Ward, they could even ask to not go to RPD, and I would probably just leave the lobby. Some people in this community, arent ######### and see the other players in the match as people who have feelings and takes that into consideration
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But the thing is I even put in the bio that I am willing to give you hooks Im willing to farm I am willing to do literally anything you need, my only request is that you let me open the exit gate and get out for this achievement. I have given them tools and options, and the fact that the are deliberately being jerks is so frustration
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I hate that achievement to. If I were to know that a myers is trying to do that achievement, i would totally help him do it. Sadly there is no way to do so. As a survivor there is that advantage, everyone else can see your profile before the match starts
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If it helps, achievements don't mean anything, don't do anything, and matter about as much as a ghost fart in the wind.
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Its probably best to take that out your bio. Even then, ppl can be horrible in this game for any simple reason. Its best to just have fun, dont think too much on it.
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But see Im an achievement hunter
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I enjoy helping people get their achievements and challenges done. I don't usually check bios when I play against Survivors, though. I'm sorry if people are mean just out of spite because you want your achievement. What would typically work on me is for the Survivor to tell me to follow them and then point at what they want. If someone burned an RPD offering and waved at me to follow them and took me to the gate and pointed at it, I would think "Oh, they want the achievement?" and I'd let them open the gate and escape. If putting it in your bio is making it worse for you, you can always try what I just said. I actually had a Jeff a few weeks ago that needed to escape through the hatch to get his challenge done. He had a key, someone used a hatch offering, and we ended up going to Midwich. I assumed he wanted hatch so when it spawned near us, I carried him to it and let him escape. He was happy because the challenge was so difficult for him.
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Ive tried pointing and stuff but no one listens. And its not the it being in my bio have made it worse, its the fact that they potentially know and still are being jerks
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I'm sorry that it's so frustrating for you... I wish I could help. You'll just have to keep trying and hope you get people who will help. This is why I always like trying to help Survivors. I know it can be tedious and annoying to keep trying and not getting anywhere and if I have the power to help - I will. I've actually noticed that people trying for this achievement have had to resort to SWFing.
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While true, what my brother is (callously) trying to point out is your not doing yourself any favors painting a target on your back. You have every right to be upset about being tunneled especially if your targeted, but when you paint a target like that for the ones who wana make you lose some sympathies.
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How are you achieving anything if you’re expecting people to just give you a free escape? Doing it on your own is the point…then you actually earned it.
But yes, I agree w the title..most of the dbd community is unkind.
Post edited by EQWashu on2 -
Let it go and just play the game normally.
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This achievement is a real pain and takes a long time to do btw... Even Otz with his nearly 10k hours (I think?) still had not completed it a few days back when he was on stream trying.
People do the same to you with killer though... just try to get the 4x Tombstone achievement for Myers, everyone will just jump in lockers and do their best to deny you this.
Unfortunately people can be pretty mean and putting it in your name/bio will not change that. Some achievements are just a real pain and the only thing you can do is grind away. I have been trying to get the do a gen and escape with zero perks 8 times achievement (Power Moves) and that has been... well, painful
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I think your view of what is and isn't unkind is flawed
You just assume that people read your bio and that they are doing it just to spite you.
Most likely those people never read it and are just playing the game as normal. I know i wouldn't read it. I'm not even in the lobby most of the time
Wouldn't surprise me if the tunnel/camp claims are exagurated as well.
You can't tell random strangers how they should play the game for your benifit. That's not how kindness works. Kindness is something you recieve, not something you demand.
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I never said it was a free escape. I never said that they even had to let me escape at all. I put that in my bio because I wanted to let everyone know. It wasnt about a free escape. I just thought that maybe people would be nice and be willing to work with me. Hell, it could have been a normal match and at the end let me open the exit gate and escape. I never said they couldnt hook me chase me or anything just that at the end it would be nice if the let me get progress towards my achievement.
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I never said it was a free escape.
Hell, it could have been a normal match and at the end let me open the exit gate and escape.
(That's called a 'free escape')
So basically; you expected complete strangers to:
- Read your name and care enough to
- Read your bio and then
- Give you a free escape
And if they did not do this, then they are 'unkind' for not giving you what you want?
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Did any actually confirm that they read the bio? Or are you just assuming they did?
You keep saying it's not about them not giving you a free escape and then saying they are "unkind" cause they killed you... and thus not giving you a free escape.
What is it you wanted from people then? Cause i'm not following
Post edited by EQWashu on1 -
I mean..I get it but you're also very entitled. Camping/tunneling is something a lot of killers do, regardless if they know or don't know you're trying to do an achievement. Mainly because turning a match into a 3v1 ASAP is very important for killer. You'd probably make more progress in the achievement with a regular name and nothing in your bio.
You shouldn't act like they have a vendetta against you just b/c they target you. Maybe they thought you were the weakest link based on your looping/pathing?
Yea it sucks when someone gets in the way of an achievement you're hunting, but thats just the game. People want to 3k/4k, just like you want to escape 20 times on RPD. Their goal is to kill you, not let you live.
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And how do you know they read your bio? Or are you just assuming the read it and deciding they're jerks for, again, not doing what you want?
You literally said
Hell, it could have been a normal match and at the end let me open the exit gate and escape.
So you clearly expected the Killer to give you a free escape simply because it's what you wanted. And to expound on that, you are assuming anyone who did NOT give you what you want must have read your bio and decided to be a jerk instead of the more logical 'No one cared'.
Post edited by EQWashu on2 -
Blame the devs. All they have to do is simply disable the end game chat. Why they won't? I have no idea. Console players can't use it anyway. Not sure why you would have something like that in your game to breed toxicity.. Pretty stupid decision on their part. :/
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Oh ok cool, so the killer coming to me at the beginning of the match and only chasing me and tunneling and camping me makes me the weakest link? How are they gonna know if they dont chase anyone else except me? And I am fully aware of turning the game into a 3v1. Im a killer main, and I play killer for a team. I dont understand how me expressing frustration that killers who read my bio, and then go out of their way to kill me to make sure that I dont get progress towards my achievement makes me entitled. At no point did I ever say, they had to absolutely let me live. Never did I say that. All that I said is that it would be nice if they let me live. But you know what they did instead. The tunneled me out. They camp me out. Its not they arent letting me live. Its not that at all. Its that they go out of their way to make sure I dont get any progress. But cool, nice to know expressing my feelings and frustrations are entitlement.
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We're aware that it's a #### move to read your bio and target you. But look at it from an outsider reading this post.
You set your name so that they read your bio, there by painting a target on your intentions and when #### players target you for whatever reason your venting here (here of all places) and saying we're all "unkind" for them, those specific ones, doing so.
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I literally never said I expect them to help me
Ok but
All I said was at the end of the match, it would be nice if you let me open the exit gate and escape. dropped the hint that you wanted them to help you & give you a free escape.
You can do verbal acrobatics all you want; you are expecting anyone who reads your bio to help you escape for your achievement.
If he admitted, he singled you out because of your bio; that is kinda jerkish. But YOU are the one who is expecting people to coddle you and give you escapes because you want an achievement. Or you would not have put it in your bio, and said repeatedly:
All I said was at the end of the match, it would be nice if you let me open the exit gate and escape.
Hell, it could have been a normal match and at the end let me open the exit gate and escape.
That second one is basically 'He should have let me win because I wanna' and now you're shaming people and acting like you never said what people are, literally, quoting you saying.
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If you think killers are targeting you specifically because you have it in your bio just take it out of your bio.
If you don't expect a free escape and just want a normal game then you don't need it in there anyway.
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The achievement is certainly a pain to get (I'm at 16/20), but killers you get matched with are in no way required to let you escape. Take a breather and step away from trying to get the achievement for a bit.
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Just b/c people focus on you first doesn't mean they read your bio. You're assuming they do and thats on you. You're also asking for too much attention, changing your name & bio to something like that is only going to hurt your chances.
In terms of it being 'nice to let you open gate and escape', it'd also be nice if you let them kill you. If you want to spin it like that. Even if they do read your bio, there's no problem making sure you don't get it or killing you first. They are under no obligation to you and they don't have to be nice. You can be frustrated all you want, I understand that part. But you do come off entitled by saying 'itd be nice if they let me live'. Yea every survivor wants to live. Thats their objective. It doesn't always happen and sometimes you get tunneled or camped out right away.
Just change your bio & username if its such an issue to you and you think people are spiting you for it. And when you do get camped & tunneled out, you won't have any excuse for it. Or start bringing an end-game build like Sole Survivor, Wake Up!, Adrenaline, Low Profile/Fixated, etc.
No one needs to or should let you live just b/c you're doing an achievement. You're setting yourself up for disappointment b/c you assume everyone should or 'be nice' to you. Progress or not. Shrug your shoulders, move on to the next. Go agane. Or step away from the game if you're that frustrated.
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There is no excuse to be an #########. Absolutely none. I am tired of people trying act like there is. I put that as my bio, explaining my intentions, and that makes me a target. That is the issue. There is absolutely nothing you can do or say that justifies any of it. Its a dick move, and uncalled for.
Its literally not though. Its a normal match. So giving a player hatch or letting them go at the end is a free escape? All I did was say that it would be cool if they let me get progress towards the achievement. Thats not asking for a free escape. Thats just asking for help. I expect no one to coddle me. Not in the slightest. But when you know my intentions and you make it to were I get no progress, that is a dick move and there is absolutely no excuse for it. It doesnt make me entitled, it doesnt make me a target. It doesnt mean that I expect people to do what I want. Yeah it would be nice if people were willing to help me, but I never said they have to.
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Never said they were.
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You are definitely imply killers should be letting you go for this achievement, because you made this topic complaining about it.
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So giving a player hatch or letting them go at the end is a free escape?
Yes, yes it is. Giving someone the hatch is giving them a free escape.
All I did was say that it would be cool if they let me get progress towards the achievement. Thats not asking for a free escape.
You are asking for people to help you with an achievement that requires you escaping. Tart it up all you want; You are asking people to give you free escapes. That's, literally, what 'helping' with an escape-based achievement is.
But when you know my intentions and you make it to were I get no progress, that is a dick move and there is absolutely no excuse for it
Again; if the dude admitted he targeted you BECAUSE of your bio; That is kind of a jerk move.
But ALSO again; It's your fault for giving him the ammo to troll you. How do you not see that? If your bio did not say 'I need to escape, blah, blah, blah' then he would not have been able to explicitly target you to stop it. Because he would not have known your goal.
But you stick it in your bio, which gave him ammo. Also, by the very nature of asking people to help with an escape-based achievement; You are asking them to LET YOU GO. IE: You are asking for a free escape and getting angry that people aren't doing it.
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I never said they should. I said it would be nice. I bet it would be nice if some one gave you a million dollars wouldnt it?
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And if you weren't expecting killers to actually gift you free escapes, you wouldn't have made a topic complaining about how killers have been killing you instead of letting you get free escapes.
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I dont know how many god damn times I gotta say IM NOT EXPECTING ANY ONE TO DO A GOD DAMN THING. When you know my intentions and go out of your way to to make it so I dont get any progress, thats a dick move